*** sorry for any cross posting ***

The Geoprocessing Community recently released the WPS 2.0-RC7. This version
includes the following:

*       major code quality improvements including several bugfixes
*       new module for exposing Python script as processes
*       improved transactional WPS module
*       new pluggable framework for adding strategies for fetching
referenced data
*       additional strategy for WCS 1.1.1 references.

In addition, the following modules were removed:

*       geotools module (put into a branch since not yet ready for a
*       install-wizard module (other install method choosen)

Changes and additions have been made to the Backends:

*       GRASS backend 

*       made it ready for Windows 7
*       added functionality to expose custom GRASS addons

*       ArcGIS backend 

*       updated and streamlined ArcGIS support
*       dropped deprecated legacy package
*       refactored ArcToolbox Execution 

*       improved LOGGING in AGSWorkspace class
*       improved Exception handling
*       upgraded to ArcObjects 10.0

*       added support for Native DCOM

Download binaries (http://52north.org/downloads/geoprocessing/wps) :

*       the binary release
*       the windows installer
summary): Windows users can also use the installer. It already comes with an
Apache Tomcat to run out-of-the-box.

Download source code:
http://52north.org/communities/geoprocessing/wps/source_setup.html .
Try out the newest release online:
More information:

Forum:  <http://geoprocessing.forum.52north.org/>

Mailing List: http://www2.52north.org/mailman/listinfo/geoprocessingservices


Best regards,

Ann Hitchcock


Ann Hitchcock

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH





General Managers:

Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk

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