I recently experienced an issue where special characters in the "ipa
host-add" operation were interpreted by bash in an unattended provisioning
script. In checking the log after the provisioning failure, I saw the
password was considered incorrect by the server.

I never had this issue before 4.5.0 was released because prior to that, a
smaller subset of special characters were allowed and any special character
that needed to be escaped was removed. Upon further inspection, I
discovered that the script I was using to provision my servers did not have
the password quoted properly. I was able to modify that and the issue was

Would it be better to exclude all special characters in the random password
generation for host-add moving forward? When the special character set was
expanded in 4.5.0, this could cause issues for people who were operating
under the assumption that troublesome special characters were excluded.

Here are some references for consideration.

This is the original bug and the fix from 2012. This "fix" was removed in
4.5.0 and all special characters are now valid:


Here is my pull request that will remove special characters from random OTP
generation moving forward:


Do you think it should be left to the user to properly quote variables or
remove the possibility of the issue by removing special characters for the
the host-add operation? Do you think that, since the whole array of special
characters was opened up in 4.5.0, that this can be perceived as a

Thanks for your time,

John Larson
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