[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#300][comment] WebUI: Add support for custom table pagination size

2017-03-08 Thread martbab
  URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/300
Title: #300: WebUI: Add support for custom table pagination size

martbab commented:

* 7b699105a52d4d8c26a73044ba182d752b4a9833 Add javascript integer validator
* f78cc8932626de667c6e3a4461141a10a5d9c2e6 Make singleton from config module
* e1dfc51e48050ac1ad431d56003dc26e17ca653e Add support for custom table 
pagination size

See the full comment at 
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[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#300][comment] WebUI: Add support for custom table pagination size

2017-03-08 Thread pvomacka
  URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/300
Title: #300: WebUI: Add support for custom table pagination size

pvomacka commented:
@pvoborni Thank you for review. Proposed changes fixed.

See the full comment at 
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