The FreeIPA team is proud to announce bind-dyndb-ldap version 11.1.

It can be downloaded from

The new version has also been built for Fedora 26+:

Latest news:

[1] Prevent crash when server is shutting down and LDAP connection is down.

== Upgrading ==
A server can be upgraded by installing updated RPM. BIND has to be
manually after the RPM installation.

== Known Issues ==
There are the following issues in Fedora 26+:
- 1404409: Using GSSAPI authentication for 389-ds results in an error,
           simple bind is not affected.

== Pagure migration ==
The bind-dyndb-ldap has been migrated from fedorahosted to

The wiki pages are currently not available and will be migrated in the
upcoming weeks.

== Feedback ==
Please provide comments, report bugs, and send any other feedback via the
freeipa-users mailing list:

Tomas Krizek

PGP: 4A8B A48C 2AED 933B D495  C509 A1FB A5F7 EF8C 4869

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