Hi all,

In my letter from 06/09/2015 03:55 PM, I indicated 2 issues related to the topology plugin. One of them was later successfully fixed, another one is still there:

ofayans@f22replica1:~]$ sudo ipa-replica-prepare --ip-address f22replica2.bagam.net
Directory Manager (existing master) password:

Preparing replica for f22replica2.bagam.net from f22replica1.bagam.net
Creating SSL certificate for the Directory Server
Certificate issuance failed

So, I am unable to prepare a replica on an existing replica - only on master.

Do you have any ideas on how to deal with it?
The corresponding line in dirsrv error.log is:
[15/Jun/2015:06:33:51 -0400] - Entry "uid=admin,ou=people,o=ipaca" -- attribute "krbExtraData" not allowed

Oleg Fayans
Quality Engineer
FreeIPA team

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