On 1/24/2012 8:52 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
Patch Description:
Paging in DNS record search facet was disabled because there was a
mismatch between primary keys sent by server and values displayed in the

The facet was modified to enable paging. To preserve amount of
information which was displayed before, current rows have variable
height - they can contain more that one line depending on number of
values in the record. Each record has a checkbox and indsname in its
first line to distinguish one record from others. Because there is only
one checkbox for record, delete command is called with --del-all option
which causes that entire record is removed. Individual values can be
deleted in record's details facet.


ACK. OK'd by Kyle too. Pushed to master and ipa-2-2.

Just one comment, the new deleter_dialog parameter for the search facet might not be necessary. The DNS record deleter dialog could be added into the DNS record entity like in host.js:161. The nested DNS record search facet has a managed_entity which points to the DNS record entity. The facet will be able to find the deleter dialog using the managed_entity in search.js:146.

Another possibility is to move the nested search facet into the DNS record entity itself.

Endi S. Dewata

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