On 05/12/2017 08:36 AM, Standa Laznicka wrote:

This morning I found out that "https://pagure.io/freeipa/"; resolves to a different project, originally https://pagure.io/freeIPA/. I pointed the problem to the developer of the system, we'll see what he can do about it, but for now, we're missing about 200 issues.

Please, don't open any new issues, as that's just pointless and would only cause us problems as these would need to be merged back to our project (should it be recoverable, which I hope it should).

Luckily enough, `git clone https://g...@pagure.io/freeipa.git` seemed to have resolved to the correct repo so our git repos should hopefully not be affected.

Sorry for inconvenience,

Hopefully everything is back on track now.

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