Dmitri Pal wrote:
Dmitri Pal wrote:
Changes were made to the command section of the details screen.

And now with the file


This body part will be downloaded on demand.
I'm still strongly of the opinion that we should be replacing (e.g.) User(s) with Users, and Command(s) with Commands, etc.

If we maintain this format, why do we not also use "Sudo Rule(s)" and "Sudo Command(s)", etc? I don't see the benefit of indicating the availability of multiple objects by (s). What happens when you encounter more complex examples? Identity(ies)? That's just messy.

In ECS our policy is "If it can be plural, write in plural; if it can only be singular, write in singular."

Is this not possible in the UI?

David O'Brien
Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
+61 7 3514 8189

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."
 ~ Chinese proverb

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