On 09/15/2015 01:01 PM, Lukáš Hellebrandt wrote:

I am learning FreeIPA development and looking for a way to test my
changes in code: so far, I have to compile, build RPMs, copy them to the
machine desired, uninstall old version, install new version from RPMs -
that, for every change I want to test. Which takes way too long.

I know about possibility to run FreeIPA "in-tree". Does webUI work in
this mode? So far, I wasn't able to connect, neither by using the public
hostname or localhost (port 8888 as it says after installation). Am I
doing something wrong (how to discover what?) or does FreeIPA just run
without webUI in in-tree mode? Is there any better way to test my changes?

It runs without Web UI.

Check "Debugging with source codes" section in https://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/doc/#!/guide/Debugging
Petr Vobornik

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