
On Mon, 27 Aug 2018, dbischof--- via FreeIPA-users wrote:

in order to be able to use IPA auth for Samba shares, I followed this guide:


IPA and Samba are running on the same server, everything worked fine.

Actually, it still does, but since the upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5 (including IPA 4.5.0->4.5.4, Samba 4.6.2->4.7.1 and sssd-1.15.2->1.60.0) file browsing and copying is painfully slow on Mac, Windows and Linux (<10% of the theoretical maximum). It "feels" as whether there is a timeout after each file operation.

Nothing in the server logs. Client logs on Linux occasionally show a "CIFS VFS: ioctl error in smb2_get_dfs_refer rc=-2". Reverting Samba back to non-IPA auth (dedicated Samba accounts) gives expected performance (near theoretical maximum).

I'm out of ideas on how to diagnose this. Any hints?

for the record: I found the problem. Samba performance issues were caused by outdated sssd cache entries.


rm -f /var/lib/sss/db/*
systemctl restart sssd

solved the issues instantly. I'd probably better used the sss_cache utility, as I learned afterwards.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/With best regards,

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