Hi List,

Here is what happened in a timely order.

the group "it" was created a long time ago without "groupOfUniqueNames"

I did following to add "groupOfUniqueNames" objectclass:

[root@ipa0 ~]# ipa group-show it --all | grep object

  objectclass: top, groupofnames, nestedgroup, ipausergroup,
ipaobject, posixgroup, ipantgroupattrs

[root@ipa0 ~]#

[root@ipa0 ~]# ipa group-mod it --addattr=objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames


Modified group "it"


  Group name: it

  Description: IT Team

  GID: 1889600264

  Member users: john, rosy, ben, dan, rob,

  Member of groups: observium

  Member of Sudo rule: itsysadmins

  Member of HBAC rule: allow_it_systems, itadmin_systems, allow_it_sre_systems

[root@ipa0 ~]#

[root@ipa0 ~]# ipa group-show it --all | grep object

  objectclass: top, groupofnames, nestedgroup, ipausergroup,
ipaobject, posixgroup, ipantgroupattrs, groupOfUniqueNames

[root@ipa0 ~]#

After this, I could not create a group (both GUI and cli) with same error

[root@ipa0 ~]# ipa group-add testgroup

ipa: ERROR: missing attribute "ipaNTSecurityIdentifier" required by object
class "ipaNTGroupAttrs"

[root@ipa0 ~]#

In the log:

[31/Mar/2022:10:18:57.626480360 -0700] - ERR - oc_check_required - Entry
"cn=testgroup,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com" missing attribute
"ipaNTSecurityIdentifier" required by object class "ipaNTGroupAttrs"

When checked via GUI - IPA Servers / Configuration, the group attribute
ipaNTGroupAttrs is there.

Any idea what went wrong and how to fix it?

Many thanks.

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