I am getting an odd error when trying to issue a certificate with an IP
address in its SAN.  I am using IPA 4.6.8 on RHEL 7.9, so it's a bit
old, but it should work, AFAIK.

Here is the host for which I want to issue the certificate:

 $ ipa host-show node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com
   Host name: node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com
Principal name: host/node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat....@pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com Principal alias: host/node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat....@pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com
   Password: False
   Keytab: False
   Managed by: node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com

Here is the CSR:

 $ openssl req -noout -text -in node01-idrac.csr
 Certificate Request:
         Version: 0 (0x0)
         Subject: CN=node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com
         Subject Public Key Info:
             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                 Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
         Requested Extensions:
             X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com, DNS:node01-idrac, DNS:
     Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

The DNS records:

 $ ipa dnsrecord-show pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com node01-idrac
   Record name: node01-idrac
   A record:

 $ ipa dnsrecord-show 173.11.10.in-addr.arpa 11
   Record name: 11
   PTR record: node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com.

 $ ipa cert-request node01-idrac.csr --certificate-out node01-idrac.crt \
--principal host/node01-idrac.pemlab.rdu2.redhat....@pemlab.rdu2.redhat.com ipa: ERROR: The service principal for subject alt name in certificate request does not exist

From my examination of ipaserver/plugins/cert.py, I don't think that
this has anything to do with validation of the IP address, as the
exception seem to be raised before _validate_san_ips ever gets called.

Beyond that, however, I really don't know what's going on.

I've filed this as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1960041,
but I was wondering if anyone on this list has seen this behavior or can
spot an error that I'm making.


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