
I've upgraded my freeipa server to Fedora 40 (the system was installed
several releases ago). After the upgrade I get the following new warning
from ipa-healthcheck:

    "source": "ipahealthcheck.ds.backends",
    "check": "BackendsCheck",
    "result": "WARNING",
    "uuid": "875db8e3-029c-46f7-87e5-bf9a216d9637",
    "when": "20240426184431Z",
    "duration": "0.031642",
    "kw": {
      "key": "DSBLE0005",
      "items": [
      "msg": "Found configuration attributes that are not applicable for the 
configured backend type."

According to
https://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/FAQ/Berkeley-DB-deprecation.html the
bdb backend is deprecated. The system was installed with
389-ds-base < (I see the upgrade to that version
in /var/log/dnf.rpm.log*. Since 3.0 new installations should use LMBD as
the backend. Is that true for new installations?

What is the desired action that I should take?

I can remove the options from the dirsrv configuration. Should I?

Shall I switch to lmdb manually? Or is that something that
ipa-server-upgrade should be doing?

Otherwise I can suppress the message in ipa-healthcheck for now. But I
guess I should fix my installation before the deprecated support really
gets dropped... Is deploying a new replica and decommisioning the old
server we the preferred action?


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