On 4/22/21 5:02 PM, Embedded Devel via FreeIPA-users wrote:
any work around for missing the  ipa-certupdate step ? we injected the root CA 
and missed the step,
so now we are basically locked out from doing anything ipa, even loggging in 
with the error
ipa: ERROR: cannot connect to 'https://ipa.domain.com/ipa/json' <https://ipa.awnix.net/ipa/json>: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:897)


you need to manually add the CA cert in the relevant nss databases or pem files. The list of locations depends on your version:
/etc/httpd/alias (if using mod_nss)

Use the following command for nss databases: certutil -A -d <path to nssdb> -n <nickname> -t CT,C,C -i ca.pem

and for pem files, you can simply copy-paste the new CA cert at the end of the file.


The certificate in mysite.crt must be signed by a CA known by the
service you are loading the certificate into. If it is not the case, you
  can use the commands/ipa-cacert-manage install/  and/ipa-certupdate/  to load
the CA's certificate prior to installing the new certificate.

# ipa-cacert-manage -p DM_PASSWORD -n NICKNAME -t C,, install ca.crt
# ipa-certupdate

Note: the command ipa-certupdate must be executed on all the IPA hosts (master/replicas/clients) before moving to the next step.

      Configuration of the 3rd part certificate

You can install the new bundle using:

# ipa-server-certinstall -w -d mysite.key mysite.crt

The option -w|--http installs the certificate for the HTTP server, and -d|--dirsrv installs the certificate for the LDAP server. Please see ipa-server-certinstall(1) man page for more information regarding all the available options.

Then restart your daemons:

# systemctl restart httpd.service
# systemctl restartdirsrv@MY-REALM.service

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