I just upgraded copies of our 3 servers from Centos 8.2 to 8.3. I always try it 
on copies before doing it on the real thing.

The upgrades all went fine, but on one of the servers, the services weren’t 
running, and ipactl status complained

Failed to get list of services to probe status!
Configured hostname z does not match any master server in LDAP:

Adding prints to the python code, I found the issue was that the services, e.g.

dn: cn=KPASSWD,cn=z,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=cs,dc=rutgers,dc=edu


ipaConfigString: configuredService

when they should have had

ipaConfigString: enabledService

It was easy to fix. Things now look OK.

Since I’ve fixed it, I don’t need any help, but I thought it was worth 
reporting. There were some oddities in getting the copies working. Initially I 
had bad IP addresses various places. That broke synchronization, and I had to 
reinitialize server z by copying from x. But that was before the upgrade. 
Before doing any upgrades I made sure everything worked, and the replicas were 
all syncing.

The fix did sync to the other servers.

The error message wasn’t entirely helpful.

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