Hi Guys,

I created a bug where no response is on yet for a week, so I thought
to ask the mailinglist if someone has seen this behaviour.


Description of problem:

The password of a user is randomly "not working" anymore and needs a
reset of the password.

The user is added as passSyncManagersDNs entry and when this user sets
a password for another user the expire is set to 2035, it does the
same for itself.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


How reproducible:

Add a user to passSyncManagersDNs like described here:


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add user to passSyncManagersDNs
2. Reset this user his password, login and set the same password again
so ti stays the same until 2035
3. Wait for some days and try to login as this user the password is
expired or damaged but still says in the GUI it expires in 2035

Actual results:

The password expires it get's currupted or so ?

Expected results:

It should not expire until 2035!

I hope someone has a clue here as I can't get anything logged about it.



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