So I was wondering if anyone has FreeIPA setup to do authentication with 
wireless.  We have an ArubaNetworks platform setup to do EAP-PEAP only 
communicating back to the current OpenLDAP system, but would like to migrate to 
I was able to set this up using Meraki MR18s but I have to use a WPA2-PSK 
(enterprise) with splash page in order to log into my FreeIPA system.  I don't 
know if I will have to put the password in again I am waiting until tonight to 
test that.
All of our laptops are Mac OS X running El Capitan and a few running High 
Sierra (w/ all of them upgrading eventually).  We have under 5 laptops running 
Windows 7-10 and are mostly hard wired.
The issue is that when I log into wireless using FreeIPA I get prompted for a 
password.  It gets added to the keychain but when I shutdown for the night and 
come back in the next day it asks for the password again the next day.  
While researching this issue I found that some people have put SSL certificates 
on the machines.  I don't want to create and enroll an SSL cert for EACH user.  
I would like to get system-wide one deployed IF this is the correct way to go.  
While this may sound like a ArubaNetworks wireless issue I wanted to pose this 
question to the mailing list just in case there was a step I missed or didn't 
do something that might have been documented somewhere and to see if anyone 
else has had this issue.  
Thank you in advance!
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