On 10/06/2017 02:04 AM, Bhavin Vaidya via FreeIPA-users wrote:

Thank you all for help in past, as I'm keep encountering one after another issue.

Sorry for long email, as posting log. let me know if there is other way.

IPA Server OS: CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)

IPA Server RPM: ipa-server-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.x86_64

Client OS: CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

IPA client RPM: ipa-client-4.5.0-21.el7.centos.1.2.x86_64 (as well as ipa-client-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.x86_64)

I'm not able to enroll new client recently, and getting following message:


it looks like there are multiple versions for the IPA CA certificate, and one of them is causing the issue. You can see in the log around 2017-10-05T23:34:45Z that CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM has been renewed and corresponds to 5 items that can be found in cn=certificates,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX. The installer is trying to append them in /etc/ipa/nssdb and one of them fails. A little bit before this step (around 2017-10-05T23:34:47Z), the installer has validated that the certs are OK by using a temporary NSS DB, hence I don't think that the certs themselves are the issue, but rather that /etc/ipa/nssdb already contained something that caused the problem.

Was the /etc/ipa/nssdb already existing before you launched the installation? Can you try to run ipa-client-install --uninstall -U, then remove the files in /etc/ipa/nssdb, run ipa host-del <client> on the master and re-launch the installation?


Enrolled in IPA realm EXAMPLE.COM

Created /etc/ipa/default.conf

New SSSD config will be created

Configured sudoers in /etc/nsswitch.conf

Configured /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

Configured /etc/krb5.conf for IPA realm EXAMPLE.COM

trying https://ds01.example.com/ipa/json

[try 1]: Forwarding 'schema' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/json'

trying https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json

[try 1]: Forwarding 'ping' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json'

[try 1]: Forwarding 'ca_is_enabled' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json'

Installation failed. Force set so not rolling back changes.

Failed to add EXAMPLE.COM IPA CA to the IPA NSS database.

The ipa-client-install command failed. See /var/log/ipaclient-install.log for more information

The ipa-client-install.log is:

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Logging to /var/log/ipaclient-install.log

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG ipa-client-install was invoked with arguments [] and options: {'no_dns_sshfp': False, 'force': True, 'verbose': False, 'ip_addresses': None, 'configure_firefox': False, 'realm_name': None, 'force_ntpd': False, 'on_master': False, 'no_nisdomain': False, 'ssh_trust_dns': False, 'principal': None, 'keytab': None, 'no_ntp': False, 'domain_name': None, 'request_cert': False, 'fixed_primary': False, 'no_ac': False, 'no_sudo': False, 'ca_cert_files': None, 'all_ip_addresses': False, 'kinit_attempts': None, 'ntp_servers': None, 'enable_dns_updates': False, 'no_sshd': False, 'no_sssd': False, 'no_krb5_offline_passwords': False, 'servers': None, 'no_ssh': False, 'force_join': False, 'firefox_dir': None, 'unattended': False, 'quiet': False, 'nisdomain': None, 'prompt_password': False, 'host_name': None, 'permit': False, 'automount_location': None, 'preserve_sssd': False, 'mkhomedir': False, 'log_file': None, 'uninstall': False}

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG IPA version 4.5.0-21.el7.centos.1.2

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Loading Index file from '/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/sysrestore.index'

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG args=/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=1

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG stdout=enabled

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG [IPA Discovery]

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Starting IPA discovery with domain=None, servers=None, hostname=groc-5.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Start searching for LDAP SRV record in "example.com" (domain of the hostname) and its sub-domains

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search DNS for SRV record of _ldap._tcp.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ipa01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds02.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds03.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG [Kerberos realm search]

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search DNS for TXT record of _kerberos.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: "EXAMPLE.COM"

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search DNS for SRV record of _kerberos._udp.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 88 ipa01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 88 ds01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 88 ds03.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 88 ds02.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG [LDAP server check]

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Verifying that ds01.example.com (realm EXAMPLE.COM) is an IPA server

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Init LDAP connection to: ldap://ds01.example.com:389

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search LDAP server for IPA base DN

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Check if naming context 'dc=example,dc=com' is for IPA

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Naming context 'dc=example,dc=com' is a valid IPA context

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search for (objectClass=krbRealmContainer) in dc=example,dc=com (sub)

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Found: cn=EXAMPLE.COM,cn=kerberos,dc=example,dc=com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Discovery result: Success; server=ds01.example.com, domain=example.com, kdc=ipa01.example.com,ds01.example.com,ds03.example.com,ds02.example.com, basedn=dc=example,dc=com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Validated servers: ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG will use discovered domain: example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Start searching for LDAP SRV record in "example.com" (Validating DNS Discovery) and its sub-domains

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Search DNS for SRV record of _ldap._tcp.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ipa01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds02.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds03.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS record found: 0 100 389 ds01.example.com.

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS validated, enabling discovery

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG will use discovered server: ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO Discovery was successful!

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG will use discovered realm: EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG will use discovered basedn: dc=example,dc=com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO Client hostname: groc-5.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Hostname source: Machine's FQDN

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO Realm: EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG Realm source: Discovered from LDAP DNS records in ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO DNS Domain: example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG DNS Domain source: Discovered LDAP SRV records from example.com (domain of the hostname)

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO IPA Server: ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG IPA Server source: Discovered from LDAP DNS records in ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z INFO BaseDN: dc=example,dc=com

2017-10-05T23:34:37Z DEBUG BaseDN source: From IPA server ldap://ds01.example.com:389

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG Loading Index file from '/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/sysrestore.index'

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from '/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/sysrestore.state'

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG args=/usr/sbin/ipa-rmkeytab -k /etc/krb5.keytab -r EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=5

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z DEBUG stderr=realm not found

2017-10-05T23:34:39Z INFO Skipping synchronizing time with NTP server.

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG will use principal provided as option: admin

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG args=keyctl get_persistent @s 0

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG stdout=218715285

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG Enabling persistent keyring CCACHE

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG Writing Kerberos configuration to /tmp/tmpVCsDCR:

2017-10-05T23:34:41Z DEBUG #File modified by ipa-client-install

includedir /etc/krb5.conf.d/

includedir /var/lib/sss/pubconf/krb5.include.d/


   default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

   dns_lookup_realm = false

   dns_lookup_kdc = false

   rdns = false

   dns_canonicalize_hostname = false

   ticket_lifetime = 24h

   forwardable = true

   udp_preference_limit = 0

   default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}



     kdc = ds01.example.com:88

     master_kdc = ds01.example.com:88

     admin_server = ds01.example.com:749

     kpasswd_server = ds01.example.com:464

     default_domain = example.com

     pkinit_anchors = FILE:/var/lib/ipa-client/pki/kdc-ca-bundle.pem

     pkinit_pool = FILE:/var/lib/ipa-client/pki/ca-bundle.pem



   .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

   example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

   groc-5.example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG Initializing principal ad...@example.com <mailto:ad...@example.com> using password

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/kinit ad...@example.com <mailto:ad...@example.com> -c /tmp/krbccbP9vNK/ccache

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG stdout=Password for ad...@example.com <mailto:ad...@example.com>:

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG trying to retrieve CA cert via LDAP from ds01.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache url=ldap://ds01.example.com:389 conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x2c25ea8>

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z INFO Successfully retrieved CA cert

     Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Valid From:  2014-08-03 19:28:18

     Valid Until: 2034-08-03 19:28:18

     Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Valid From:  2017-05-30 00:17:28

     Valid Until: 2037-05-30 00:17:28

     Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Valid From:  2017-05-30 00:19:13

     Valid Until: 2037-05-30 00:19:13

     Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Valid From:  2017-05-30 00:38:33

     Valid Until: 2037-05-30 00:38:33

     Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM

     Valid From:  2017-06-01 12:55:08

     Valid Until: 2037-06-01 12:55:08

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:45Z DEBUG args=/usr/sbin/ipa-join -s ds01.example.com -b dc=example,dc=com -h groc-5.example.com

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=Failed to parse result: Failed to decode GetKeytab Control.

Retrying with pre-4.0 keytab retrieval method...

Failed to retrieve encryption type Camellia-128 CTS mode with CMAC (#25)

Failed to retrieve encryption type Camellia-256 CTS mode with CMAC (#26)

Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /etc/krb5.keytab

Certificate subject base is: O=EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO Enrolled in IPA realm EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=kdestroy

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Initializing principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com> using keytab /etc/krb5.keytab

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG using ccache /etc/ipa/.dns_ccache

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Attempt 1/5: success

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Backing up system configuration file '/etc/ipa/default.conf'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG   -> Not backing up - '/etc/ipa/default.conf' doesn't exist

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO Created /etc/ipa/default.conf

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Backing up system configuration file '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG   -> Not backing up - '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf' doesn't exist

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO New SSSD config will be created

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Backing up system configuration file '/etc/nsswitch.conf'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Saving Index File to '/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/sysrestore.index'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO Configured sudoers in /etc/nsswitch.conf

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO Configured /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Backing up system configuration file '/etc/krb5.conf'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Saving Index File to '/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/sysrestore.index'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=keyctl get_persistent @s 0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=218715285

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Enabling persistent keyring CCACHE

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Writing Kerberos configuration to /etc/krb5.conf:

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG #File modified by ipa-client-install

includedir /etc/krb5.conf.d/

includedir /var/lib/sss/pubconf/krb5.include.d/


   default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

   dns_lookup_realm = false

   dns_lookup_kdc = false

   rdns = false

   dns_canonicalize_hostname = false

   ticket_lifetime = 24h

   forwardable = true

   udp_preference_limit = 0

   default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}



     kdc = ds01.example.com:88

     master_kdc = ds01.example.com:88

     admin_server = ds01.example.com:749

     kpasswd_server = ds01.example.com:464

     default_domain = example.com

     pkinit_anchors = FILE:/var/lib/ipa-client/pki/kdc-ca-bundle.pem

     pkinit_pool = FILE:/var/lib/ipa-client/pki/ca-bundle.pem



   .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

   example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

   groc-5.example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO Configured /etc/krb5.conf for IPA realm EXAMPLE.COM

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -N -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -A -n CA certificate 1 -t C,, -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -A -n CA certificate 2 -t C,, -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -A -n CA certificate 3 -t C,, -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -A -n CA certificate 4 -t C,, -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /tmp/tmpzYMe1L -A -n CA certificate 5 -t C,, -f /tmp/tmpzYMe1L/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Error retrieving cookie from the persistent storage: expected string or buffer

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG failed to find session_cookie in persistent storage for principal 'host/groc-5.example....@example.com'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO trying https://ds01.example.com/ipa/json

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG New HTTP connection (ds01.example.com)

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG received Set-Cookie (<type 'list'>)'['ipa_session=c8b0ad6e060540145a210905bd242379; Domain=ds01.example.com; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 05 Oct 2017 23:54:47 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly']'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG storing cookie 'ipa_session=c8b0ad6e060540145a210905bd242379;' for principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com>

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG Created connection context.rpcclient_53194256

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z INFO [try 1]: Forwarding 'schema' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/json'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG HTTP connection keep-alive (ds01.example.com)

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG received Set-Cookie (<type 'list'>)'['ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87; Domain=ds01.example.com; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 05 Oct 2017 23:54:47 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly']'

2017-10-05T23:34:47Z DEBUG storing cookie 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87;' for principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com>

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG Destroyed connection context.rpcclient_53194256

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing all plugin modules in ipaclient.remote_plugins.schema$ed0ad850...

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.remote_plugins.schema$ed0ad850.plugins

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing all plugin modules in ipaclient.plugins...

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.automember

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.automount

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.ca

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.cert

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.certmap

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.certprofile

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.dns

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.hbacrule

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.hbactest

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.host

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.idrange

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.internal

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.location

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.migration

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.misc

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.otptoken

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.otptoken_yubikey

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.passwd

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.permission

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.rpcclient

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.server

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.service

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.sudorule

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.topology

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.trust

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.user

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG importing plugin module ipaclient.plugins.vault

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG found session_cookie in persistent storage for principal 'host/groc-5.example....@example.com', cookie: 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG setting session_cookie into context 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87;'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z INFO trying https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG New HTTP connection (ds01.example.com)

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG received Set-Cookie (<type 'list'>)'['ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87; Domain=ds01.example.com; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 05 Oct 2017 23:54:48 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly']'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG storing cookie 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87;' for principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com>

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG Created connection context.rpcclient_94332368

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG Try RPC connection

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z INFO [try 1]: Forwarding 'ping' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG HTTP connection keep-alive (ds01.example.com)

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG received Set-Cookie (<type 'list'>)'['ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87; Domain=ds01.example.com; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 05 Oct 2017 23:54:48 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly']'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG storing cookie 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87;' for principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com>

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z INFO [try 1]: Forwarding 'ca_is_enabled' to json server 'https://ds01.example.com/ipa/session/json'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG HTTP connection keep-alive (ds01.example.com)

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG received Set-Cookie (<type 'list'>)'['ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87; Domain=ds01.example.com; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 05 Oct 2017 23:54:48 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly']'

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG storing cookie 'ipa_session=0552135805674c077504cbd3fcecfb87;' for principal host/groc-5.example....@example.com <mailto:host/groc-5.example....@example.com>

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /etc/ipa/nssdb -N -f /etc/ipa/nssdb/pwdfile.txt -f /etc/ipa/nssdb/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:48Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG Adding CA certificates to the IPA NSS database.

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /etc/ipa/nssdb -A -n EXAMPLE.COM IPA CA -t CT,C,C -f /etc/ipa/nssdb/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG stderr=

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG Starting external process

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d /etc/ipa/nssdb -A -n EXAMPLE.COM IPA CA -t CT,C,C -f /etc/ipa/nssdb/pwdfile.txt

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=255

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG stdout=

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG stderr=certutil: could not add certificate to token or database: SEC_ERROR_ADDING_CERT: Error adding certificate to database.

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z WARNING Installation failed. Force set so not rolling back changes.

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/admintool.py", line 172, in execute

     return_value = self.run()

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/cli.py", line 333, in run


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 368, in run


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 392, in execute

     for _nothing in self._executor():

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 434, in __runner


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 463, in _handle_execute_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 453, in _handle_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 424, in __runner


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 421, in <lambda>

     step = lambda: next(self.__gen)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/util.py", line 81, in run_generator_with_yield_from


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/util.py", line 59, in run_generator_with_yield_from

     value = gen.send(prev_value)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 658, in _configure


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 434, in __runner


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 463, in _handle_execute_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 521, in _handle_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 453, in _handle_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 518, in _handle_exception

     super(ComponentBase, self)._handle_exception(exc_info)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 453, in _handle_exception


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 424, in __runner


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/core.py", line 421, in <lambda>

     step = lambda: next(self.__gen)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/util.py", line 81, in run_generator_with_yield_from


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/util.py", line 59, in run_generator_with_yield_from

     value = gen.send(prev_value)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/install/common.py", line 63, in _install

     for _nothing in self._installer(self.parent):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaclient/install/client.py", line 3621, in main


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaclient/install/client.py", line 2348, in install


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaclient/install/client.py", line 2791, in _install


2017-10-05T23:34:49Z DEBUG The ipa-client-install command failed, exception: ScriptError: Failed to add EXAMPLE.COM IPA CA to the IPA NSS database.

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z ERROR Failed to add EXAMPLE.COM IPA CA to the IPA NSS database.

2017-10-05T23:34:49Z ERROR The ipa-client-install command failed. See /var/log/ipaclient-install.log for more information



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