Hello, I am trying to setup a few of my users to have the ability to su - jira 
or another user using FreeIPA.
Here is what happens when I am logged in as the user and try to su - jira
[user1@jira02 ~]$ sudo su - process[sudo] password for user1:Sorry, user user1 
is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - jira' as root on 
jira02.example.net.[user1@jira02 ~]$
[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$ ipa sudorule-show su_jira  Rule name: su_jira  
Enabled: TRUE  Host category: all  RunAs User category: all  RunAs Group 
category: all  User Groups: developers, ops_sudoers  Sudo Allow Command Groups: 
jira_access  Sudo Option: !authenticate[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$

[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$ ipa sudocmd-find su_jira_cmds----------------------1 
Sudo Command matched----------------------  Sudo Command: /usr/bin/su - 
jira,/usr/bin/sudo su - jira,/bin/su - jira,/bin/sudo - jira  Description: 
su_jira_cmds----------------------------Number of entries returned 
What am I doing wrong?
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