I'm working on spinning up a FreeIPA server with an AD trust. I've
followed the official guide
(https://www.freeipa.org/page/Active_Directory_trust_setup), and
everything works up to the point of trying to add external members to
the group. Whenever I try I get:

# ipa group-add-member ad_admins_external --external 'CHEWY\Domain Admins'
[member user]:
[member group]:
  Group name: ad_admins_external
  Description: ad_domain admins external map
  Failed members:
    member user:
    member group: CHEWY\Domain Admins: trusted domain object not found
Number of members added 0

I turned up the debugging to 100, re-established the trust, and tried to
perform the group-add-member again. Logs have uploaded the logs here:
I'm just testing the procedure on a couple local development VMs, so
there's nothing sensitive in there.

Confusingly, according to the httpd log the operation was successful:
[Sun May 14 01:49:24.171867 2017] [:error] [pid 23688] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_session] admin@LOCAL:
ipaexternalmember=(u'CHEWY\\\\Domain Admins',), version=u'2.213'): SUCCESS

I'm not sure where the issue here lies. So any insight would be appreciated.

This is with:
CentOS/7 7.3.1611
FreeIPA 4.4.0
AD is Windows Server 2008 R2


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