
I've was being bugged by a non functional automounter.

So I tried a fresh centos7.3 install (minimal) with only the additional
package ipa-client.

I did the installation and update to latest patch level and reboot.

Then ran ipa-client-install --enable-dns-updates
Did the yes/admin account/auth
And I had a fully functional freeipa-domain-client.

Then I ran ipa-client-automount
yes again.
and no functional automounter.

It appeared that the 'ipa-client-automount' tool did not adjust the
/etc/nsswitch.conf file properly.

In one occasion it replaced 'automount: files nisplus' with 'automount:
in another it did not change it at all.

After editing /etc/nsswitch.conf and setting it to 'automount: files sss'
all was working as expected.

Because there is not mention about centos on
and I'm used to seeing closed not supported on the redhat bugzilla when the
word centos is mentioned
I've posterd it in the centos buglist :

Rob Verduijn
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