-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Freeipa-users] dse.ldif and dse.ldif.bak are lost
Date:   Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:37:01 -0400
From:   Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com>
Reply-To:       d...@redhat.com
Organization:   Red Hat
To:     artj...@free.fr

On 04/30/2014 05:26 AM, artj...@free.fr wrote:

I have 1 ipa master 'ipasrv' and 2 replicas 'iparpl1 iparpl2' installed with
--setup-ca option.
Since a few days I have an issue with '389 Directory Server' on the master
(ipasrv) and on the 2nd replica (iparpl2) with the following messages:

The configuration file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-MYINSTANCE/dse.ldif was not restored
from backup /etc/dirsrv/slapd-MYINSTANCE/dse.ldif.tmp, error -1
Apr 28 07:38:35 localhost ns-slapd: [28/Apr/2014:15:38:35 +0200] dse - The
configuration file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-MYINSTANCE/dse.ldif was not restored from
backup /etc/dirsrv/slapd-MYINSTANCE/dse.ldif.bak, error -1
Apr 28 07:38:35 localhost ns-slapd: [28/Apr/2014:15:38:35 +0200] config - The
given config file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-MYINSTANCE/dse.ldif could not be accessed,
Netscape Portable Runtime error -5950 (File not found.)

The files dse.ldif and dse.ldif.bak are lost.
On my 1st replica (iparpl1) everything is OK.

No Full IPA backup and LDAP backup done on ipasrv and iparpl2.

A) Can I restore those files from iparpl1 ?

B) I am a little bit confused after reading the documentation on
   - can I consider that the ipa replicas are like ipa master ?

Yes they are especially if they have same components (CA).
The only difference is the configuration. Replicas do not track renewals
and do not generate CRLs.
Bot nothing prevents you from shifting these two responsibilities from
the first server you installed to one of the replicas.
This is what the procedure is about

   In this case when I want to execute the manual procedure in chapter 'One
Server Loss'
   1. Clean deployment from the lost server by removing all replication
agreements with it.
    from iparpl1 I have the following results:

[root@iparpl1 ~]# ipa-replica-manage del iparpl2.mydomain
'iparpl1.mydomain' has no replication agreement for 'iparpl2.mydomaon'

Why are you trying to delete the second replica? You need to delete the
first server.

[root@iparpl1 ~]# ipa-replica-manage del ipasrv.mydomain
[root@iparpl2 ~]# ipa-replica-manage del ipasrv.mydomain

You also want to create a replication agreement between replicas 1 & 2.

  [root@iparpl1 ~]# ipa-replica-manage del ipasrv.mydomain
Connection to 'ipasrv.mydomain' failed:
Unable to delete replica 'ipasrv.mydomain'

What version do you have? In earlier versions there have been issues
with deleting replicas and required manual steps.
Search for CLEANRUV in the list archives.

   2. Choose another FreeIPA Server with CA installed to become the first master
Can I do this request from my 1st replica iparpl1 and how ?


   3. Nominate this master to be the one in charge or renewing certs and
publishing CRLS. This is a manual procedure at the moment.

   4. Follow standard installation procedure to deploy a new master on a
hardware/VM of your choice
this request is to install a replica not a master ?

Now the server that does CRL publishing and cert tracking is your new
master. You are deploying a new replica instead of the one that is now a
new master.

Thanks for your help.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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