On 08/18/2016 04:16 PM, Deepak Dimri wrote:
> Hi All,
> While trying to automate IPA client registration programatically, i seems 
> have 
> made my admin password out of sync between KDC and
> /etc/krb5.keytab.

This looks confusing, admin password and /etc/krb5.keytab do not look related.
The keytab is for host keytab.

> Now when i try login into ipa GUI via admin i am getting "The 
> password or username is incorrect" - though i am trying with the correct 
> password that i have been using. Is there anyway i can login to GUI in this 
> situation? Is there anyway i can get my admin password reseted or something? 
> i 
> can run my ansible playbooks w/out any issues on the linux host but cannot 
> login 
> to GUI any more...

Can you log in to GUI with other logins. If not, then check this page:


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