Qing Chang wrote:
my dovecot IMAP server would randomly lose memory of users, as an example:

Samba/NFS server knows this user:
[root@smb2 shassan]# getent passwd bqiang
bqiang:*:47105:471:Beiping Qiang:/home2/bqiang:/bin/tcsh

But dovecot server does not:
[root@dovecot2 ~]# getent passwd bqiang

Only when I apply this:
[root@dovecot2 ~]# \rm /var/lib/sss/db/cache_sri.utoronto.ca.ldb
[root@dovecot2 ~]# service sssd restart

It gets it:
[root@dovecot2 ~]# getent passwd bqiang
bqiang:*:47105:471:Beiping Qiang:/home2/bqiang:/bin/tcsh

So far I have to deal with this for three users. It's quite possible
that there are more than 3 that are affected, they were just patient
enough to wait until dovecot "recovers its memory".

Again, this seems to be a sssd bug?

Seems like it. I'd go ahead and file a bug against sssd to get the ball rolling.

If you can enable sssd debugging and catch the case where a user is lost I'm sure that would be very helpful to the sssd team.


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