> 1) freeipmi.texi, version-doc.texi, authors.texi, gpl.texi, fdl.texi
> Most of this doc is just cut and pasted from the manpages and other .txt
> files, it's already grown out of date, and nobody bothers to keep up with
> it.

I figure someone will get mad at me if I remove the above.  But I went
ahead and got rid of the rest of it.  Some of it looks like it maybe
belongs on the webpage along with other presentations.


> 2) freeipmi-hackers-intro.odp
> seems to be a presentation from 3 years ago?
> 3) ipmi-over-ts2000.texi
> why is this here?  What does this have to do w/ FreeIPMI?
> 4) ipmi-network-layout.fig, ipmi-network-layout.xcf
> for the presentation from 3 years ago?
> 5) BUGS
> leftover from 0.1.0??
> The only thing we seem to semi-keep up with is the FAQ, b/c we actually
> modify that and stick it on the webpage from time to time.
> If I don't hear from anyone I'll assume I can start cleaning up.
> Al
> --
> Albert Chu
> 925-422-5311
> Computer Scientist
> High Performance Systems Division
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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