Hi everyone,

I've put up alpha releases of FreeIPMI 0.5.0 here:


The FreeIPMI 0.5.X line has a number of new features, highlighted by
IPMI 2.0 being supported in all FreeIPMI tools.

However, the largest change in 0.5.X is consistency between all tools in
their command line options, config files, manpages, IPMI implementation,
etc.  In the beginning of FreeIPMI, many of the tools were developed
semi-independently outside of FreeIPMI, leading to a number of the tools
having different command line options, manpages, and behaviors once they
were all put together into FreeIPMI.

I finally grunted it out and fixed most of this.  This can lead to
backwards compatibility issues for those who may have scripted against
the tools.  I have attempted to keep backwards compatibility as much as
possible, but could not in a number of situations.

The IPMI over LAN implementations are more consistent across
tools/libraries as well.  However, this could break compatibility for
some motherboards.  It is possible that some tools that worked in
FreeIPMI 0.4.X could break under FreeIPMI 0.5.X because there were
vendor compliance problems that would be hit under one implementation
but not another.

I'm hoping a number of people can try the 0.5.0 alpha releases to give
me some feedback on what issues you may hit with the changes.  I can add
more vendor compliance workarounds and/or try to work in more backwards
compatibility given affects on users.


Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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