On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 12:38:06PM -0400, Cress, Andrew R wrote:
| Anand,
| Sorry for the delay in responding.  
| I think you may have gotten got the wrong impression about Intel AMT
| positioning wrt IPMI.  Of course Intel servers do support IPMI.
| Intel is not moving away from IPMI, which gives servers a
| full-featured system management strategy.
| AMT is currently targeted for client desktops, and has a level of
| system management capability that was not previously available for
| this space.  For server platforms, Intel will continue to provide
| and support IPMI BMCs.  Intel provides software building blocks and
| embedded logic to enable customers to manage both server and client
| systems.  Intel is investigating whether some AMT functions may be
| added to the server IPMI environment also.
| The DMTF is writing system management standards which include
| higher-level interfaces like WS-MAN & XML that both client and
| server systems will also support in the future.
| The interface to Intel AMT for client systems is currently
| proprietary (as are a lot of new technologies), but evolving.  Maybe
| soon either the AMT interface will evolve to an upcoming standard,
| or Intel may publish it beyond NDA.  In the meantime, Intel has to
| provide the APIs and tools for customers to utilize this AMT
| technology on clients so that it can be used alongside IPMI
| technology on servers.
| Andy  
Andy, Thanks for clarifying. Gives us a big relief.

Anand Babu 
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
Blog [http://ab.freeshell.org]              
The GNU Operating System [http://www.gnu.org]  

-----Original Message-----
From: Anand Babu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 6:27 PM
To: Cress, Andrew R
Cc: freeipmi-devel@gnu.org
Subject: Intel and IAMT

On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 04:35:19PM -0400, Cress, Andrew R wrote:
| This routine didn't seem to work at all in freeipmi-0.2.2-qa0 (would
| call sendto with NULL pointer).  The routine is below, with the two
| changes are commented with ARC:.
| Andy
| ---
| ssize_t 
| ipmi_lan_sendto (int sockfd, 
|                const void *buffer, 
|                size_t buffer_size, 
|                int flags, 
|                const struct sockaddr *server_addr, 
|                socklen_t server_addr_len)
| {
|   void *packet = NULL;
|   size_t packet_length = 0;
|   ssize_t bytes_sent = 0;
|   int fusepad = 0;
Hi Cress,
This bug is already fixed in the CVS by Bala. Thanks for looking into

BTW, I am upset at the way Intel is taking platform management
forward.  Intel was the one to promote IPMI and now Intel is moving to a
proprietary IAMT implementation. Till now, I could not get the specs
for AMT without NDA. I was offered to receive SDK source but with NDA
and I refused.

AMD, HP, DELL, SUN, IBM and the rest of the world supports IPMI now.
Even Tyan Bensley platforms supports IAMT. Only the Intel motherboards

Can you throw us some light on this issue and help us with specs if

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