Hey Ashish,

Alot of APIs have changed between freeipmi 0.3.1 and freeipmi 0.6.6
(FYI, FreeIPMI 0.7.8 is now out, if you are looking to upgrade even

I'll answer your question to the best I can, but most of the functions
below don't seem to be in FreeIPMI 0.3.1.  Is it possible they were
additions niksun added into an internally modified FreeIPMI?

> static int find_sensor_type (string group, u_int8_t sensor_class)

I cannot find this in FreeIPMI 0.3.1. 

> int init_sdr_cache(ipmi_device_t dev, char* cache_filename)

The sdr-cache is now managed through FreeIPMI's "sdr-cache" sub-library.
See libfreeipmi/include/freeipmi/sdr-cache/.

> static int ipmi_find (ipmi_interface_type_t type, ipmi_locate_info_t*
> pinfo)

I cannot find this in freeIPMI 0.3.1.  But it seems like you're probing.
The locate stuff is now in libfreeipmi's locate subdirectory.

> int sensors_group_cmp (sdr_record_t *sdr_record, char *group_name)

This was a utility function inside the ipmi-sensors tool, so I'm not
sure how you would have linked against it.  Since it's a sensors
specified utility function, there isn't really a library equivalent.
You'd have to write your own utility equivalent.

> ipmi_find (IPMI_INTERFACE_KCS, &locate_info)

I cannot find this in freeIPMI 0.3.1

> int init_agent_cache(char* group, SENSOR_TYPE sensor_type, 
> sdr_record_t* agent_cache[MAX_INDEX])

I cannot find this in freeIPMI 0.3.1

Hope this helps in some way,


On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 15:02 -0400, Ashish Ray wrote:
> Hi Al,
> We are in process of upgrading our FM application to "freeipmi-0.6.6",
> currently we are using freeipmi-0.3.1. The issue I am having is
> that several API's used by FM application are ether changed or
> restructured.  for ex: I am not able to find following functions in
> freeipmi-0.6.6.
> #include "ipmi-sensor-api.h" 
> #include "ipmi-sdr-api.h"
> ipmi_interface_type_t
> static int find_sensor_type (string group, u_int8_t sensor_class)
> int init_sdr_cache(ipmi_device_t dev, char* cache_filename)
> static int ipmi_find (ipmi_interface_type_t type, ipmi_locate_info_t*
> pinfo)
> int sensors_group_cmp (sdr_record_t *sdr_record, char *group_name)
> ipmi_find (IPMI_INTERFACE_KCS, &locate_info)
> init_sdr_cache(dev, cache_filename)
> int init_agent_cache(char* group, SENSOR_TYPE sensor_type,
> sdr_record_t* agent_cache[MAX_INDEX])
> Could you point the corresponding function in freeipmi-0.6.6. 
> Thanks,
> -ray
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Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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