
I have two containers, one is vnc container and other is simple centos

When i install freerdp in vnc container n execute freerdp command it is

Now i wanted to invoke this rdp session from centos container, as it
doesn`t have gui i am not able to.

So, i found out that using DISPLAY variable i can divert freerdp session to
vnc container.

So i ran the following commands,

> export DISPLAY=10.x.x.x:0.0
xfreerdp /v:10.x.x.x /u:xxxxxx /p:xxxxxxx

But i am getting the following error,

xf_pre_connect: failed to open display: 10.x.x.x:0.0
Please check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.
freerdp_pre_connect failed

*Note*:-  I have tried 10.x.x.x:0.1 as well but same result.

So i needed the exact procedure for using this DISPLAY variable , like what
port needs to be opened,etc.


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