
I am using the latest code from (1.1.0) https://github.com/*awakecoding*/*
It compiles OK and I can run it without problem on my Ubuntu 13.04 64bits.

However when I launch it with the smartcard option, I get the following

*user@ubuntu:~/awakecoding/FreeRDP# xfreerdp /v:rds.server /d:AC /u:user
/p:password /cert-ignore /smartcard:0f14:0038
Unknown argument freerdp_client_parse_command_line_arguments

FreeRDP - A Free Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation
See www.freerdp.com for more information*

The strange thing is that it works on Ubuntu 12.10 32bits.
If I launch it with the smartcard option it works...

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!
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