First congratulation for your work.
I need start xfreerdp2 in full screen, multimonitor, but I need that the
primary monitor is assigned to the right one.
I download form git (folowing your instruction in the wiki), modify
I only comment out the first part of deciding which monitor is primary
        /* If there are multiple monitors and we have not selected a
primary */
        if (!primaryMonitorFound)
            /* First lets try to see if there is a monitor with a 0,0
coordinate */
/*            for (i = 0; i < settings->MonitorCount; i++)
                if (!primaryMonitorFound &&
settings->MonitorDefArray[i].x == 0
                    && settings->MonitorDefArray[i].y == 0)
                    settings->MonitorDefArray[i].is_primary = TRUE;
                    settings->MonitorLocalShiftX =
                    settings->MonitorLocalShiftY =
                    primaryMonitorFound = TRUE;

            /* If we still do not have a primary monitor then just
arbitrarily choose first monitor */
            if (!primaryMonitorFound)
                settings->MonitorDefArray[0].is_primary = TRUE;
                settings->MonitorLocalShiftX =
                settings->MonitorLocalShiftY =
                primaryMonitorFound = TRUE;

I compiled it with no error and the goal is get.
but is I try to redirect a printer with /printer:"$NOMB_IMP","$CONT_IMP"
I got:
[ERROR][com.winpr.library] - LoadLibraryA:
/usr/local/lib/freerdp2/ no se puede abrir el
fichero del objeto compartido: No existe el fichero o el directorio

for redirect usb I got other error similar but with different library.

Is there some missing parameter at compiling time or in cmake?

Sorry for my bad english but I'm spanish.

*Antonio Trujillo Carmona*

*Técnico de redes y sistemas.*

*Subdirección de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones*

Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía


Tel. +34 670947670 747670)

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