[Freesurfer] issues about pial and wm edit

2010-09-08 Thread Daniel Ferreira Padilla
Dear all, I will really appreciate if you can help me with some issues about editing the pial surface. I have carefully followed the information on the web and looked up the mailing list but I still have the same doubts: 1) I have noticed that pial surface usually includes more than GM

[Freesurfer] adding control points

2010-09-08 Thread Paola Valsasina
Dear FS experts, we have run autorecon2 on a set of subjects and now we are in the process of manual editing adding control points. We read the tutorial about the manual editing; however, sometimes we have some doubts about adding or not adding control points in some regions. We had a look at

[Freesurfer] tksurfer problems

2010-09-08 Thread ckung
Dear all: I installed Freesurfer, tested it with the recommended commands listed in http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/TestingFreeSurfer and encountered a problem only in tksurfer. When I hit tksurfer yc (or bert) lh pial I get two kinds of error messages: can't find talairach file

[Freesurfer] setting segmentation brush information from command line in tkmedit

2010-09-08 Thread Mehul Sampat
Hi Folks, Currently I set the segmentation brush information from tkmedit buttons. (For example: Set Segmentation as Use as source and also set the color) I need to do this for a large number of subjects and I was wondering if it was possible to do this from command line ? thanks Mehul