Re: [Freesurfer] rs-fMRI data on pial surface

2013-05-15 Thread René Besseling
--surf) doug On 05/14/2013 08:00 AM, René Besseling wrote: Hi Freesurfers, For this analysis I plan to do, I want to map resting-state data in native (T1) space to the pial surface. The command I use for this is: mri_vol2surf --src fMRI_nat.nii --regheader subjID --hemi lh --projfrac-avg

[Freesurfer] rs-fMRI data on pial surface

2013-05-14 Thread René Besseling
Hi Freesurfers, For this analysis I plan to do, I want to map resting-state data in native (T1) space to the pial surface. The command I use for this is: mri_vol2surf --src fMRI_nat.nii --regheader subjID --hemi lh --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.05 --surf pial --o fMRI_2surf.mgh So the intention is to

Re: [Freesurfer] Mapping pf fsaverage surface to native volume

2012-04-12 Thread René Besseling
, so you can't change the target volume without specifying a different transform. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why this is not working. What is your tkmedit command? doug On 04/05/2012 06:04 AM, René Besseling wrote: Hi Doug, I'm using tksurfer to visualize the surface maps; this looks OK

[Freesurfer] Mapping pf fsaverage surface to native volume

2012-04-04 Thread René Besseling
Dear Freesurfer users, I've been trying to map a Qdec contrast sig.mgh to the native volume of a subject using mri_surf2surf (to get from Qdec fsaverage surface to native surface) and mri_surf2vol (to map from native surface to native volume cortical ribbon). However, the last step goes wrong: I

[Freesurfer] Fwd: sign mc-z

2011-05-19 Thread René Besseling
Dear all, A beginners question: what does the sign mean in the multiple comparison simulations? I thought it defines the side of the t-test performed on the glm parameter estimates, but since you can run the simulations for a bunch of contrasts simultaneously and since in some cases you might be

[Freesurfer] Load normalized thickness into Matlab

2011-05-12 Thread René Besseling
Dear all, I'd like to analyse some Freesurfer outputs in Matlab. I know it is possible to load ./surf/lh.thickness into Matlab using read_curv, but is it also possible to load normalized (and smoothed) thickness maps, i.e. thickness maps registered to fsaverage, for vertex-wise comparison? I