Re: [Freesurfer] cvs_avg35

2013-07-29 Thread Lilla Zollei

It should be in your $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects directory.


On Sun, 28 Jul 2013, SHAHIN NASR wrote:

Hi,    Would you tell me where I can find cvs_avg35 brain template.  

Shahin Nasr

PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience
Martinos Imaging Center, MGH
Harvard Medical School

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[Freesurfer] cvs_avg35

2013-07-28 Thread SHAHIN NASR
Would you tell me where I can find cvs_avg35 brain template.

Shahin Nasr

PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience
Martinos Imaging Center, MGH
Harvard Medical School
Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] cvs_avg35

2011-11-17 Thread Lilla Zollei

Hi Antonella,

1) Can you please help me find or get the the cvs_avg35/mri/norm.mgz? I saw 
online the same question was posted on June 2011 but there is no answer for the 
question online:

Have you run the cvs_registration code? If you have, then you have to have 
the template. If you have not, I can make the template subject available 
for you for download.

2) Since for my TBSS TBSS study was used by the TBSS the  nonlinear 
registration  FNIRT (is about 15 times faster than IRTK on FA data and possibly 
a little more 'accurate') I would like to use for a Tal space a non-linear 
talairach registration. Can you please give
me some directions on  how I can do this? What is the default Tal registration 
(linear or non-linear) for dt_recon?

dt_recon produces a linear registration to the Tal space. If you have 
ran recon-all on your structural data you should also have access to 
talairach.m3z that aligns your subject in the fsaverage space.

3) When dt_recon is  aligning  the diffusion data in the Tal space is in fact 
aligning the register.dat data (difussion data already aligned to the 
structural data) and the output is the fa-tal.nii.gz? If not why I need the 
register.dat file?

I don't understand your question, but
* register.dat is the registrationfile that encodes the transform going 
from the diffusion to the structural space. If you want to resample any of 
your diffusion related files in the structural space you will need to use 
mri_vol2vol and that file to do so.
* fa-tal.nii.gz is a completely different file. It is the fa volume that 
got resampled in the Tal space using a linear transformation 
(talairach.xfm via the structural data).

4) So by my understanding each subject will have a file called fa-tal.nii which 
in fact represents the subject's registration on the Tal-space? How about the 
mean diffusivity? I don't have only one file for this adc.nii. What if I want 
to do a non_FA values study on
the tal space?

You need to run the follwoing command, replacing fa with the scalar volume 
of your interest.

set reg = register.dat
set fa = fa.nii
set fatal = fa-tal.nii.gz
set cmd = (mri_vol2vol --reg $reg --tal --mov $fa --o $fatal)

5) I understood that the 'registration.dat' file describes a rigid-body 
transformation from the diffusion to the structural space and in order  to 
resample the structural volume in the diffusion space, I will need to apply the 
inverse of this transformation to my
input volumes and to use for this the 'mri_vol2vol':

mri_vol2vol --mov $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/lowb.nii \
--targ $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/mri/wmparc.mgz \
--inv --interp nearest --o $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/mri/wmparc2diff.mgz \
--reg $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/register.dat --no-save-reg
Is the register.dat file created by this function mri_vol2vol?  I believe the 
registration between the diffusion and structural space (so the register.dat 
file) has already
been computed as part of the previous pre-processing step so while using the 
mri_vol2vol as above do I need to use the '--no-save-reg' flag as in the above 
example or the '--save-reg' flag?

register.dat gets created using dt_recon and mri_vol2vol just applies that 
transform. --no-save-reg just tells the command not to save a copy of the 
inverse transform that gets applied.

6) To resample the diffusion data of one subject  in the CVS space do I need to 
run after dt_recon the mri_vol2vol as below?
mri_vol2vol --targ
 $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/cvs_avg35/mri/norm.mgz \
$SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/cvs/combined_tocvs_avg35_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z \
--noDefM3zPath --reg $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/register.dat \
--mov $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/fa-masked.mgz \
--o $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/fa-masked.ANAT+CVS-to-avg35.mgz \
--interp trilin --no-save-reg
Do I need to run the mri_cvs_registration on the structural data in order to 
get the above .m3z file 'combined_tocvs_avg35_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z' before 
I run the mri_vol2vol?
If I want to have my second registration step done in the Tal space not CVS 
space since after running dt_recon I am getting the fa-tal.nii.gz and the 
is this the equivalent file  to  fa-masked.ANAT+CVS-to-avg35.mgz (if I use the 
CVS space)? In this case I don't need to run the last mri_vol2vol command?
Sorry for asking so many questions but it is very confusing the online material.

Yes, you will run mri_cvs_register on the structural data and that will 
compute your m3z file.

fa-masked is in the native diffusion space and fa-tal is in the Talairach 
space so they are not equivalent with each other, they don't live in the 
same space.


From: Lilla Zollei
To: Antonella Kis