LoRa has modulation designator DXX for our purposes. Pretty much everything
fits in there. If you are in doubt, you can just ask for an STA.



On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 7:52 PM, Dana Myers <k...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I think you might be mis-reading the relevant rules here. I suggest you
> give
> the ARRL Lab a call and sort it out.
> 73,
> Dana  K6JQ
> P.S. I'd be shocked if you could come up with a compatible implementation
> that
> doesn't trample on Semtech's patents, which doesn't prevent
> experimentation, but
> draws a sharp line at any kind of commercial utilization.
> P.P.S. I am not an attorney despite having been accused of that several
> times.
> On 2/27/2017 2:00 PM, Steve wrote:
> Someone asked me if we could use LoRa modulation on UHF. I said, I don't
> know, let me look.
> LoRa is a Chirp Spread Spectrum mode (CSS). Well, the FCC allows Spread
> Spectrum on UHF I seemed to recall. Let me check.
> 97.3(c)(8): *SS. Spread Spectrum emissions using bandwidth-expansion
> modulation emissions having designators with A, C, D, F, G, H, J or R as
> the first symbol; X as the second symbol; X as the third symbol.*
> Boy, this doesn't look good. I find that LoRa has an emission code of X1D.
> X because no other emission mode works for spread spectrum.
> Wait a minute. If no other mode works, why did they list all those. The
> second and third emission symbols are mysterious, as it is obviously one
> channel of data.
> Good Lord. Looks like we can't do spread spectrum on UHF like they said we
> could. How about AXX emission mode. AM spread spectrum, hee.
> This isn't very digital voice related, but I always thought frequency
> hopping on UHF would make a good voice modem.
> I'm thinking about sending in a petition:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15n1LYDJhhdqRon7j5lM3n2rFlOgoq
> rk-kCenKtx9YLo/edit?usp=sharing
> Have fun,
> Steve
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