Ok, Steve..  David and I had discussed earlier about how to
eliminate the transition noise so no pops/cracks etc are heard
in the speaker.  Need a nice "quiet" transaction.  I'll tell you what really
is slick.. when a "stronger signal" (i.e. sync) comes on freq while
listening to weaker station.  The transition is flawless.. one moment
your listening to Joe and the next Bill and same happens when
either one leaves the air.  :-)   SSB can't match this.  FM can but
it requires a stronger signal or it too can make very annoying noises.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve" <coupaydevi...@gmail.com>
To: <freetel-codec2@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] calc_sd standard deviation

> Mel, that was just for the GUI display. Actually on second thought I
> should just let it measure (sync or not). Sometimes I over complicate
> things...
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