F R E N D Z  of martian

OK  you  lot,  when did the '.int' TLD (top level domain) come online?
Has  it  always  been  there  and  I missed it (surely not) or is it a
recent   thing?  If  recent,  WHY  didn't  I  hear  about  it  through

Listen up, people. Can't we make this a place where we keep each other
informed  about  stuff? OK, I've set a precedent with random weirdness
from around the web, but I only started doing that because spontaneous
conversation  was  lacking  at  the start. Nowadays I'm more likely to
post the random weirdness to my '10 cool' list at http://marsbard.com/
-  mainly because I find them in clusters of up to a hundred at a time
(like  I'm bored and just surf randomly for three days) and then I end
up flooding the list AND discarding loads of good links.

Anyway,  here's  a  crap  link, unless you're interested in EU policy,
although  note that it is targetted at company directors and therefore
maybe  an easier read than general EU policy (but probably not much) -
it  also  may  be  more truthful than the stuff they feed consumers. I
mainly post the link to show the existence of the '.int' TLD.

The Commission's Strategic Objectives for 2000-2005 can be found at:

Besides that, I want to say that I love the fact that 'frendz' exists,
and   I'm  very  proud  of  it, in a fatherly sort of way, rather than
'look  at  this great thing I did'. It is great, but not because I did
it,  because  you lot are happy to post and converse occasionally, and
I'm  certainly richer because of frendz (possibly 'meat' richer too...
I  have  got  leads  from people who would never have known I was self
employed  had  they  not been on this list (Hi Alex) ok, A lead from A

I'd  like  frendz  to  evolve a little. People only started talking to
each  other  when  I introduced everyone via my mini-biogs. New people
have  since come onto the list who have neither seen the biogs, or had
one  published  about  them  (remember  that although the main list is
publicly archived, there is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] address which
duplicates  the distribution but ignores the archiver's email address,
so  messages  sent  there are completely ephemeral (possibly the wrong
word...)  and  unarchived. So ppl can post their biogs to that address
and be safe in their privacy).

However,  the  evolution I want is to have a private area on marsbard,
where  people  can  post  their own biogs, saying as much or as little
about  themselves  as  they like, and that way people will get to know
each  other  and  feel  more  comfortable  talking  to  each other (as
evidenced by the mini-biogs experience).

One  idea I had at one point was 'email parties'. A temporary list you
would  sign  up  for  shortly  in advance of a due start time/date, in
which you could feel unrestricted in how much you post (most people on
the  list  work full time so it's easy to feel you are disturbing them
if  you  post  too  much to frendz). The list would exist for a preset
time,  and at the end of that time (the end of the party) you would be
automatically  unsubscribed.  Perfect for a lazy Friday afternoon, and
it doesn't disturb the main list.

Whaddya think? If you want it, I'll write it.

If  you  got  this  far,  thanks  for listening. I'm in a surprisingly
verbose mood tonight, as subscribers to the Bristol-based 'underscore'
list may have noticed...

big luv to all of you

PS:  do  you know about the .nt (unknown/unclaimed territory) TLD? And
my ambition to sail a boat with a server and radio transceiver 2 miles
out  and  register the windows.nt domain? Doesn't have to be a boat, a
buoy would do. And maybe I could use wave power to power it...

Sent to you via the frendz list at marsbard.com

The archive is at http://www.mail-archive.com/frendz@marsbard.com/

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