** reminder tomorrow **

Eric Klopfer
Director of the StarLogo Project and creator of StarLogo TNG
MIT Urban Studies and Planning / Teacher Education Program

"Graphical Programming with StarLogo TNG and open-sourcing StarLogo" 

TIME: Wednesday, April 4 @ 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Redfish Conference Room, 624 Agua Fria Street

Lunch will be available for $5 purchase

ABSTRACT: For years we have been working with students and teachers to help them
learn agent based modeling through StarLogo. While we believe the really "hard"
problems are conceptualizing models, novices often get bogged down (or
intimidated by) the syntax of languages and never make it to those good
challenging problems. In an effort to lower the barrier to entry for agent based
modeling, we have introduced StarLogo TNG that provides the innovations of a
graphical programming language and (almost) 3D world. At the same time the older
version of StarLogo has been released under an open source license. We'll talk
about both of this lineages in this session.

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