Hello all-
I am following this thread with interest because of similarities between gedanken experiments and the classic creative processes: an idea, whether potential scientific theory or potential visual/ multimedia theory is clarified, then attempted in the mind, possible / probable effects are visualized, the form still in the mind is examined again to assess whether it is worth further exploration, and if so it is then run physically- as an experiment, as a fabrication. I'd assume that gedanken experiments have a lot of depth, based on my studies of the process as a version of creation. Creation is complex.

I am not so far seeing any difference in the process between what you all are discussing and what I do in my studio.

To test my gedanken experiment, and see how similar or different this process is, I invite a group of you to my studio.
I work in a very accessible material - some of you were at my presentation at SFX a couple of years ago and made things then. Owen, are you listening? I am serious about this. Due to a major project, I can't do this until after the beginning of August: you all have lots going on and many of you don't even live here. But those of you who are local and want to pursue how gendanken experiments work, and have moved to the part of the process where you test things in the real world, let's see what happens.
        Victoria (if you're coming to my studio, you can call me Tory)

I was amazed to learn that gedanken experiments involve so much depth. I had thought thought experiments were just simple tests that it would be VERY nice to do, but for various reasons could not be executed. Like having all gedanken foolosofers leap from high buildings (under humane and controlled conditions) and their trajectories measured to determine whether they obey the laws of gravity and Newton.

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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