Et puisque l’on va réfléchir sur le meilleur vote possible, en attendant le 
RIPE, qui a une liste d’attente de 1107 LIR (le premier attends depuis 373 

Board Resolution to Temporarily Suspend IPv4 Waiting List Applications

At its meeting on 21 April 2023, the RIPE NCC Executive Board resolved to 
suspend the ability of RIPE NCC members to submit new applications to the IPv4 
waiting list until further notice. This does not affect any existing requests 
that have already been submitted to the waiting list. This resolution can be 
found in the draft minutes of the 166th RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting 
 which are now published.

The board made this resolution in light of the upcoming membership vote on 
charging scheme models that will take place at the RIPE NCC General Meeting 
from 24-26 May 2023. This is because the adoption of a category-based model 
(Model A) could create a rush to submit new applications. It was therefore 
decided to prevent new applications until a full analysis could be carried out 
and potentially a discussion held with the community. We believe that such a 
discussion is worth having irrespective of which model is chosen.

We will begin accepting applications to the waiting list again once a new Board 
resolution has been passed to allow this.




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