
commit 1b265647c5f70a6d390788d459aab6c1a14876b8
Author: voroskoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Wed Jan 9 19:27:22 2008 +0100

secfix relbump, closes #2654

diff --git a/source/xlib/cairo/CVE-2007-5503.diff 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4021c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xlib/cairo/CVE-2007-5503.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,1193 @@
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/CODING_STYLE fw_cairo-1.4.10/CODING_STYLE
+--- cairo-1.4.10/CODING_STYLE  2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/CODING_STYLE       2008-01-09 18:00:35.000000000 +0100
+@@ -243,3 +243,28 @@
+ this. If it's not available due to additional nesting above which
+ require some cleanup after the current block, then consider splitting
+ the current block into a new function before using goto.
++Memory allocation
++Because much of cairo's data consists of dynamically allocated arrays,
++it's very easy to introduce integer overflow issues whenever malloc()
++is called.  Use the _cairo_malloc2(), _cairo_malloc3(), and
++_cairo_malloc2_add1 macros to avoid these cases; these macros check
++for overflow and will return NULL in that case.
++  malloc (n * size) => _cairo_malloc_ab (n, size)
++    e.g. malloc (num_elts * sizeof(some_type)) =>
++         _cairo_malloc2 (num_elts, sizeof(some_type))
++  malloc (a * b * size) => _cairo_malloc_abc (a, b, size)
++    e.g. malloc (width * height * 4) =>
++         _cairo_malloc3 (width, height, 4)
++  malloc (n * size + k) => _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c (n, size, k)
++    e.g. malloc (num * sizeof(entry) + sizeof(header)) =>
++         _cairo_malloc2k (num, sizeof(entry), sizeof(header))
++In general, be wary of performing any arithmetic operations in an
++argument to malloc.  You should explicitly check for integer overflow
++yourself in any more complex situations.
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/fbcompose.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/fbcompose.c        2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/fbcompose.c     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -3883,7 +3883,7 @@
+     }
+     if (width > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
+-        alpha_buffer = (CARD32 *) malloc(width*sizeof(CARD32));
++        alpha_buffer = (CARD32 *) _pixman_malloc_ab (width, sizeof(CARD32));
+     fbFetchTransformed(pict, x, y, width, buffer, mask, maskBits);
+     fbFetchTransformed(pict->alphaMap, x - pict->alphaOrigin.x,
+@@ -4286,7 +4286,7 @@
+     compose_data.mask = pMask;
+     compose_data.dest = pDst;
+     if (width > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
+-        scanline_buffer = (CARD32 *) malloc(width * 3 * sizeof(CARD32));
++      scanline_buffer = (CARD32 *) _pixman_malloc_abc (width, 3, 
+     n = pixman_region_num_rects (&region);
+     pbox = pixman_region_rects (&region);
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/icimage.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/icimage.c  2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/icimage.c       2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@
+     if (!image)
+       return NULL;
+-    linear = malloc (sizeof (pixman_linear_gradient_image_t) +
+-                   sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t) * n_stops);
++    linear = _pixman_malloc_ab_plus_c (n_stops, sizeof 
++                             sizeof (pixman_linear_gradient_image_t));
+     if (!linear)
+     {
+       free (image);
+@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
+     if (!image)
+       return NULL;
+-    radial = malloc (sizeof (pixman_radial_gradient_image_t) +
+-                   sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t) * n_stops);
++    radial = _pixman_malloc_ab_plus_c (n_stops, sizeof 
++                             sizeof (pixman_radial_gradient_image_t));
+     if (!radial)
+     {
+       free (image);
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixman.h fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixman.h
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixman.h   2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixman.h        2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -89,6 +89,13 @@
+   typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
+   typedef __int64 int64_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
++# ifndef UINT16_MAX
++#  define UINT16_MAX  (65535)
++# endif
++# ifndef UINT32_MAX
++#  define UINT32_MAX  (0xffffffffU)
++# endif
+ #else
+ #error Cannot find definitions for fixed-width integral types (uint8_t, 
uint32_t, etc.)
+ #endif
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixmanint.h 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixmanint.h        2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixmanint.h     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1073,4 +1073,21 @@
+                      (*((a)+2) = (CARD8) ((v) >> 16))))
+ #endif
++/* Allocation helpers */
++#define _pixman_malloc_ab(n, size) \
++  ((unsigned) (n) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (n) * (unsigned) (size)))
++#define _pixman_malloc_abc(a, b, size) \
++  ((unsigned) (a) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (b) ? NULL : \
++   (unsigned) ((a)*(b)) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (a) * (unsigned) (b) * (unsigned) size))
++#define _pixman_malloc_ab_plus_c(n, size, k) \
++  ((unsigned) (n) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   (unsigned) (k) >= INT32_MAX - (unsigned) (n) * (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (n) * (unsigned) (size) + (unsigned) (k)))
+ #endif /* _PIXMANINT_H_ */
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregion.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregion.c        2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregion.c     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -148,7 +148,31 @@
+         ((r1)->y1 <= (r2)->y1) && \
+         ((r1)->y2 >= (r2)->y2) )
+-#define allocData(n) malloc(PIXREGION_SZOF(n))
++static size_t
++PIXREGION_SZOF(size_t n)
++    size_t size = n * sizeof(pixman_box16_t);
++    if (n > UINT32_MAX / sizeof(pixman_box16_t))
++      return 0;
++    if (sizeof(pixman_region16_data_t) > UINT32_MAX - size)
++      return 0;
++    return size + sizeof(pixman_region16_data_t);
++static void
++allocData(size_t n, void **data)
++    size_t sz = PIXREGION_SZOF(n);
++    if (!sz) {
++      *data = NULL;
++      return;
++    }
++    *data = malloc(sz);
+ #define freeData(reg) if ((reg)->data && (reg)->data->size) free((reg)->data)
+ #define RECTALLOC_BAIL(pReg,n,bail) \
+@@ -185,7 +209,10 @@
+ if (((numRects) < ((reg)->data->size >> 1)) && ((reg)->data->size > 50)) \
+ {                                                                      \
+     pixman_region16_data_t * NewData;                                         
+-    NewData = (pixman_region16_data_t *)realloc((reg)->data, 
PIXREGION_SZOF(numRects));        \
++    size_t data_size = PIXREGION_SZOF(numRects);                       \
++    if (!data_size)                                                    \
++      goto bail;                                                       \
++    NewData = (pixman_region16_data_t *)realloc((reg)->data, data_size); \
+     if (NewData)                                                       \
+     {                                                                  \
+       NewData->size = (numRects);                                      \
+@@ -372,11 +399,12 @@
+ pixman_rect_alloc(pixman_region16_t * region, int n)
+ {
+     pixman_region16_data_t *data;
++    size_t data_size;
+     if (!region->data)
+     {
+       n++;
+-      region->data = allocData(n);
++      allocData(n, (void **) &region->data);
+       if (!region->data)
+           return pixman_break (region);
+       region->data->numRects = 1;
+@@ -384,7 +412,7 @@
+     }
+     else if (!region->data->size)
+     {
+-      region->data = allocData(n);
++      allocData(n, (void **) &region->data);
+       if (!region->data)
+           return pixman_break (region);
+       region->data->numRects = 0;
+@@ -398,7 +426,10 @@
+               n = 250;
+       }
+       n += region->data->numRects;
+-      data = (pixman_region16_data_t *)realloc(region->data, 
++      data_size = PIXREGION_SZOF(n);
++      if (!data_size)
++          return pixman_break (region);
++      data = (pixman_region16_data_t *)realloc(region->data, data_size);
+       if (!data)
+           return pixman_break (region);
+       region->data = data;
+@@ -424,7 +455,7 @@
+     if (!dst->data || (dst->data->size < src->data->numRects))
+     {
+       freeData(dst);
+-      dst->data = allocData(src->data->numRects);
++      allocData(src->data->numRects, (void **) &dst->data);
+       if (!dst->data)
+           return pixman_break (dst);
+       dst->data->size = src->data->numRects;
+@@ -835,8 +866,10 @@
+       AppendRegions(newReg, r2BandEnd, r2End);
+     }
+-    if (oldData)
++    if (oldData) {
+       free(oldData);
++      oldData = NULL;
++    }
+     if (!(numRects = newReg->data->numRects))
+     {
+@@ -1493,7 +1526,7 @@
+     /* Set up the first region to be the first rectangle in badreg */
+     /* Note that step 2 code will never overflow the ri[0].reg rects array */
+-    ri = (RegionInfo *) malloc(4 * sizeof(RegionInfo));
++    ri = (RegionInfo *) _pixman_malloc_ab(4, sizeof(RegionInfo));
+     if (!ri)
+       return pixman_break (badreg);
+     sizeRI = 4;
+@@ -1555,9 +1588,13 @@
+       /* Uh-oh.  No regions were appropriate.  Create a new one. */
+       if (sizeRI == numRI)
+       {
++          size_t data_size;
+           /* Oops, allocate space for new region information */
+           sizeRI <<= 1;
+-          rit = (RegionInfo *) realloc(ri, sizeRI * sizeof(RegionInfo));
++          data_size = sizeRI * sizeof(RegionInfo);
++          if (data_size / sizeRI != sizeof(RegionInfo))
++              goto bail;
++          rit = (RegionInfo *) realloc(ri, data_size);
+           if (!rit)
+               goto bail;
+           ri = rit;
+@@ -1659,7 +1696,7 @@
+       }
+       return region;
+     }
+-    pData = allocData(nrects);
++    allocData(nrects, &pData);
+     if (!pData)
+     {
+       pixman_break (region);
+@@ -2167,7 +2204,7 @@
+     if (!dst->data || (dst->data->size < src->data->numRects))
+     {
+       freeData(dst);
+-      dst->data = allocData(src->data->numRects);
++      allocData(src->data->numRects, &dst->data);
+       if (!dst->data)
+           return pixman_break (dst);
+     }
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregionint.h 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregionint.h     2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/pixman/src/pixregionint.h  2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -70,6 +70,5 @@
+ #define PIXREGION_BOX(reg,i) (&PIXREGION_BOXPTR(reg)[i])
+ #define PIXREGION_TOP(reg) PIXREGION_BOX(reg, (reg)->data->numRects)
+ #define PIXREGION_END(reg) PIXREGION_BOX(reg, (reg)->data->numRects - 1)
+-#define PIXREGION_SZOF(n) (sizeof(pixman_region16_data_t) + ((n) * 
+ #endif /* _PIXREGIONINT_H_ */
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-array.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-array.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-array.c     2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-array.c  2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 +0100
+@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
+     }
+     array->size = new_size;
+-    new_elements = realloc (*array->elements,
+-                          array->size * array->element_size);
++    new_elements = _cairo_realloc_ab (*array->elements,
++                                    array->size, array->element_size);
+     if (new_elements == NULL) {
+       array->size = old_size;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-atsui-font.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-atsui-font.c        2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-atsui-font.c     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
+     *num_glyphs = glyphCount - 1;
+     *glyphs =
+-      (cairo_glyph_t *) malloc(*num_glyphs * (sizeof (cairo_glyph_t)));
++      (cairo_glyph_t *) _cairo_malloc_ab(*num_glyphs, sizeof (cairo_glyph_t));
+     if (*glyphs == NULL) {
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-bentley-ottmann.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-bentley-ottmann.c   2007-06-07 19:45:39.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-bentley-ottmann.c        2008-01-09 
18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
+      * or stop events, so this allocation is safe.  XXX: make the
+      * event type a union so it doesn't always contain the skip
+      * elt? */
+-    events = malloc (num_events * (sizeof (cairo_bo_event_t) + 
++    events = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_events, sizeof (cairo_bo_event_t) + 
+     if (events == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@
+     if (polygon->num_edges < ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_edges)) {
+       edges = stack_edges;
+     } else {
+-      edges = malloc (polygon->num_edges * sizeof (cairo_bo_edge_t));
++      edges = _cairo_malloc_ab (polygon->num_edges, sizeof (cairo_bo_edge_t));
+       if (edges == NULL)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@
+     while (intersections) {
+       int num_edges = _cairo_array_num_elements (&intersected_edges);
+       passes++;
+-      edges = malloc (num_edges * sizeof (cairo_bo_edge_t));
++      edges = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_edges, sizeof (cairo_bo_edge_t));
+       assert (edges != NULL);
+       memcpy (edges, _cairo_array_index (&intersected_edges, 0), num_edges * 
sizeof (cairo_bo_edge_t));
+       _cairo_array_fini (&intersected_edges);
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-beos-surface.cpp 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-beos-surface.cpp    2007-04-27 19:02:33.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-beos-surface.cpp 2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+                 int            height,
+                 int            stride)
+ {
+-    unsigned char* retdata = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(stride * 
++    unsigned char* retdata = reinterpret_cast<unsigned 
char*>(_cairo_malloc_ab(height, stride));
+     if (!retdata)
+       return NULL;
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
+                                       bitmap->BytesPerRow());
+     } else {
+       premultiplied = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(
+-                                      malloc(bitmap->BytesPerRow() * height));
++                                      _cairo_malloc_ab(bitmap->BytesPerRow(), 
+       if (premultiplied)
+           memcpy(premultiplied, bits, bitmap->BytesPerRow() * height);
+     }
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-clip.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-clip.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-clip.c      2007-05-16 15:52:56.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-clip.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -634,9 +634,13 @@
+         return (cairo_rectangle_list_t*) &_cairo_rectangles_not_representable;
+     n_boxes = clip->has_region ? pixman_region_num_rects (&clip->region) : 1;
+-    rectangles = malloc (sizeof (cairo_rectangle_t)*n_boxes);
+-    if (rectangles == NULL)
+-        return (cairo_rectangle_list_t*) &_cairo_rectangles_nil;
++    if (n_boxes > 0) {
++      rectangles = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_boxes, sizeof (cairo_rectangle_t));
++      if (rectangles == NULL)
++          return (cairo_rectangle_list_t*) &_cairo_rectangles_nil;
++    } else {
++      rectangles = NULL;
++    }
+     if (clip->has_region) {
+         pixman_box16_t *boxes;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-directfb-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-directfb-surface.c  2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-directfb-surface.c       2008-01-09 
18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@
+             if( surface->clips )
+                 free (surface->clips);
+-            surface->clips = malloc (n_boxes * sizeof(DFBRegion));
++            surface->clips = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_boxes, sizeof(DFBRegion));
+             if (!surface->clips) {
+                 surface->n_clips = 0;
+                 return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ft-font.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ft-font.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ft-font.c   2007-06-07 19:45:39.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ft-font.c        2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@
+           data = bitmap->buffer;
+           assert (stride == bitmap->pitch);
+       } else {
+-          data = malloc (stride * height);
++          data = _cairo_malloc_ab (height, stride);
+           if (!data) {
+               _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
+               return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
+           if (own_buffer) {
+               data = bitmap->buffer;
+           } else {
+-              data = malloc (stride * height);
++              data = _cairo_malloc_ab (height, stride);
+               if (!data) {
+                   _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
+                   return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-glitz-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-glitz-surface.c     2007-05-09 15:37:39.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-glitz-surface.c  2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
+     pf.bytes_per_line = (((width * format.bpp) / 8) + 3) & -4;
+     pf.scanline_order = GLITZ_PIXEL_SCANLINE_ORDER_TOP_DOWN;
+-    pixels = malloc (height * pf.bytes_per_line);
++    pixels = _cairo_malloc_ab (height, pf.bytes_per_line);
+     if (!pixels)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -627,8 +627,22 @@
+       n_params = gradient->n_stops * 3 + n_base_params;
+-      data = malloc (sizeof (glitz_fixed16_16_t) * n_params +
+-                     sizeof (unsigned int) * gradient->n_stops);
++        /* check for int overflow */
++        {
++            int size1, size2;
++            if (n_params >= INT32_MAX / sizeof (glitz_fixed16_16_t) ||
++                gradient->n_stops >= INT32_MAX / sizeof (unsigned int))
++                return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++            size1 = n_params * sizeof (glitz_fixed16_16_t);
++            size2 = gradient->n_stops * sizeof (unsigned int);
++            if (size1 >= INT32_MAX - size2)
++                return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
++            data = malloc (size1 + size2);
++        }
+       if (!data)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -1992,9 +2006,19 @@
+     if (num_glyphs > N_STACK_BUF)
+     {
+       char *data;
++        int size1, size2;
++        if (num_glyphs >= INT32_MAX / sizeof(void*) ||
++            num_glyphs >= INT32_MAX / sizeof(glitz_float_t) ||
++            (num_glyphs * sizeof(glitz_float_t)) >= INT32_MAX / 16)
++            goto FAIL1;
++        size1 = num_glyphs * sizeof(void *);
++        size2 = num_glyphs * sizeof(glitz_float_t) * 16;
++        if (size1 >= INT32_MAX - size2)
++            goto FAIL1;
+-      data = malloc (num_glyphs * sizeof (void *) +
+-                     num_glyphs * sizeof (glitz_float_t) * 16);
++      data = malloc (size1 + size2);
+       if (!data)
+           goto FAIL1;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-gstate.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-gstate.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-gstate.c    2007-06-07 19:44:01.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-gstate.c 2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+     }
+-    gstate->stroke_style.dash = malloc (gstate->stroke_style.num_dashes * 
sizeof (double));
++    gstate->stroke_style.dash = _cairo_malloc_ab 
(gstate->stroke_style.num_dashes, sizeof (double));
+     if (gstate->stroke_style.dash == NULL) {
+       gstate->stroke_style.num_dashes = 0;
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@
+     if (num_glyphs <= STACK_GLYPHS_LEN) {
+       transformed_glyphs = stack_transformed_glyphs;
+     } else {
+-      transformed_glyphs = malloc (num_glyphs * sizeof(cairo_glyph_t));
++      transformed_glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, 
+       if (transformed_glyphs == NULL)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+@@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@
+     if (num_glyphs < STACK_GLYPHS_LEN)
+       transformed_glyphs = stack_transformed_glyphs;
+     else
+-      transformed_glyphs = malloc (num_glyphs * sizeof(cairo_glyph_t));
++      transformed_glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, 
+     if (transformed_glyphs == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-hull.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-hull.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-hull.c      2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-hull.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+     *extremum = vertices[0].point;
+     vertices[0].point = tmp;
+-    hull = malloc (num_vertices * sizeof (cairo_hull_t));
++    hull = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_vertices, sizeof (cairo_hull_t));
+     if (hull == NULL)
+       return NULL;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairoint.h fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairoint.h
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairoint.h        2007-06-15 21:06:05.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairoint.h     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
+ #include "cairo-mutex-private.h"
+ #include "cairo-wideint-private.h"
++#include "cairo-malloc-private.h"
+ typedef int32_t               cairo_fixed_16_16_t;
+ typedef cairo_int64_t cairo_fixed_32_32_t;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-lzw.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-lzw.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-lzw.c       2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-lzw.c    2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 +0100
+@@ -93,7 +93,11 @@
+     if (buf->status)
+       return buf->status;
+-    new_data = realloc (buf->data, new_size);
++    new_data = NULL;
++    /* check for integer overflow */
++    if (new_size / 2 == buf->data_size)
++      new_data = realloc (buf->data, new_size);
+     if (new_data == NULL) {
+       free (buf->data);
+       buf->data_size = 0;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-malloc-private.h 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-malloc-private.h    1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-malloc-private.h 2008-01-09 18:05:19.000000000 
+@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
++/* -*- Mode: c; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
++/* Cairo - a vector graphics library with display and print output
++ *
++ * Copyright © 2007 Mozilla Corporation
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
++ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
++ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
++ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
++ * the MPL or the LGPL.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
++ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
++ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
++ *
++ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
++ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
++ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ *
++ *
++ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
++ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
++ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
++ *
++ * The Original Code is the cairo graphics library.
++ *
++ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation
++ *
++ * Contributor(s):
++ *    Vladimir Vukicevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
++ */
++#include "cairo-wideint-private.h"
++ * _cairo_malloc_ab:
++ * @n: number of elements to allocate
++ * @size: size of each element
++ *
++ * Allocates @[EMAIL PROTECTED] memory using malloc(), taking care to not
++ * overflow when doing the multiplication.  Behaves much like
++ * calloc(), except that the returned memory is not set to zero.
++ * The memory should be freed using free().
++ *
++ * @size should be a constant so that the compiler can optimize
++ * out a constant division.
++ *
++ * Return value: A pointer to the newly allocated memory, or %NULL in
++ * case of malloc() failure or overflow.
++ */
++#define _cairo_malloc_ab(a, size) \
++  ((unsigned) (a) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (a) * (unsigned) (size)))
++ * _cairo_malloc_abc:
++ * @a: first factor of number of elements to allocate
++ * @b: second factor of number of elements to allocate
++ * @size: size of each element
++ *
++ * Allocates @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@size memory using malloc(), taking care to not
++ * overflow when doing the multiplication.  Behaves like
++ * _cairo_malloc_ab().  The memory should be freed using free().
++ *
++ * @size should be a constant so that the compiler can optimize
++ * out a constant division.
++ *
++ * Return value: A pointer to the newly allocated memory, or %NULL in
++ * case of malloc() failure or overflow.
++ */
++#define _cairo_malloc_abc(a, b, size) \
++  ((unsigned) (a) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (b) ? NULL : \
++   (unsigned) ((a)*(b)) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (a) * (unsigned) (b) * (unsigned) size))
++ * _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c:
++ * @n: number of elements to allocate
++ * @size: size of each element
++ * @k: additional size to allocate
++ *
++ * Allocates @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@k memory using malloc(), taking care to not
++ * overflow when doing the arithmetic.  Behaves like
++ * _cairo_malloc_ab().  The memory should be freed using free().
++ *
++ * Return value: A pointer to the newly allocated memory, or %NULL in
++ * case of malloc() failure or overflow.
++ */
++#define _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c(n, size, k) \
++  ((unsigned) (n) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   (unsigned) (k) >= INT32_MAX - (unsigned) (n) * (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   malloc((unsigned) (n) * (unsigned) (size) + (unsigned) (k)))
++ * _cairo_realloc_ab:
++ * @ptr: original pointer to block of memory to be resized
++ * @n: number of elements to allocate
++ * @size: size of each element
++ *
++ * Reallocates @ptr a block of @[EMAIL PROTECTED] memory using realloc(), 
++ * care to not overflow when doing the multiplication.  The memory
++ * should be freed using free().
++ *
++ * @size should be a constant so that the compiler can optimize
++ * out a constant division.
++ *
++ * Return value: A pointer to the newly allocated memory, or %NULL in
++ * case of realloc() failure or overflow (whereupon the original block
++ * of memory * is left untouched).
++ */
++#define _cairo_realloc_ab(ptr, a, size) \
++  ((size) && (unsigned) (a) >= INT32_MAX / (unsigned) (size) ? NULL : \
++   realloc(ptr, (unsigned) (a) * (unsigned) (size)))
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-meta-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-meta-surface.c      2007-05-16 15:52:56.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-meta-surface.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
+     if (status)
+       goto CLEANUP_COMMAND;
+-    command->glyphs = malloc (sizeof (cairo_glyph_t) * num_glyphs);
++    command->glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof (cairo_glyph_t));
+     if (command->glyphs == NULL) {
+       status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       goto CLEANUP_SOURCE;
+@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
+           int i, num_glyphs = command->show_glyphs.num_glyphs;
+           if (has_device_transform) {
+-              dev_glyphs = malloc (sizeof (cairo_glyph_t) * num_glyphs);
++              dev_glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof 
+               if (dev_glyphs == NULL) {
+                   status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+                   break;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-os2-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-os2-surface.c       2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-os2-surface.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -296,8 +296,9 @@
+         ULONG ulPixels;
+         /* allocate temporary pixel buffer */
+-        pchPixBuf = (unsigned char *) malloc (3 * surface-> *
+-                                              surface->;
++        pchPixBuf = (unsigned char *) _cairo_malloc_abc 
++                                                    surface->,
++                                                    3);
+         pchPixSource = surface->pixels; /* start at beginning of pixel buffer 
+         pBufStart = pchPixBuf; /* remember beginning of the new pixel buffer 
+@@ -713,7 +714,7 @@
+     local_os2_surface->bitmap_info.cBitCount = 32;
+     /* Allocate memory for pixels */
+-    local_os2_surface->pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc (width * height * 4);
++    local_os2_surface->pixels = (unsigned char *) _cairo_malloc_abc (height, 
width, 4);
+     if (!(local_os2_surface->pixels)) {
+         /* Not enough memory for the pixels! */
+         DosCloseEventSem (local_os2_surface->hev_pixel_array_came_back);
+@@ -783,7 +784,7 @@
+     }
+     /* Allocate memory for new stuffs */
+-    pchNewPixels = (unsigned char *) malloc (new_width * new_height * 4);
++    pchNewPixels = (unsigned char *) _cairo_malloc_abc (new_height, 
new_width, 4);
+     if (!pchNewPixels) {
+         /* Not enough memory for the pixels!
+          * Everything remains the same!
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path.c      2007-05-18 22:15:40.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
+       return (cairo_path_t*) &_cairo_path_nil;
+     }
+-    path->data = malloc (path->num_data * sizeof (cairo_path_data_t));
++    path->data = _cairo_malloc_ab (path->num_data, sizeof 
+     if (path->data == NULL) {
+       free (path);
+       return (cairo_path_t*) &_cairo_path_nil;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path-stroke.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path-stroke.c       2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-path-stroke.c    2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 
+@@ -1076,7 +1076,8 @@
+       /* Common case is one rectangle of exactly 4 segments. */
+       if (new_size == 0)
+           new_size = 4;
+-      new_segments = realloc (stroker->segments, new_size * sizeof 
++      new_segments = _cairo_realloc_ab (stroker->segments,
++                                        new_size, sizeof (cairo_line_t));
+       if (new_segments == NULL)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       stroker->segments_size = new_size;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pattern.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pattern.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pattern.c   2007-06-07 19:44:01.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pattern.c        2008-01-09 18:07:32.000000000 
+@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
+       pattern->stops = pattern->stops_embedded;
+     else if (other->stops)
+     {
+-      pattern->stops = malloc (other->stops_size *
+-                               sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t));
++      pattern->stops = _cairo_malloc_ab (other->stops_size,
++                                       sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t));
+       if (pattern->stops == NULL) {
+           pattern->stops_size = 0;
+           pattern->n_stops = 0;
+@@ -757,11 +757,13 @@
+     assert (pattern->n_stops <= pattern->stops_size);
+     if (pattern->stops == pattern->stops_embedded) {
+-      new_stops = malloc (new_size * sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t));
++      new_stops = _cairo_malloc_ab (new_size, sizeof 
+       if (new_stops)
+           memcpy (new_stops, pattern->stops, old_size * sizeof 
+     } else {
+-      new_stops = realloc (pattern->stops, new_size * sizeof 
++      new_stops = _cairo_realloc_ab (pattern->stops,
++                      new_size,
++                      sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t));
+     }
+     if (new_stops == NULL) {
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pdf-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pdf-surface.c       2007-05-18 22:15:40.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pdf-surface.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@
+     color_function->id = 0;
+     alpha_function->id = 0;
+-    allstops = malloc ((pattern->n_stops + 2) * sizeof 
++    allstops = _cairo_malloc_ab ((pattern->n_stops + 2), sizeof 
+     if (allstops == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -2726,13 +2726,13 @@
+     cairo_box_t font_bbox = {{0,0},{0,0}};
+     cairo_box_t bbox = {{0,0},{0,0}};
+-    glyphs = malloc (font_subset->num_glyphs * sizeof (cairo_pdf_resource_t));
++    glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (font_subset->num_glyphs, sizeof 
+     if (glyphs == NULL) {
+       _cairo_surface_set_error (&surface->base, CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+-    widths = malloc (font_subset->num_glyphs * sizeof (double));
++    widths = _cairo_malloc_ab (font_subset->num_glyphs, sizeof (double));
+     if (widths == NULL) {
+         free (glyphs);
+       _cairo_surface_set_error (&surface->base, CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pen.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pen.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pen.c       2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-pen.c    2008-01-09 18:08:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+                                                   radius,
+                                                   ctm);
+-    pen->vertices = malloc (pen->num_vertices * sizeof (cairo_pen_vertex_t));
++    pen->vertices = _cairo_malloc_ab (pen->num_vertices, sizeof 
+     if (pen->vertices == NULL) {
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
+     *pen = *other;
+     if (pen->num_vertices) {
+-      pen->vertices = malloc (pen->num_vertices * sizeof 
++      pen->vertices = _cairo_malloc_ab (pen->num_vertices, sizeof 
+       if (pen->vertices == NULL) {
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       }
+@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@
+     int i;
+     num_vertices = pen->num_vertices + num_points;
+-    vertices = realloc (pen->vertices, num_vertices * sizeof 
++    vertices = _cairo_realloc_ab (pen->vertices,
++                  num_vertices, sizeof (cairo_pen_vertex_t));
+     if (vertices == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-png.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-png.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-png.c       2007-06-07 19:45:39.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-png.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+     else if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+-    rows = malloc (image->height * sizeof(png_byte*));
++    rows = _cairo_malloc_ab (image->height, sizeof(png_byte*));
+     if (rows == NULL) {
+         status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       goto BAIL1;
+@@ -429,11 +429,11 @@
+     png_read_update_info (png, info);
+     pixel_size = 4;
+-    data = malloc (png_width * png_height * pixel_size);
++    data = _cairo_malloc_abc (png_height, png_width, pixel_size);
+     if (data == NULL)
+       goto BAIL;
+-    row_pointers = malloc (png_height * sizeof(char *));
++    row_pointers = _cairo_malloc_ab (png_height, sizeof(char *));
+     if (row_pointers == NULL)
+       goto BAIL;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-polygon.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-polygon.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-polygon.c   2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-polygon.c        2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 
+@@ -93,11 +93,12 @@
+     assert (polygon->num_edges <= polygon->edges_size);
+     if (polygon->edges == polygon->edges_embedded) {
+-      new_edges = malloc (new_size * sizeof (cairo_edge_t));
++      new_edges = _cairo_malloc_ab (new_size, sizeof (cairo_edge_t));
+       if (new_edges)
+           memcpy (new_edges, polygon->edges, old_size * sizeof 
+     } else {
+-      new_edges = realloc (polygon->edges, new_size * sizeof (cairo_edge_t));
++      new_edges = _cairo_realloc_ab (polygon->edges,
++                                     new_size, sizeof (cairo_edge_t));
+     }
+     if (new_edges == NULL) {
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ps-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ps-surface.c        2007-06-07 19:44:01.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-ps-surface.c     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@
+        * can modify some of the values.
+        */
+       if (num_dashes % 2) {
+-          dash = malloc (2 * num_dashes * sizeof (double));
++          dash = _cairo_malloc_abc (num_dashes, 2, sizeof (double));
+           if (dash == NULL)
+               return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -2215,7 +2215,7 @@
+     num_glyphs_unsigned = num_glyphs;
+     _cairo_ps_surface_emit_pattern (surface, source);
+-    glyph_ids = malloc (num_glyphs_unsigned*sizeof (cairo_ps_glyph_id_t));
++    glyph_ids = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs_unsigned, sizeof 
+     if (glyph_ids == NULL)
+         return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-quartz-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-quartz-surface.c    2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-quartz-surface.c 2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@
+       float *fdash = sdash;
+       unsigned int k;
+       if (style->num_dashes > STATIC_DASH)
+-          fdash = malloc (sizeof(float)*style->num_dashes);
++          fdash = _cairo_malloc_ab (style->num_dashes, sizeof (float));
+       for (k = 0; k < style->num_dashes; k++)
+           fdash[k] = (float) style->dash[k];
+@@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@
+     CGContextSetFontSize (surface->cgContext, 1.0);
+     if (num_glyphs > STATIC_BUF_SIZE) {
+-      cg_glyphs = (CGGlyph*) malloc(sizeof(CGGlyph) * num_glyphs);
+-      cg_advances = (CGSize*) malloc(sizeof(CGSize) * num_glyphs);
++      cg_glyphs = (CGGlyph*) _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof(CGGlyph));
++      cg_advances = (CGSize*) _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof(CGSize));
+     }
+     xprev = glyphs[0].x;
+@@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@
+       return (cairo_surface_t*) &_cairo_surface_nil;
+     }
+-    imageData = malloc (height * stride);
++    imageData = _cairo_malloc_ab (height, stride);
+     if (!imageData) {
+       CGColorSpaceRelease (cgColorspace);
+       _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font.c       2007-06-15 21:06:05.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
+     if (status)
+       goto DONE;
+-    *glyphs = (cairo_glyph_t *) malloc ((*num_glyphs) * (sizeof 
++    *glyphs = (cairo_glyph_t *) _cairo_malloc_ab ((*num_glyphs), sizeof 
+     if (*glyphs == NULL) {
+       status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font-subsets.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font-subsets.c       2007-06-07 
19:44:01.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-scaled-font-subsets.c    2008-01-09 
18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
+       subset.num_glyphs = collection->num_glyphs;
+         /* No need to check for out of memory here. If to_unicode is NULL, 
the PDF
+          * surface does not emit an ToUnicode stream */
+-        subset.to_unicode = malloc (collection->num_glyphs*sizeof(unsigned 
++        subset.to_unicode = _cairo_malloc_ab (collection->num_glyphs, sizeof 
(unsigned long));
+         if (subset.to_unicode) {
+             for (j = 0; j < collection->num_glyphs; j++) {
+                 /* default unicode character required when mapping fails */
+@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
+     if (! collection.glyphs_size)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+-    collection.glyphs = malloc (collection.glyphs_size * sizeof(unsigned 
++    collection.glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (collection.glyphs_size, 
sizeof(unsigned long));
+     if (collection.glyphs == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-spline.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-spline.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-spline.c    2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-spline.c 2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 +0100
+@@ -109,11 +109,12 @@
+     assert (spline->num_points <= spline->points_size);
+     if (spline->points == spline->points_embedded) {
+-      new_points = malloc (new_size * sizeof (cairo_point_t));
++      new_points = _cairo_malloc_ab (new_size, sizeof (cairo_point_t));
+       if (new_points)
+           memcpy (new_points, spline->points, old_size * sizeof 
+     } else {
+-      new_points = realloc (spline->points, new_size * sizeof 
++      new_points = _cairo_realloc_ab (spline->points,
++                                      new_size, sizeof (cairo_point_t));
+     }
+     if (new_points == NULL) {
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-stroke-style.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-stroke-style.c      2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-stroke-style.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+     if (other->dash == NULL) {
+       style->dash = NULL;
+     } else {
+-      style->dash = malloc (style->num_dashes * sizeof (double));
++      style->dash = _cairo_malloc_ab (style->num_dashes, sizeof (double));
+       if (style->dash == NULL)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface.c   2007-05-18 22:15:40.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface.c        2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@
+     rects = stack_rects;
+     if (num_rects > ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_rects)) {
+-      rects = malloc (sizeof (cairo_rectangle_int16_t) * num_rects);
++      rects = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_rects, sizeof (cairo_rectangle_int16_t));
+       if (!rects)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface-fallback.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface-fallback.c  2007-05-16 15:52:56.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface-fallback.c       2008-01-09 
18:00:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@
+     /* If the fetched image isn't at 0,0, we need to offset the rectangles */
+     if (state.image_rect.x != 0 || state.image_rect.y != 0) {
+-      offset_rects = malloc (sizeof (cairo_rectangle_int16_t) * num_rects);
++      offset_rects = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_rects, sizeof 
+       if (offset_rects == NULL) {
+           status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+           goto DONE;
+@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
+     /* If the destination image isn't at 0,0, we need to offset the 
trapezoids */
+     if (state.image_rect.x != 0 || state.image_rect.y != 0) {
+-      offset_traps = malloc (sizeof (cairo_trapezoid_t) * num_traps);
++      offset_traps = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_traps, sizeof (cairo_trapezoid_t));
+       if (!offset_traps) {
+           status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+           goto DONE;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-svg-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-svg-surface.c       2007-05-09 15:37:39.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-svg-surface.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
+     if (emulate_reflect || reverse_stops) {
+       n_stops = emulate_reflect ? pattern->n_stops * 2 - 2: pattern->n_stops;
+-      stops = malloc (sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t) * n_stops);
++      stops = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_stops, sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t));
+       for (i = 0; i < pattern->n_stops; i++) {
+           if (reverse_stops) {
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-traps.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-traps.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-traps.c     2007-06-27 20:00:55.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-traps.c  2008-01-09 18:00:53.000000000 +0100
+@@ -260,11 +260,12 @@
+       return traps->status;
+     if (traps->traps == traps->traps_embedded) {
+-      new_traps = malloc (new_size * sizeof (cairo_trapezoid_t));
++      new_traps = _cairo_malloc_ab (new_size, sizeof (cairo_trapezoid_t));
+       if (new_traps)
+           memcpy (new_traps, traps->traps, sizeof (traps->traps_embedded));
+     } else {
+-      new_traps = realloc (traps->traps, new_size * sizeof 
++      new_traps = _cairo_realloc_ab (traps->traps,
++                                     new_size, sizeof (cairo_trapezoid_t));
+     }
+     if (new_traps == NULL) {
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-unicode.c fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-unicode.c
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-unicode.c   2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 +0200
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-unicode.c        2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
+       in = UTF8_NEXT_CHAR (in);
+     }
+-    str32 = malloc (sizeof (uint32_t) * (n_chars + 1));
++    str32 = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_chars + 1, sizeof (uint32_t));
+     if (!str32)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
+       in = UTF8_NEXT_CHAR (in);
+     }
+-    str16 = malloc (sizeof (uint16_t) * (n16 + 1));
++    str16 = _cairo_malloc_ab (n16 + 1, sizeof (uint16_t));
+     if (!str16)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-font.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-font.c        2007-04-27 19:02:34.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-font.c     2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -613,8 +613,8 @@
+           dx = NULL;
+       }
+-      glyph_indices = malloc (sizeof (WCHAR) * buffer_size);
+-      dx = malloc (sizeof (int) * buffer_size);
++      glyph_indices = _cairo_malloc_ab (buffer_size, sizeof (WCHAR));
++      dx = _cairo_malloc_ab (buffer_size, sizeof (int));
+       if (!glyph_indices || !dx) {
+           status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+           goto FAIL2;
+@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
+     }
+     *num_glyphs = gcp_results.nGlyphs;
+-    *glyphs = malloc (sizeof (cairo_glyph_t) * gcp_results.nGlyphs);
++    *glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (gcp_results.nGlyphs, sizeof (cairo_glyph_t));
+     if (!*glyphs) {
+       status = CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       goto FAIL2;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-surface.c     2007-05-09 15:37:39.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-win32-surface.c  2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
+     }
+     if (num_palette > 2) {
+-      bitmap_info = malloc (sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) + num_palette * sizeof 
++      bitmap_info = _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c (num_palette, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 
+       if (!bitmap_info)
+           return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     } else {
+@@ -1546,8 +1546,8 @@
+     SetBkMode(dst->dc, TRANSPARENT);
+     if (num_glyphs > STACK_GLYPH_SIZE) {
+-      glyph_buf = (WORD *)malloc(num_glyphs * sizeof(WORD));
+-        dxy_buf = (int *)malloc(num_glyphs * 2 * sizeof(int));
++      glyph_buf = (WORD *) _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof(WORD));
++        dxy_buf = (int *) _cairo_malloc_abc (num_glyphs, sizeof(int), 2);
+     }
+     /* It is vital that dx values for dxy_buf are calculated from the delta of
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xcb-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xcb-surface.c       2007-05-09 15:37:39.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xcb-surface.c    2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
+     bpp = _bits_per_pixel(surface->dpy, imagerep->depth);
+     bytes_per_line = _bytes_per_line(surface->dpy, surface->width, bpp);
+-    data = malloc (bytes_per_line * surface->height);
++    data = _cairo_malloc_ab (surface->height, bytes_per_line);
+     if (data == NULL) {
+       free (imagerep);
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@
+     mask_picture = _create_a8_picture (dst, &transparent, width, height, 
+     solid_picture = _create_a8_picture (dst, &solid, width, height, TRUE);
+-    offset_traps = malloc (sizeof (xcb_render_trapezoid_t) * num_traps);
++    offset_traps = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_traps, sizeof 
+     if (!offset_traps)
+       return XCB_NONE;
+@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@
+       n_boxes = pixman_region_num_rects (region);
+       if (n_boxes > 0) {
+-          rects = malloc (sizeof(xcb_rectangle_t) * n_boxes);
++          rects = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_boxes, sizeof(xcb_rectangle_t));
+           if (rects == NULL)
+               return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       } else {
+@@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@
+     /* We make a copy of the glyphs so that we can elide any size-zero
+      * glyphs to workaround an X server bug, (present in at least Xorg
+      * 7.1 without EXA). */
+-    output_glyphs = malloc (num_glyphs * sizeof (cairo_glyph_t));
++    output_glyphs = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_glyphs, sizeof (cairo_glyph_t));
+     if (output_glyphs == NULL)
+       return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+diff -Naur cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xlib-surface.c 
+--- cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xlib-surface.c      2007-06-27 20:05:33.000000000 
++++ fw_cairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-xlib-surface.c   2008-01-09 18:00:36.000000000 
+@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@
+     mask_picture = _create_a8_picture (dst, &transparent, width, height, 
+     solid_picture = _create_a8_picture (dst, &solid, width, height, TRUE);
+-    offset_traps = malloc (sizeof (XTrapezoid) * num_traps);
++    offset_traps = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_traps, sizeof (XTrapezoid));
+     if (!offset_traps)
+       return None;
+@@ -1760,7 +1760,7 @@
+       n_boxes = pixman_region_num_rects (region);
+       if (n_boxes > ARRAY_LENGTH (surface->embedded_clip_rects)) {
+-          rects = malloc (sizeof(XRectangle) * n_boxes);
++          rects = _cairo_malloc_ab (n_boxes, sizeof(XRectangle));
+           if (rects == NULL)
+               return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+       }else {
+@@ -2815,7 +2815,7 @@
+     if (num_elts <= STACK_ELTS_LEN) {
+       elts = stack_elts;
+     } else {
+-      elts = malloc (num_elts * sizeof (XGlyphElt8));
++      elts = _cairo_malloc_ab (num_elts, sizeof (XGlyphElt8));
+       if (elts == NULL)
+         return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+     }
diff --git a/source/xlib/cairo/FrugalBuild b/source/xlib/cairo/FrugalBuild
index c7fca4d..5f24032 100644
--- a/source/xlib/cairo/FrugalBuild
+++ b/source/xlib/cairo/FrugalBuild
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

pkgdesc="A vector graphics library with cross-device output support"
depends=('glitz' 'libxrender' 'fontconfig' 'libpng')
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ makedepends=('gtk-doc' 'poppler-glib' 'librsvg')
archs=('x86_64' 'i686')
up2date="lynx -dump|grep -m1 'release '|sed 's/.*ro 
\(.*\) .*re.*/\1/'"
+source=($url/releases/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz CVE-2007-5503.diff)
Fconfopts="$Fconfopts --enable-glitz --enable-gtk-doc --enable-pdf --enable-ps"
+sha1sums=('8371097e30650ec817b24694367110139627403e' \
+          '368c88f7551f8026f2ec1d9fddd9e6587357613b')

# optimization OK
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