
commit 3ed6d03cbbfe2c6b6f5ea4a6fe9eb0f123646b62
Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) <>
Date:   Fri Feb 20 21:48:00 2009 +1000

Newsletter issue 39 - more grammatical changes and moved one item

modified:   issue39.html

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue39.html 
index e6ab1f6..726a6a3 100755
--- a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue39.html
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue39.html
@@ -119,7 +119,10 @@ screen readers. bitlbee-skype allows me to make use of 
skype without having to i
<p>I'm recommending the <a href="";>Ubuntu 
Pocket Guide</a> but please, don't launch the hate mail yet, because there are 
several reasons for recommending this book.    First, it contains valuable 
information that's useful to everyone who uses Linux.  Second, it's available 
for free in PDF format.  It covers topics such as file and folder permissions, 
security, command line basics.  Of course there's some content which is 
specific to Ubuntu - e.g. package management - but if you ignore these 
sections, you have a very useful book.</p>

<h3>Time it!</h3>
-<p>It can be very useful to know just how long it took to run a command.  To 
do this, prefix the command with <pre>time</pre>.  When the command is 
complete, a message will appear, giving details of how long the command took to 
+<p>It can be very useful to know just how long it took to run a command 
entered at the command line.  If you add "<code>time</code>" at the front of 
the command, the duration is output when the command is complete.  For example 
- "<code>time ls</code>".</p>
+<h3>Mirror cracked?</h3>
+<p>pacman-g2 will automatically try to download a package from all the mirrors 
in its list.  If a package isn't available at mirror 1, it moves on to mirror 2 
and so on.  Mirrors synchronise with the master packages site on their own 
schedule, with some synchronising more often than others.  The following web 
page gives you an overview of the status of all Frugalware package mirrors - <a 

<p>This section relies on your contributions! If have some tips and tricks that 
you would like to be shown in the newsletter, <em>please</em> post them on the 

@@ -129,9 +132,6 @@ screen readers. bitlbee-skype allows me to make use of 
skype without having to i
<h3>Erase that data!</h3>
<p>"<a href="";>BleachBit</a> deletes 
unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove 
junk. Rid your system of old clutter including cache, cookies, Internet 
history, localizations, logs, temporary files, and broken shortcuts. Designed 
for Linux systems, it wipes clean Adobe Reader, APT, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, 
Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, 
RealPlayer, rpmbuild, Second Live viewer, Skype, VIM, XChat, Yum, and more."</p>

-<h3>Mirror cracked?</h3>
-<p>pacman-g2 will automatically try to download a package from all the mirrors 
in its list.  If a package isn't available at mirror 1, it moves on to mirror 2 
and so on.  Mirrors synchronise with the master packages site on their own 
schedule, with some synchronising more often than others.  The following web 
page gives you an overview of the status of all Frugalware package mirrors -</p>
<h3>Firefox extension - Read It Later</h3>
<p><a href="";>Read It 
Later</a> allows you to easily maintain a list of those web sites/pages that 
you find interesting but don't have time to read immediately.  It's better than 
bookmarking them because if you only want to read them once, you then have to 
find and remove the bookmark.  With Read It Later, if you decide you want to 
bookmark the site, you can quickly do that.  If a link in a web site looks 
interesting, you can add the link to your list, so you don't have to navigate 
to the site itself.  It even has an offline mode, where it can download all the 
pages in your list to Firefox's cache, so that you can read them in 'Offline 
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