
commit aff576893b5e963170e104d7d0ca2b3cd50a2420
Author: Miklos Vajna <>
Date:   Sun Jul 26 12:42:34 2009 +0200


- add README.Frugaware, based on voroskoi's wiki page

diff --git a/source/network/keychain/FrugalBuild 
index 08ff5af..f2b25e0 100644
--- a/source/network/keychain/FrugalBuild
+++ b/source/network/keychain/FrugalBuild
@@ -3,23 +3,19 @@

pkgdesc="Keychain is a script that provides some automation around the task of 
sharing a long-running ssh-agent between processes."
depends=('openssh' 'bash' 'grep')
archs=('i686' 'x86_64' 'ppc')
up2date="lynx -dump $url |grep keychain/keychain |grep tar |sed -ne 
+sha1sums=('0c1b645b68b9fe23bfe217963df45a033d84fe9c' \
+          '626089947d0365b6ef249a5b0d2c3d19748c1f54')

build() {
-       Fmkdir /usr/bin
-       Fmkdir /usr/man/man1
-       mv keychain $Fdestdir/usr/bin/
-       mv keychain.1 $Fdestdir/usr/man/man1/
+       Fexerel /usr/bin/keychain
+       Fmanrel keychain.1
diff --git a/source/network/keychain/README.Frugalware 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41e4290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/network/keychain/README.Frugalware
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+First of all, we have to install package called keychain. (`pacman-g2 -S
+In the next step we have to create a new key. A key stands from two
+parts, a public and a private part. It means two different files in your
+`~/.ssh/` directory.
+Your key is generated by a program called ssh-keygen. It's a part of
+openssh package. Run ssh-keygen -t dsa! You'll see something like this:
+voros...@kavics~$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
+Generating public/private dsa key pair.
+Enter file in which to save the key (/home/voroskoi/.ssh/id_dsa):
+Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+Enter same passphrase again:
+Your identification has been saved in /home/voroskoi/.ssh/id_dsa.
+Your public key has been saved in /home/voroskoi/.ssh/
+The key fingerprint is:
+ac:47:93:29:d2:c4:e1:85:47:5c:c1:36:93:74:e9:08 voros...@kavics
+It'll generate for us the two parts of the key. The program asks where
+do you want to save the keys, it's good to simply push an enter. After
+that You have to type in the passphrase of the key two times. It's
+_really_ important to chose a hard passphrase. It should contain
+lower-/uppercase characters, digits, possibly special characters too.
+The length must be at least 10 characters! We have to type in this
+passphrase only once after every restart we shouldn't choose an easy
+If everything works fine, then we have an id_dsa and an file
+in our `~/.ssh/` directory.
+voros...@kavics~/.ssh $ ls -la
+drwx------   2 voroskoi users   5 2005-04-13 13:39 ./
+drwx--x--x  38 voroskoi users  67 2005-04-13 13:24 ../
+-rw-------   1 voroskoi users 736 2005-03-01 21:25 id_dsa
+-rw-r--r--   1 voroskoi users 605 2005-04-11 04:18
+-rw-r--r--   1 voroskoi users 230 2005-04-11 04:26 known_hosts
+Now, we would like to use our newly generated key. We have to do the
+$ scp ~/.ssh/ usern...@remote_machine:
+$ ssh usern...@remote_machine
+$ cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+$ rm
+$ exit
+Good to know, that this time(I mean when we run scp and ssh commands) we
+can't use our key's passphrase, so we have to use our password on the
+remore_machine. If it's done without any mistake on next login the
+remote_machine will ask for our key's passphrase.
+And here comes keychain. In openssh package there is a program called
+ssh-agent. You can store keys in ssh-agent. Keychain just makes easier
+using of ssh-agent and adds some new features.
+This time i assume that we use bash. If we would like to use keychain
+with an other shell, then we can use man keychain:-) So, let's take out
+favourite editor and add the following lines to `~/.bash_profile` file:
+keychain -q id_dsa
+[ -f $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh ] && source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh
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