About Aravis

Vision library for ethernet cameras


  This release should fix the lost of connection, at least better than
  the last release. It also allows to instantiate a GigE Vision device
  using its MAC address.

  * device: new "control-lost" signal.
  * GV device: allow use of MAC address for device instantiation.
  * GV device: retry gvcp command if wrong packet is received.
  * GV device: try harder to get control register value in heartbeat thread.
  * GVCP: don't use 0 for packet counter value.


http://download.gnome.org/sources/aravis/0.1/aravis-0.1.10.tar.xz  (355K)
  sha256sum: d7eb81ef0c181849887dd84b28eb5af93cbf17c0117229616eb347ad613ebdc0

http://download.gnome.org/sources/aravis/0.1/aravis-0.1.10.tar.bz2 (444K)
  sha256sum: 023d35fd2daa1a63a91c2517e353819489ed450ef78ed5393f730f1c1604376d

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Upcoming changes:
  Nov 16: new tarballs use format .tar.xz (no more .tar.bz2 nor .tar.gz!)

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