About gexiv2

GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library


 * Include a test for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/shotwell/issues/94
 * Disable autoptr test when not running on GCC/Clang
 * Revert symbol hiding script
 * Improve building the vapi using meson's vala support
 * Add canary test for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gexiv2/issues/27
 * Promote gexiv2-dump to a tool
 * Documentation fixes
 * flake8 fixes for python code

Bugs fixed in this release:
 - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gexiv2/issues/27

All contributors to this release:
 - Jens Georg <m...@jensge.org>
 - Chris Mayo <aklh...@gmail.com>
 - Marty E. Plummer <hanet...@startmail.com>

https://download.gnome.org/sources/gexiv2/0.12/gexiv2-0.12.0.tar.xz (362K)
  sha256sum: 58f539b0386f36300b76f3afea3a508de4914b27e78f58ee4d142486a42f926a

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