About seahorse

Seahorse is a graphical interface for managing and using encryption
keys. Currently it supports PGP keys (using GPG/GPGME) and SSH keys.
Its goal is to provide an easy to use Key Management Tool, along with
an easy to use interface for encryption operations.

Seahorse is integrated into the GNOME Desktop Environment and allows
users to perform operations from their regular applications, like
nautilus or gedit.


 * Enable type-to-search [#218, !76]
 * Fix errors when building with valac < 0.40 [!77]
 * pgp: Fix crash when syncing GPG keys to HKP server [#224]
 * Update documentation for import/exporting keys / creating keyrings
 * Fix build with -Dcheck-compatible-gpg=false [#217]
 * Updated translations

https://download.gnome.org/sources/seahorse/3.32/seahorse-3.32.1.tar.xz (1.22M)
  sha256sum: c69dcb2d3f433440d19bac3dec40c1a2a4de22f408003a543046f618a17a02da

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