
Disclosing out of boredom and for the crawlers to archive.

Keywords: phpmyadmin, web, exploit, zavod, devitalia, mwstudio, szervernet,
infotel, oodrive, iceman, romania, scriptkiddie.

An example of the phpmyadmin exploit used in masses without thinking.

IRC server: irc10.iceman.ro has address (
IRC port: 9999

A few domains that are webhosted on the same IP: freebid.de, soccertreff.de,
junge-werbung.com, pocket.marktcom.de.

Other possible IRC servers:
irc11.iceman.ro has address
irc12.iceman.ro has address
irc14.iceman.ro has address

12:51 <@who> 110 out of 130 hosts, please wait a few minutes before kline ;)
12:51 < IceMan> eh lol =))))))))))
12:51 < IceMan> 130 ?
12:52 < IceMan> ahaha
12:52 < IceMan> only the ones from root
12:52 < IceMan> :(
12:52 < IceMan> i have about 6000
12:52 <@who> anything else you want to share on the blog ?
12:53 < IceMan> you r makeing a bloog ?
12:53 < IceMan> blog*
12:53 <@who> no, i'm adding an entry.
12:53 < IceMan> =)))
12:53 < IceMan> on what blog ?
12:53 <@who> you'll know in time.
12:53 < IceMan> just dont add me
12:53 -!- Z [~...@iceman.ro] has joined #phpmyadmin
12:53 < IceMan> i dont wanna become a "STAR"

Hosts that made me stop scrolling for a second:

12:46 -!- ircb0t|558144 [~b...@static-241064.xdsl.raiffeisen.net]
12:52 -!- ircb0t|76136 [~b...@slice.corp.it]
12:50 -!- ircb0t|298636 [~b...@gw.zavod.ee]
12:50 -!- ircb0t|514818 [~b...@backup.szervernet.hu]
12:47 -!- ircb0t|803682 [~b...@b165.myrootshell.com]
12:47 -!- ircb0t|39903 [~b...@nomail.wietec.com]
12:46 -!- ircb0t|118029 [~b...@hermes.ac-net.at]
12:47 -!- ircb0t|426978 [~b...@mail.icable.at]
12:48 -!- ircb0t|622275 [www-d...@brain.servercrew.de]
12:48 -!- ircb0t|896247 [~b...@www.mwstudio.hu]
12:48 -!- ircb0t|259056 [~b...@mailserver.devitalia.it]
12:49 -!- ircb0t|691775 [~b...@thomas.livenet.ch]
12:50 -!- ircb0t|735988 [www-d...@imukuppi.org]
12:52 -!- ircb0t|981791 [~b...@doha.virtualbuilding.nl]
12:52 -!- ircb0t|376391 [~b...@crm.oodrive.com]
12:51 -!- ircb0t|305549 [~b...@azzinoth.decknet.fr]
12:50 -!- ircb0t|522103 [~b...@master.infotel.it]
12:50 -!- ircb0t|987422 [~b...@gentoo.stofan.sk]

List of all visible clients (in #root)

12:41 -!- ircb0t|348728 [~b...@ip-81-11-185-103.dsl.scarlet.be]
12:41 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.22-14-server
12:41 -!- ircb0t|546679 [~b...@webplus-1.nederhost.net]
12:41 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-xen
12:46 -!- ircb0t|348728 [~b...@ip-81-11-185-103.dsl.scarlet.be]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.22-14-server
12:46 -!- ircb0t|546679 [~b...@webplus-1.nederhost.net]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-xen
12:46 -!- ircb0t|768952 [9e8d281...@hartlep.eu]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18
12:46 -!- ircb0t|100341 [www-d...@bud125.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:46 -!- ircb0t|360066 [~b...@neobitd.home.net.pl]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.23
12:46 -!- ircb0t|554117 [www-d...@c-89-233-220-91.cust.bredband2.com]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17
12:46 -!- ircb0t|789508 [~b...@]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-gentoo-r8
12:46 -!- ircb0t|109012 [~b...@moldau.trilos.net]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:46 -!- ircb0t|371797 [~
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.19-gentoo-r5
12:46 -!- ircb0t|557516 [~b...@r02s01.colo.vollmar.net]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:46 -!- ircb0t|789854 [~b...@]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:46 -!- ircb0t|118029 [~b...@hermes.ac-net.at]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-vserver-686
12:46 -!- ircb0t|375254 [~b...@]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.15-1-686-smp
12:46 -!- ircb0t|558144 [~b...@static-241064.xdsl.raiffeisen.net]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-amd64
12:46 -!- ircb0t|79389 [~b...@madletomas.netbox.cz]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:46 -!- ircb0t|118901 [~b...@nat-130-146.man.bydgoszcz.pl]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.23-gentoo-r3
12:46 -!- ircb0t|378649 [~b...@mail.jdj.com.pl]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.7-1-386
12:46 -!- ircb0t|564105 [~b...@srv-h64.esp.mediateam.fi]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-xenU
12:46 -!- ircb0t|794645 [~b...@]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.4.21-50.EL
12:46 -!- ircb0t|134194 [~b...@medimpex13.medimpex.tvnet.hu]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:46 -!- ircb0t|394988 [~b...@m13s11.vlinux.de]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18
12:46 -!- ircb0t|564960 [~b...@turbine.vnetworx.net]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:46 -!- ircb0t|798421 [~b...@]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-gentoo-r3
12:46 -!- ircb0t|156819 [~b...@dye204.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:46 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.15-51-server
12:47 -!- ircb0t|39903 [~b...@nomail.wietec.com]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|573848 [~b...@229.ispy.se]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.20-gentoo-r8
12:47 -!- ircb0t|803682 [~b...@b165.myrootshell.com]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-xenU-vmsp
12:47 -!- ircb0t|162770 [apa...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-xen
12:47 -!- ircb0t|403023 [~b...@h081217003076.dyn.cm.kabsi.at]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|580961 [~b...@cpc2-brig14-0-0-cust582.brig.cable.ntl.com]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-gentoo-r8
12:47 -!- ircb0t|820387 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-3-xen-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|165683 [~b...@c83-248-93-49.bredband.comhem.se]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|416174 [~b...@67-207-130-189.slicehost.net]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-xen
12:47 -!- ircb0t|587205 [~b...@89-186-95-178.dcpool.ip.kpnqwest.it]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:47 -!- ircb0t|822064 [~b...@eurogift.amsterdam.dataweb.net]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|169148 [~b...@bsn-77-187-53.static.dsl.siol.net]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-3-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|420571 [www-d...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
12:47 -!- ircb0t|593167 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18
12:47 -!- ircb0t|854735 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.20-xen-r6
12:47 -!- ircb0t|42155 [www-d...@66-111-39-201.static.sagonet.net]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-3-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|59751 [~b...@a62-251-30-68.adsl.xs4all.nl]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.20iptables
12:47 -!- ircb0t|857062 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.4.18-1-686-smp
12:47 -!- ircb0t|179951 [www-d...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|424794 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-xen
12:47 -!- ircb0t|60325 [~b...@83-103-96-60.ip.fastwebnet.it]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|873417 [~b...@81-7-92-77.static.zebra.lt]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-2-amd64
12:47 -!- ircb0t|188869 [~b...@server.szechenyi-kap.sulinet.hu]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|426978 [~b...@mail.icable.at]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|612012 [~b...@177.254-228-195.hosting.adatpark.hu]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.4.23
12:47 -!- ircb0t|876348 [~b...@business-89-132-156-81.business.broadband.hu]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:47 -!- ircb0t|192095 [~b...@]
12:47 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|428332 [~b...@server.um.ustka.pl]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.24
12:48 -!- ircb0t|621921 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|883442 [~b...@dvk98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-pp3
12:48 -!- ircb0t|221125 [~b...@89-186-141-237.dynamic.primacom.net]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-tie
12:48 -!- ircb0t|436737 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|622275 [www-d...@brain.servercrew.de]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:48 -!- ircb0t|895729 [~b...@gnu.dh.bytemark.co.uk]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-xen-amd64
12:48 -!- ircb0t|23033 [~b...@india537.server4you.de]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-amd64
12:48 -!- ircb0t|451987 [~b...@rdlnet.de]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
12:48 -!- ircb0t|62334 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.4.20-64GB-SMP
12:48 -!- ircb0t|896247 [~b...@www.mwstudio.hu]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-3-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|236167 [~b...@mail.icable.at]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|462896 [~b...@cpe-69-204-233-96.nyc.res.rr.com]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|6245 [~b...@ip565f1c5a.direct-adsl.nl]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.15
12:48 -!- ircb0t|919530 [~b...@enzo.opf.slu.cz]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|241462 [~b...@251.red-217-127-103.staticip.rima-tde.net]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21
12:48 -!- ircb0t|464418 [~b...@89-186-95-181.dcpool.ip.kpnqwest.it]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:48 -!- ircb0t|627647 [...@bvz155.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:48 -!- ircb0t|919666 [~b...@wpc0335.amenworld.com]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.14-2-k7-smp
12:48 -!- ircb0t|245069 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:48 -!- ircb0t|466823 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-486
12:48 -!- ircb0t|636465 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|920974 [~b...@]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:48 -!- ircb0t|259056 [~b...@mailserver.devitalia.it]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18
12:48 -!- ircb0t|481214 [~b...@artistic.defeiter.nl]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-amd64
12:48 -!- ircb0t|637750 [~b...@vserver59.antagus.de]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-openvz-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|943697 [~b...@89-97-166-49.ip18.fastwebnet.it]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.5-7.276-default
12:48 -!- ircb0t|262134 [~b...@alt126.com]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-2-686
12:48 -!- ircb0t|481565 [~b...@80-219-1-88.dclient.hispeed.ch]
12:48 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:49 -!- ircb0t|647797 [~b...@111.84-48-221.nextgentel.com]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:49 -!- ircb0t|957069 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-xen-vserver-686
12:49 -!- ircb0t|262246 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.15-vs2.0.1-gentoo-r5
12:49 -!- ircb0t|481703 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-amd64
12:49 -!- ircb0t|691775 [~b...@thomas.livenet.ch]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:49 -!- ircb0t|959295 [~b...@carp-intohand-1.bath.ac.uk]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:49 -!- ircb0t|272591 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-amd64
12:49 -!- ircb0t|483662 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-2-686
12:49 -!- ircb0t|707539 [~b...@]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18.smpxeon
12:49 -!- ircb0t|966270 [~b...@mail.zstgm-ck.cz]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-gentoo-r4
12:49 -!- ircb0t|279374 [~b...@easyweb.dh.bytemark.co.uk]
12:49 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:50 -!- ircb0t|723427 [~b...@casinoclub.mon.pi.se]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
12:50 -!- ircb0t|978793 [~b...@]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.20-gentoo-r8
12:50 -!- ircb0t|290106 [~b...@blackstar.tagi.pl]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.21-gentoo-r4Cez
12:50 -!- ircb0t|495011 [~b...@]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.11
12:50 -!- ircb0t|723430 [~b...@30.red-217-126-252.staticip.rima-tde.net]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-12-generic
12:50 -!- ircb0t|979047 [www-d...@]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-486
12:50 -!- ircb0t|298636 [~b...@gw.zavod.ee]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:50 -!- ircb0t|514818 [~b...@backup.szervernet.hu]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.12
12:50 -!- ircb0t|735988 [www-d...@imukuppi.org]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-xenU
12:50 -!- ircb0t|987422 [~b...@gentoo.stofan.sk]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.15-gentoo-r1
12:50 -!- ircb0t|304829 [~b...@wwwserv-lin-16.teledata-fn.de]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:50 -!- ircb0t|522103 [~b...@master.infotel.it]
12:50 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.4.22
12:51 -!- ircb0t|740290 [web...@]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:51 -!- ircb0t|991635 [~b...@]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:51 -!- ircb0t|305549 [~b...@azzinoth.decknet.fr]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-686
12:51 -!- ircb0t|526760 [~b...@]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-xen-vserver-686
12:51 -!- ircb0t|740392 [~b...@host.]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:51 -!- ircb0t|996032 [~b...@54038412.catv.pool.telekom.hu]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:51 -!- ircb0t|310964 [~b...@dum131.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-2-k7
12:51 -!- ircb0t|526834 [~
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-amd64
12:51 -!- ircb0t|743635 [~b...@casinoclub.mon.pi.se]
12:51 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
12:52 -!- ircb0t|315372 [~b...@casinoclub.mon.pi.se]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64
12:52 -!- ircb0t|526893 [~b...@apo155.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:52 -!- ircb0t|747204 [~b...@]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18.xs4.0.1.900.5799
12:52 -!- ircb0t|327014 [...@aks90.internetdsl.tpnet.pl]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.17-pp33
12:52 -!- ircb0t|530373 [~b...@]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-686
12:52 -!- ircb0t|758109 [~b...@81-233-118-147-no78.tbcn.telia.com]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux
12:52 -!- ircb0t|342344 [~b...@]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-4-686
12:52 -!- ircb0t|544633 [~b...@]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-686
12:52 -!- ircb0t|76136 [~b...@slice.corp.it]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-xen
12:52 -!- ircb0t|305280 [~b...@szerver2.klebi.sulinet.hu]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-486
12:52 -!-  channels : @#rut
12:52 -!- ircb0t|376391 [~b...@crm.oodrive.com]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.9-5.EL
12:52 -!- ircb0t|981791 [~b...@doha.virtualbuilding.nl]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.10
12:52 -!- ircb0t|192265 [~b...@catv-89-135-13-240.catv.broadband.hu]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686
12:52 -!- ircb0t|642093 [~b...@n6uid.spamband.com]
12:52 -!-  ircname  : Linux 2.6.18-5-686

Have a nice day
Joe Doesntmatter
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