[FD] Java deserialization vulnerability in QRadar RemoteJavaScript Servlet

2020-10-16 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Java deserialization vulnerability in QRadar RemoteJavaScript Servlet


A Java deserialization vulnerability exists in the QRadar
RemoteJavaScript Servlet. An authenticated user can call one of the
vulnerable methods and cause the Servlet to deserialize arbitrary

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by creating a specially
crafted (serialized) object, which amongst other things can result in a
denial of service, change of system settings, or execution of arbitrary

See also

CVE-2020-4280 [2]
6344079 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to deserialization of
untrusted data

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.4.1 Patch 1 [5]
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 5 [6]


QRadar [7] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [8] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

A Java deserialization vulnerability [9] exists in the QRadar
RemoteJavaScript Servlet. This Servlet contains a custom JSON-RPC [10]
implementation (based on JSON-RPC version 1.0). Certain methods accept
base64 encoded serialized Java objects. No checks have been implemented
to prevent deserialization of arbitrary objects. Consequently, an
authenticated user can call one of the affected methods and cause the
RemoteJavaScript Servlet to deserialize arbitrary objects.

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by creating a specially
crafted (serialized) object,  which amongst other things can result in a
denial of service, change of system settings, or execution of arbitrary


The RemoteJavaScript Servlet is only accessible for authenticated users.
It is mapped to the following URLs:

- /remoteJavaScript
- /remoteMethod

The JSON data can be passed via the URL query string or as POST data.
The JSON data should contain a field named method, which contains the
name of the application and the method that needs to be invoked. The
requested application is looked up in the Application Registry. Each
application has a mapping XML file located under
/opt/qradar/conf/appconfig/ named -exported_methods.xml, which
is essentially a list of all (Java) methods that can be called including
their associated Java class, access control, and other settings.

When the application is found (and licensed), a call is made to
getExportedMethod() to lookup the Java method that needs to be invoked.
After some additional checks - like authorization - the Servlet will
eventually invoke the call() method of the found Java method. If
present, arguments are passed as a String array to the call() method.
These arguments are then converted into the correct type using the
com.q1labs.core.shared.util.ReflectionUtils.stringsToObjects() method.

public abstract class ExportedMethod extends AllowableObject {
    public Object call(PageContext pageContext, String... passedArguments)
throws Exception {
        if (passedArguments != null && passedArguments.length != 0) {
            if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.log.debug("Calling with passed in arguments: " +

            return this.call(pageContext,
    private Object[] stringsToObjects(String[] paramaters) throws
ExportedMethodException {
        return ReflectionUtils.stringsToObjects(this.getParameterTypes(),

The parameter types differ per method and are provided via the
getParameterTypes() method. If the parameter type is a 'simple' type, it
will be converted without deserialization. H

[FD] Microsoft OneDrive client for Windows Qt QML module hijack

2020-07-09 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Microsoft OneDrive client for Windows Qt QML module hijack

Yorick Koster, July 2020


A file hijacking vulnerability was found in the Microsoft OneDrive
client. This vulnerability allows a local attacker to plant a DLL file
on the local machine. This DLL will then be loaded whenever (another)
user launches OneDrive, running with the privileges of the victim.

Tested version

This issue was successfully verified on Microsoft OneDrive version


This vulnerability was resolved in Microsoft OneDrive version
20.073.0409.0003 [2].


OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud storage service, which can be used to
store files including documents, photos, music, videos, et cetera. Files
stored in OneDrive can be accesses from other devices and shared with

A file hijacking vulnerability was found in the Microsoft OneDrive
client for Windows. This vulnerability allows a local attacker to plant
a DLL file on the local machine. This DLL will then be loaded whenever
(another) user launches OneDrive, running with the privileges of the

This issue was independently discovered [3] by Elias Dimopoulos [4] from

Vulnerability details

When OneDrive starts, it will search in the folder C:\Qt\Qt-5.11.1\ for
any QML module that needs to be loaded. When the module can't be found
under C:\Qt, the application's installation folder will be searched
(generally located under %LOCALAPPDATA%).


Normally, the C:\Qt folder is not present on Windows systems. Any
authenticated user is permitted to create this folder in the system root
and consequently, a logged on attacker can also create the searched
folder structure. The attacker can then create any of the following
folders and copy a malicious DLL in these folders:

 - Colors
 - Colors.1
 - Colors.1.0
 - ColorThemeManager
 - ColorThemeManager.1
 - ColorThemeManager.1.0
 - QtQuick\Controls\impl
 - QtQuick\Controls\impl.2
 - QtQuick\Controls\impl.2.4
 - QtQuick\Controls\Styles.1.4
 - QtQuick\Controls\Styles.1
 - QtQuick\Controls.1\Styles
 - QtQuick\Controls.1.4\Styles
 - QtQuick\Controls.2\impl
 - QtQuick\Controls.2.0
 - QtQuick\Controls.2.2
 - QtQuick\Controls.2.4
 - QtQuick\Controls.2.4\impl
 - QtQuick\Templates.2.4
 - QtQuick\Window.2.2
 - QtQuick\Window.2.3
 - QtQuick.1\Controls\Styles
 - QtQuick.1.4\Controls\Styles
 - QtQuick.2\Controls\impl
 - QtQuick.2.0
 - QtQuick.2.0\Controls
 - QtQuick.2.11
 - QtQuick.2.2\Controls
 - QtQuick.2.2\Window
 - QtQuick.2.3\Window
 - QtQuick.2.4\Controls
 - QtQuick.2.4\Controls\impl
 - QtQuick.2.4\Templates
 - QtQuick.2.7

Now whenever OneDrive is launched, it will find the attacker's DLL, load
it, and run any code that is present in this DLL. The attacker's code
will run with the privileges of the user that launched OneDrive.

Proof of concept

The following Powershell script can be used to demonstrate this issue.
When successful, the proof of concept will start Calculator.



[2] https://oneclient.sfx.ms/Win/MsitSlow/20.073.0409.0003/OneDriveSetup.exe
[4] https://twitter.com/gweeperx

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[FD] Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges due to insecure handling of path names

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges due to insecure handling of
path names

Yorick Koster, December 2019


The update functionality of the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
for Windows is affected by a path traversal vulnerability that allows
local attackers to create/overwrite files on arbitrary locations.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability allows the attacker to
gain SYSTEM privileges.

See also

- CVE-2020-3153 [2]
- cisco-sa-ac-win-path-traverse-qO4HWBsj [3] - Cisco AnyConnect Secure
Mobility Client for Windows Uncontrolled Search Path Vulnerability
- SSD Advisory [4] - Cisco AnyConnect Privilege Elevation through Path

Tested version

This issue was successfully verified on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client for Windows version 4.8.01090.


This vulnerability was fixed in Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
for Windows version 4.8.02042. Cisco customers with active contracts can
obtain updates through the Software Center at

Cisco has released bug ID CSCvs46327 [5] for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client contains functionality to
auto-update itself. Auto-update also works for low-privileged users,
this is possible because the update is initiated from a service running
with SYSTEM privileges (Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Agent). This
service exposes TCP port 62522 on the loopback device to which clients
can connect and send commands to be handled by this service. One of
these commands it to launch the vpndownloader application and update

A path traversal vulnerability exists in the vpndownloader application
for Windows that allows a local user to create and run files outside of
the temporary installer folder. Successful exploitation of this
vulnerability allows a local attacker to gain SYSTEM privileges.

Vulnerability details

The AnyConnect auto-update functionality has been affected by a number
of vulnerabilities in the past that can be abused by local users to gain
SYSTEM privileges (eg, Kostya Kortchinsky [6], Securify [7], Project
Zero [8], SerializingMe [9]). Cisco has made a number of changes to
mitigate these attacks, amongst these changes are:

- Executables need to have a valid Authenticode signature from Cisco Systems, 
- (New) versions of vpndownloader.exe are copied to %ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco 
AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Temp\Downloader.
- Proper NTFS permissions are (now) set on the %ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco 
AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\ folder.
- The vpndownloader.exe executable must have vpndownloader.exe configured as 
the original filename in its version information.
- When vpndownloader.exe launches additional installation files, these files 
also need to have a valid Authenticode signature from Cisco Systems, Inc..
- Installation files are copied in a separate temporary folder under 
%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Temp\Installer 
before they are executed.

In a nutshell, the auto-update mechanism works by sending a message to
the AnyConnect Agent to launch vpndownloader.exe and instruct it to
perform a certain action (as command line argument). This action is
either moving/copying a profile (XML) file to a profile folder or launch
a Cisco signed installer file.

Technically, this doesn't need to be an installer file, any Cisco signed
executable will do. When vpndownloader.exe is instructed to run an
installer file, the file is first copied to a temporary folder under
%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client\Temp\Installer. After the file has been copied, the digital
signature is checked including the signer of the file. If all checks
out, the file is launched from the temporary folder and the folder is
deleted after execution has completed.

Because the executable is copied to 

[FD] QRadar session manager path traversal vulnerability

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

QRadar session manager path traversal vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2019


A path traversal exists in the session validation functionality of
QRadar. In particular, the vulnerability is present in the part that
handles session tokens (UUIDs). QRadar fails to validate if the
user-supplied token is in the correct format. Using path traversal it is
possible for authenticated users to impersonate other users, and also to
executed arbitrary code (via Java deserialization). The code will be
executed with the privileges of the Tomcat system user.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [2]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM reports that as part of the Session Authenticator rewrite session
information is no longer stored on disk. Consequently, this issue is
mitigated in QRadar 7.3.2 Patch 3 and newer. In addtion, it is stated
that thist issue is resolved in QRadar Community Edition version 7.3.3


QRadar [4] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [5] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [2]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The QRadar web application supports several authentication methods,
including JAAS, basic authentication, OAuth, and token-based
authentication. The token-based authentication uses UUIDs, which either
represents a so-called host token or a file within the /store/sessions/
folder. Whenever QRadar encounters a session token, which is not a host
token, the sessions folder is searched for a file with the same name. If
the file exists, it will be opened and its contents will be
deserialized. The returned object is used to validate the user's
session. In some cases validation is performed on the provided token to
check if it is a properly formatted UUID. Several instances were found
where this validation is not done, allowing for path traversal attacks.

By exploiting this issue it would be possible for an attacker to open a
session file outside the sessions folder. A possible attack scenario
would be if a low privileged user uploads a file to the QRadar server
containing a serialized session object for a different user (eg, Admin)
and thus escalated privileges to that user.

No mitigations have been implemented to prevent deserialization of other
Java objects. Consequently, it is also possible to upload a file
containing other serialized objects. An authenticated attacker can
exploit this vulnerability by uploading a specially crafted (serialized)
object, which amongst other things can result in a denial of service,
change of system settings, or execution of arbitrary code.


Deserialization of the session file happens in the class
com.q1labs.core.shared.sessionmanager.SessionManager. The session file
is retrieved by calling the getFileFromToken() method of the class

public static File getFileFromToken(String sessionToken) {
return new File(NVAReader.getProperty("SESSION_DIR", 
"/store/sessions/") + sessionToken);

As can be seen in the code fragment above, the provided sessionToken
argument is directly concatenated with the SESSION_DIR configuration
property (normally /store/sessions/). If the file exits, its contents is
deserialized by the SessionManager class.

private UserSession deserializeSession(String sessionToken) {
UserSession retSession = null;

try {
File sessionFile = UserSession.getFileFromToken(sessionToken);
if (sessionFile.exists()) {
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.log.debug("Session file exists, 

try {
ObjectInputStream is = new 
ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(sess

[FD] Authorization bypass in QRadar Forensics web application

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Authorization bypass in QRadar Forensics web application

Yorick Koster, September 2019


It was found that any authenticated user can access & use the QRadar
Forensics web application, regardless whether they are granted
permission to use the Forensics application. This bypass only requires
that the user manually sets a cookie named QRIF with the same value as
the user's session cookie.

See also

CVE-2020-4274 [2]
6189705 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulenrable to Authorization bypass

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The QRadar Forensics web application is normally only accessible for
users that are granted permission to use this application. A centralized
control that checks if the user has permission is implemented in an
include file that is included in most pages. This check can be bypassed
by sending a QRIF cookie to the application. If this cookie is present
and has the same value as the SEC cookie, the permission check is not
performed. Consequently, any authenticated user can access & use the
Forensics web application.


Most PHP pages of the Forensics application (directly or indirectly)
include the PHP file includes/functions.inc.php. A number of checks have
been implemented in this file, including a check to validate the user's
session, a check to detect Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks, and a
permission check to validate if the user has permission to use the
Forensics application. This last check is implemented in the LoginUser()
method of the QRadarHelper class.

public function LoginUser($sessionToken, &$errorInfo)
global $s, $u, $QR_HELPER_CODES;
$qrUserHasForensicsAccess = 

The call to LoginUser() is executed from the LoginCurrentUser() method,
which in turn is called form the functions.inc.php include file.


if (!isset($qrh))
$qrh = new QRadarHelper();

$errorMessage = "";
$userLoggedIn = $qrh->LoginCurrentUser(true, $errorMessage);

Before the call to LoginUser() is made, the LoginCurrentUser() method
first checks if it has received a QRIF cookie. If the cookie is present
and it has the same value of the SEC cookie (the session cookie) the
call to LoginUser() is not made. Not calling LoginUser() also means that
no check is made to validate of the user has permission to use the
Forensics application.

public function LoginCurrentUser ($remember, &$errorInfo)
//if the current cookie is the same as the session token that 
means user hasn't changed
//just update the expiry time
if ($_COOKIE['QRIF'] === $this->session_token)
//if cookie is available that means it hasn't expired 
yet so we need to update it's expiry time
//if cookie expiry time is set to 0 (expire with 
browser) then we don't update it

[FD] Arbitrary class instantiation & local file inclusion vulnerability in QRadar Forensics web application

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Arbitrary class instantiation & local file inclusion vulnerability in
QRadar Forensics web application

Yorick Koster, September 2019


It was found that the QRadar Forensics web application is vulnerable to
instantiation of arbitrary objects based on user-supplied input. An
authenticated attacker can abuse this to perform various types of
attacks including Server-Side Request Forgery and (potentially)
arbitrary execution of code.

In addition, the same input is also used to include PHP files, which can
be used to include arbitrary local files. By abusing the case upload
functionality, it is possible for an authenticated user to upload a PHP
file to a known location on the system. By exploiting the local file
inclusion vulnerability it is possible to run arbitrary PHP code. This
code will be executed with the privileges of the Apache system user
(generally the nobody user).

See also

CVE-2020-4272 [2]
6189645 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to instantiation of
arbitrary objects (CVE-2020-4272)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The QRadar web application contains functionality to render various
graphs. The graph that needs to be rendered is based on user-supplied
request parameters. The correct graph and dataset classes are
dynamically loaded based on these parameters. No validation is performed
on the user-supplied parameters, allowing authenticated users to
instantiate arbitrary classes, which can be exploited to perform various
attacks including Server-Side Request Forgery and (potentially)
arbitrary execution of code via specially crafted Phar files [12].

In case a dataset class is provided that has not been declared (loaded)
yet. The code tries to include the correct PHP file in which the class
is defined. The file name of the include file is also based on the same
request parameter. Consequently, the web application is vulnerable to
local file inclusion.

If an attacker manages to place an arbitrary PHP file on the local
system, it is possible to abuse this issue to run arbitrary PHP code. It
was found that the case upload functionality allows uploading of PHP
files to a known location, thus allowing for the execution of arbitrary
PHP code. This code will be executed with the privileges of the Apache
system user (generally the nobody user).


These issues are present in the graphs.php file. This PHP file accepts a
number of request parameters, including chart, dataset, and

$chart= ( isset($_REQUEST['chart']) ?
htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['chart']) : null );
$dataClass= ( isset($_REQUEST['dataset']) ?
htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['dataset']) : null );
$output_image = ( isset($_REQUEST['output_image']) ?
$_REQUEST['output_image'] : null );

If the output_image parameter is set to true, the PHP code will directly
try to instantiate an object with the name provided in the chart
parameter. One argument is passed to the constructor for which its value
is obtain from a request parameter with the same name as the selected
class name. If the class is successfully loaded, the drawChart() method
is called - regardless of whether this method actually exists.


[FD] PHP object injection vulnerability in QRadar Forensics web application

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

PHP object injection vulnerability in QRadar Forensics web application

Yorick Koster, September 2019


A PHP object injection vulnerability was found in the QRadar Forensics
web application. The vulnerability can be triggered via a specially
crafted cookie and can be used by an authenticated attacker to execute
arbitrary commands. The commands will be executed with the privileges of
the Apache system user.

See also

CVE-2020-4271 [2]
6189651 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to PHP object injection

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

A PHP object injection vulnerability was found in the QRadar Forensics
web application. The vulnerability exists in the DataSetModel class and
can be triggered via a specially crafted cookie. By exploiting this
issue it is possible for authenticated users to instantiate arbitrary
PHP objects. It has been confirmed that a POP chain exists that can be
used to execute arbitrary commands. The commands will be executed with
the privileges of the Apache system user (generally the nobody user).


The Forensics web application contains functionally to save graph data
in cookies. When a graph is viewed that was previously saved, the data
will be restored from the cookie value(s). Saving and restoring data is
done using PHP object serialization. The serialized data is compressed
and encoded with base64 before it is returned as cookie to the user.
Deserialization of graph cookies is done in the restore() method of the
DataSetModel as is shown in the code fragment below.

public function restore($dataKeys, $dsize) {
if ($dsize == 0)
// No data
return null;

$cookieData = '';
foreach ($dataKeys as $dataKey) {
if (array_key_exists($dataKey, $_COOKIE)) {
$cookieData .= $_COOKIE[$dataKey];
// All done, so delete the data cookie.
setcookie($dataKey, "", time() - 3600);
} else {
error_log("MISSING COOKIE '$dataKey'");
return null;

$sz = strlen($cookieData);
if ($sz != $dsize) {
error_log("ERROR: Graph data size incorrect: expected $dsize, 
got $sz");
return null;

try {
$dataset = 
return $dataset;
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log("Error deserializing session data: " . 
$dataset = null;
return null;

The restore() method is called in the constructor of various chart
classes, which all inherit from the BaseChart class. These chart classes
are exposed in the /forensics/graphs.php page of the Forensics web

abstract class BaseChart extends ParameterizedObject {
public function __construct($params=null) {

$dm = empty($dmodel) ? new DataSetModeler(null) : new $dmodel(null);

[FD] Local privilege escalation in QRadar due to run-result-reader.sh insecure file permissions

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Local privilege escalation in QRadar due to run-result-reader.sh
insecure file permissions

Yorick Koster, September 2019


It was found that the nobody user is owner of the run-result-reader.sh
script. This script is executed by the root user's crontab. Due to this
it is possible for any process running as nobody to add commands to this
script that will be executed with root privileges. In combination with a
code execution vulnerability in QRadar's web application, this can be
used for attacker's to gain full control of the QRadar system.

See also

CVE-2020-4270 [2]
6189657 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to privilege escalation

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

A local privilege escalation vulnerability was found in QRadar. This
vulnerability is possible because the script located at
/opt/qvm/iem/bin/run-result-reader.sh is configured with weak file
permissions. The owner of the script is set to the nobody user, which is
a low privileged system account use by various services - including
QRadar's web application.

The script is also started by the root user's crontab. This means that
if an attacker manages to gain access to the QRadar system as the nobody
user, it would be possible to escalate privileges to root. This is for
example possible by exploiting a code execution vulnerability in
QRadar's web application.


The crontab of the root user contains various entries to run commands on
different moments. One of these entries will run the
run-result-reader.sh script every 20 minutes:

# crontab -l


# Update the Endpoint Manager Fixlet Action Results
*/20 * * * * /opt/qvm/iem/bin/run-result-reader.sh  > /var/log/iem-cron.log 2>&1

This script is owned by the nobody user, meaning that this user fully
controls the script and thus fully controls which commands will be

# ls -la /opt/qvm/iem/bin/run-result-reader.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 2592 Sep 12 17:40

If the (modified) script is run from root's crontab, the commands within
the script will be executed with root privileges. Due to this it is
possible for the nobody to exploit this issue to gain root privileges
and gain full control of the QRadar system.


[2] https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-4270
[3] https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6189657
[4] https://developer.ibm.com/qradar/ce/

[FD] Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in QRadar Forensics link analysis page

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in QRadar Forensics link analysis page

Yorick Koster, September 2019


The QRadar Forensics PHP web application contains a page that is
vulnerable to reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This issue exist due to
the lack of encoding of the single-quote character and can be trigger
without authentication.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform a wide variety of
actions such as performing arbitrary actions on the victim's behalf or
presenting a fake login screen to collect usernames and passwords. In
order to exploit this issue, the attacker has to lure a victim into
opening a specially crafted link and pressing a key combination - making
a successful attack less likely. 

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [2]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM reports that QRadar 7.3.2 Patch 6 is not affected by this
vulnerability. In addtion, it is stated that thist issue is resolved in
QRadar Community Edition version 7.3.3 [3].


QRadar [4] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [5] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [2]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The QRadar Forensics PHP web application contains a page that is
vulnerable to reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This issue exist due to
the lack of encoding of the single-quote character and can be trigger
without authentication.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform a wide variety of
actions such as performing arbitrary actions on the victim's behalf or
presenting a fake login screen to collect usernames and passwords. In
order to exploit this issue, the attacker has to lure a victim into
opening a specially crafted link and pressing a key combination - making
a successful attack less likely. 


The vulnerability exists in the LinkAnalysis.php page, located in
/opt/ibm/forensics/html/DejaVu/. The page accepts three request
parameters that are reflected in hidden input fields. Their values are
then used to open a new window to load the LinkAnalysisServlet Servlet.
The page itself appears to be old unused code, however it is still


var solrQuery = document.getElementById('solrQuery').value;
var solrDocs = document.getElementById('solrDocs').value;
var solrRows = document.getElementById('solrRows').value;

window.onload = function() {


The code above uses the htmlentities() [6] function to escape HTML
characters. The flag argument is not provided, meaning that
htmlentities() will not encode the single-quote character.

The values of the request parameters are reflected between single-quotes
and consequently it is possible to break out of the value attribute and
inject additional attributes in the hidden input field. It isn't
possible to inject other HTML tags as the greater-than and less-than
characters are encoded by htmlentities().

Exploiting Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities within hidden fields can
be a bit tricky. A method has been described by Gareth Heyes [7] in the
article XSS in hidden input fields [8]. Essentially it requires that the
victim is enticed to press a certain key combination. This behavior is
also browser [9] and OS dependent. As the attacker also needs to lure a
victim into opening a specially crafted link, exploiting this issue may
proof to be difficult.

This issue can be demonstrated using the proof of concept below. When
loading this URL in Firefox, the victim needs to press Alt+Shift+X
(Windows/Linux) or Ctrl+Alt+X (macOS).


[FD] Cross-Site Request Forgery & weak access control in QRadar ConfigServices webservice

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Cross-Site Request Forgery & weak access control in QRadar
ConfigServices webservice

Yorick Koster, September 2019


The QRadar web application is deployed with Apache Axis to expose a
number of SOAP services. No measures have been implemented in Axis
and/or QRadar to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks against
these webservices. Due to this it is possible for an attacker to call
any exposed service via Cross-Site Request Forgery. A successful attack
requires that the attacker tricks/forces a logged in victim to visit the
attacker's specially crafted URL.

Besides the lack of Cross-Site Request Forgery protection, most methods
also lack proper access control checks. A handful of these methods
perform some form of access control, but most methods can be called by
any authenticated user. This could for example be used by a logged in
attacker to gain access to sensitive information (eg, login

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [2]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM reports that Apache Axis is no longer used and therefore this issues
has been resolved in upstream builds. In addtion, it is stated that
thist issue is resolved in QRadar Community Edition version 7.3.3 [3].


QRadar [4] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [5] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [2]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The QRadar web application is deployed with Apache Axis [6] to expose a
number of SOAP services. By default, Axis allows users to call the SOAP
services via a GET request. The GET request is internally converted to a
SOAP envelope, before it is processed by Axis. No measures have been
implemented in Axis and/or QRadar to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery
attacks against the webservices exposed by Axis. Due to this it is
possible for an attacker to call any exposed service via Cross-Site
Request Forgery. A successful attack requires that the attacker
tricks/forces a logged in victim to visit the attacker's specially
crafted URL.

Besides the lack of Cross-Site Request Forgery protection, most methods
also lack proper access control checks. A handful of these methods
perform some form of access control, but most methods can be called by
any authenticated user. This could for example be used by a logged in
attacker to gain access to sensitive information.

By calling the getNvaProperty() method, it is possible to retrieve any
'NVA' configuration setting. Sensitive settings, like passwords, are
stored encrypted, however there is also a getDecrypted() method that
allows these values to be decrypted. Some passwords are reused for
different services, which also allows users to elevate their own
privileges. For example, the property jpa.connection.password is used
for connecting to PostgreSQL, but is also used as the password for the
ConfigServices account.


Apache Axis provides a SOAP implementation, services can be configured
in various ways. In case of QRadar the services are configured in the
server-config.wsdd file, located under WEB-INF. Three service classes
are currently configured:

- AdminService
- Version
- configservices

The first two are distributed with Axis, the latter one is custom for
QRadar. The AdminService allows for deploying and undeploying of
webservers, however it is configured to only be accessible from

The implementation of the configservices webservice can be found in the
class com.q1labs.configservices.core.ConfigurationServices. Any public
method in this class can be called through Axis. The webservice is
mapped to the path /console/services/configservices. There are two ways
to call these methods:

- POST request containing a SOAP envelope. The first tag in the SOAP
body should have the same name as the method that needs to be invoked.
Method parameters are provided as child elements within this tag.
- GET request; the URL parameters are converted

[FD] QRadar RssFeedItem Server-Side Request Forgery vulnerability

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

QRadar RssFeedItem Server-Side Request Forgery vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2019


The RssFeedItem class of the QRadar web application is used to fetch and
parse RSS feeds. No validation is performed on the user-supplied RSS
feed URL. Due to the lack of URL validation (whitelisting), it is
possible for authenticated attackers to execute Server-Side Request
Forgery attacks. Using this issue it is possible to call the Apache Axis
AdminService webservice in order to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the Tomcat user.

See also

CVE-2020-4294 [2]
6189663 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to Server-Side Request
Forgery (SSRF) (CVE-2020-4294)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

The RssFeedItem class of the QRadar web application is used to fetch and
parse (and cache) RSS feeds. The class is exposed in the JSON-RPC
interface via the qradar.getRssFeedItem method. This method can be
called by any authenticated user, no special privileges are required.
RSS feeds are fetched using the Apache Commons HttpClient class, no
validation is performed on the user-supplied URL. Due to the lack of URL
validation (whitelisting), it is possible for authenticated attackers to
execute Server-Side Request Forgery attacks.


Authenticated users can trigger the Server-Side Request Forgery
vulnerability by making a JSON-RPC call with the method set to
qradar.getRssFeedItem. This call is mapped to
com.q1labs.qradar.ui.dashboard.RssFeedItem.getRssFeedItem() and takes
one parameter named feedURL. Any valid URL can be passed to this method.

public class RssFeedItem extends DashboardItem {

public static DashboardItem getRssFeedItem(PageContext pageContext, 
String feedURL) throws Exception {
sessionContext = 
RssFeedItem cachedItem = (RssFeedItem)feedCache.get(feedURL);
cachedItem = null;
if (cachedItem == null || System.currentTimeMillis() - 
cachedItem.lastUpdateTime >= 60L) {
cachedItem = new RssFeedItem(pageContext, feedURL);
feedCache.put(feedURL, cachedItem);

return cachedItem;

No validation is done on the user-supplied URL, it is directly passed to
HttpClient that will try to make a GET request to this URL. This
behavior allows for Server-Side Request Forgery. The returned HTTP
response is parsed as RSS feed. If the response isn't a valid RSS feed,
an error is returned to the user. Due to this it is not possible to read
the HTTP response, however the GET request is still executed. By abusing
this vulnerability it is possible for an authenticated attacker to make
GET requests to services that are normally not accessible, including
webservices of QRadar that can only be accessed from the local machine.

public RssFeedItem(PageContext pageContext, String rssURLString) {
GetMethod getMethod = null;
Locale locale = 


[FD] Unauthorized access to QRadar configuration sets via default password

2020-04-21 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Unauthorized access to QRadar configuration sets via default password

Yorick Koster, September 2019


QRadar is deployed with a default password for the ConfigServices
account. Using this default password it is possible to download
configuration sets containing sensitive information, including
(encrypted) credentials and host tokens. With these host tokens it is
possible to access other parts of QRadar.

See also

CVE-2020-4269 [2]
6189711 [3] - IBM QRadar SIEM contains hard-coded credentials

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on QRadar Community Edition [4]
version (7.3.1 Build 20180723171558).


IBM has released the following versions of QRader in which this issue
has been resolved:

- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QNI 7.4.0 GA [5] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.3 Patch 3 [6] (SFS)
- QRadar / QRM / QVM / QRIF / QNI 7.3.2 Patch 7 [7] (SFS)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [8] (ISO)
- QRadar Incident Forensics 7.4.0 [9] (SFS)

As a workaround it is possible to remove or disable the configservices
account in the file /opt/qradar/conf/users.conf.


QRadar [10] is IBM's enterprise SIEM [11] solution. A free version of
QRadar is available that is known as QRadar Community Edition [4]. This
version is limited to 50 events per second and 5,000 network flows a
minute, supports apps, but is based on a smaller footprint for
non-enterprise use.

So-called configuration sets can be downloaded via the web interface.
These sets are normally only accessible for the ConfigServices user. It
was found that QRadar is deployed with a default password for the
ConfigServices account. Using this default password it is possible to
download configuration sets containing sensitive information, including
(encrypted) credentials and host tokens. With these host tokens it is
possible to access other parts of QRadar.


The Apache configuration for the QRadar web interface contains a
configuration alias that maps to the
/store/configservices/configurationsets folder. This folder is protected
with the mod_authn_file [12] Apache Module. The only user that is
allowed through is the configservices user.

Alias /configuration /store/configservices/configurationsets

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile  /opt/qradar/conf/users.conf
AuthName "Identification"
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
AllowOverride All

require user configservices

The password for this user is set in the file
/opt/qradar/conf/users.conf. The password is protected with the crypt
algorithm, the crypted password is the same for all QRadar


Cracking the crypted password quickly reveals that the corresponding
password is qradar:

$ python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("qradar", "/w"))'

With the found password it is now possible to download the configuration
set from the web server:

$ curl --insecure --user configservices:qradar

It should be noted that the default password of the configservices user
only works for the configuration alias as configured in Apache. Recent
versions of QRadar still use the ConfigServices user in other parts of
the web interface. These parts either use a random password (stored in
PostgreSQL) or a so-called host token (via the SEC header or cookie).
However, using the default password it is possible to retrieve the value
of this host token and thus gain access to other parts of QRadar.

curl --insecure --user configservices:qradar -o
unzip -p /tmp/zipfile_GEN.full.zip /host_tokens.masterlist | grep

[FD] ZoneAlarm TrueVector Internet Monitor service insecure NTFS permissions vulnerability

2020-03-17 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

ZoneAlarm TrueVector Internet Monitor service insecure NTFS permissions

Yorick Koster, December 2019


A vulnerability was found in the TrueVector Internet Monitor service,
which is installed as part of the Check Point ZoneAlarm firewall. This
vulnerability allows a local attacker to cause the affected service to
change the file permissions of arbitrary local files. After the file
permissions have been changed, the attacker can then overwrite its
content, and ultimately gain elevated privileges on the vulnerable

Tested version

This vulnerability was successfully verified on ZoneAlarm Free Firewall
v15.8.023.18219/TrueVector Internet Monitor v15.8.7.18219.


Check Point released new versions of ZoneAlarm Firewall that fix this
vulnerability. The latest version of ZoneAlarm Free Firewall
(v15.8.043.18324) can be obtained from

The 2020-03 Cumulative Update [2] for Windows 10 adds hardlink
mitigations. After installing this update, Windows will require write
access on the target file otherwise the hardlink won't be created.
Requiring write access on the target file also mitigates this issue.


A vulnerability was found in the TrueVector Internet Monitor service,
which is installed as part of the Check Point ZoneAlarm firewall. This
vulnerability allows a local attacker to cause the affected service to
change the file permissions of arbitrary local files. After the file
permissions have been changed, the attacker can then overwrite its
content, and ultimately gain elevated privileges on the vulnerable

Vulnerability details

The TrueVector Internet Monitor service is running as LocalSystem, it
periodically creates a number of backup files within the
%ProgramData%\CheckPoint\ZoneAlarm\Data\ folder. When these files are
created, their file permissions are explicitly set to Full Control for
Authenticated Users. A local attacker can create a hardlink with the
same name as the backup files, causing the permissions of another file
to be changed.

After the file permissions have been changed, the attacker can then
overwrite its content, and ultimately gain elevated privileges on the
vulnerable machine. Hardlinks can be created using James Forshaw's [3]
CreateHardlink [4] tool.



[2] https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4540673
[3] https://twitter.com/tiraniddo

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[FD] Ivanti Workspace Control Application Whitelist bypass via PowerGrid /SEE command line argument

2018-10-01 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Ivanti Workspace Control Application Whitelist bypass via PowerGrid /SEE
command line argument

Yorick Koster, August 2018


It was found that the PowerGrid application can be used to run arbitrary
commands via the /SEE command line option. An attacker can abuse this
issue to bypass Application Whitelisting in order to run arbitrary code
on the target machine.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Ivanti Workspace Control version


This issue is mitigated in Ivanti Workspace Control version
The fix included in this version prevents the creation of XML files
within the WMTemp folder, effectively preventing this issue from being



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[FD] Stored credentials Ivanti Workspace Control can be retrieved from Registry

2018-10-01 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Stored credentials Ivanti Workspace Control can be retrieved from

Yorick Koster, August 2018


A flaw was found in Workspace Control that allows a local unprivileged
user to retrieve the database or Relay server credentials from the
Windows Registry. These credentials are encrypted, however the
encryption that is used is reversible.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Ivanti Workspace Control version
10.2.700.1 & 10.2.950.0.


This issue was resolved in Ivanti Workspace Control version



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[FD] Ivanti Workspace Control Data Security bypass via localhost UNC path

2018-10-01 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Ivanti Workspace Control Data Security bypass via localhost UNC path

Yorick Koster, August 2018


Ivanti Workspace Control contains a flaw where it is possible to access
folders that should be protected by Data Security. A local attacker can
bypass these restrictions using localhost UNC paths. Depending on the
NTFS permissions it may be possible for local users to access files and
folders that should be protected using Data Protection.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Ivanti Workspace Control version
10.2.700.1 & 10.2.950.0.


This issue was resolved in Ivanti Workspace Control version



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[FD] Ivanti Workspace Control local privilege escalation via Named Pipe

2018-10-01 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Ivanti Workspace Control local privilege escalation via Named Pipe

Yorick Koster, August 2018


It was found that Ivanti Workspace Control allows a local (unprivileged)
attacker to run arbitrary commands with Administrator privileges. This
issue can be exploited by spawning a new Composer process, injecting a
malicious thread in this process. This thread connects to a Named Pipe
and sends an instruction to a service to launch an attacker-defined
application with elevated privileges.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Ivanti Workspace Control version
10.2.700.1 & 10.2.950.0.


This issue was resolved in Ivanti Workspace Control version



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[FD] Ivanti Workspace Control Application Whitelist bypass via PowerGrid /RWS command line argument

2018-10-01 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Ivanti Workspace Control Application Whitelist bypass via PowerGrid /RWS
command line argument

Yorick Koster, August 2018


It was found that the PowerGrid application will execute rundll32.exe
from a relative path when it is started with the /RWS command line
option. An attacker can abuse this issue to bypass Application
Whitelisting in order to run arbitrary code on the target machine.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Ivanti Workspace Control version


This issue was resolved in Ivanti Workspace Control version 10.2.950.0.
PowerGrid now uses the GetSystemDirectory() function to construct an
absolute path to rundll32.exe.



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[FD] Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud allows escalation to admin privileges

2018-09-18 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud allows
escalation to admin privileges

Remco Vermeulen, September 2018


It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is affected by an
authentication bypass vulnerability. An unauthenticated attacker can
exploit this vulnerability to authenticate as an admin user without
needing to provide a password, thereby gaining full control of the My
Cloud device.



Tested versions

This vulnerability was successfully verified on a Western Digital My
Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.30.172. This issue
is not limited to the model that was used to find this vulnerability
since most of the products in the My Cloud series share the same
(vulnerable) code.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration Suite due to the way it handles attachment links

2018-03-24 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration Suite due to
the way it handles attachment links

Stephan Kaag, January 2018


A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in Zimbra
Collaboration Suite (ZCS). This issue allows an attacker to perform a
wide variety of actions such as performing arbitrary actions on their
behalf or presenting a fake login screen to collect usernames and
passwords. In order to exploit this issue, the attacker has to lure a
victim into opening a specially crafted email in ZCS.

See also

- CVE-2018-6882
- https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zimbra_Releases/8.8.7
- https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=108786
- https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zimbra_Security_Advisories

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on ZCS 8.7.11_GA_1854 (build
20170531151956). It is however likely that this issue is present in all
versions of ZCS from version 8.5.0 on.


The issue is fixed in Zimbra Collaboration Suite version 8.8.7.



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[FD] Authentication bypass in Kaseya VSA

2018-01-13 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Authentication bypass in Kaseya VSA

Kin Hung Cheng, Robert Hartshorn, May 2017


A security vulnerability was found in Kaseya VSA that allows users to
view remote computers that they are not authorised to view. Using this
vulnerability a user that is authenticated to view at least one remote
computer can view ever machines in the Kaseya application.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on version R9.2


Patch to the latest version of VSA.



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[FD] Code execution in Kaseya VSA

2018-01-13 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Code execution in Kaseya VSA

Kin Hung Cheng, Robert Hartshorn, May 2017


A security vulnerability was found in Kaseya VSA file upload file
functionality. Using this vulnerability an authenticated user in a
Kaseya VSA environment is able to upload arbitrary files onto the
server. This functionality can lead to remote code execution with an asp

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on version 9.2


Patch to the latest version of VSA.



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[FD] Arbitrary file read in Kaseya VSA

2018-01-13 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Arbitrary file read in Kaseya VSA

Kin Hung Cheng, Robert Hartshorn, May 2017


A security vulnerability was found in Kaseya VSA file download file
functionality. Using this vulnerability an authenticated user in a
Kaseya VSA environment is able to download arbitrary files from the
server (including source code of Kaseya, the database backups,
configuration files, and even windows files).

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on version R9.2


Patch to the latest version of VSA.



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[FD] bugt...@securityfocus.com

2017-11-22 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Clickjacking vulnerability in CSRF error page pfSense

Yorick Koster, November 2017


pfSense is a free and open source firewall and router. It was found that
the pfSense WebGUI is vulnerable to Clickjacking. By tricking an
authenticated admin into interacting with a specially crafted webpage it
is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the WebGUI.
Since the WebGUI runs as the root user, this will result in a full
compromise of the pfSense instance.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on pfSense version 2.4.1.


pfSense 2.4.2-RELEASE was released that addresses the Clickjacking



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[FD] Clickjacking vulnerability in CSRF error page pfSense

2017-11-22 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Clickjacking vulnerability in CSRF error page pfSense

Yorick Koster, November 2017


pfSense is a free and open source firewall and router. It was found that
the pfSense WebGUI is vulnerable to Clickjacking. By tricking an
authenticated admin into interacting with a specially crafted webpage it
is possible for an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the WebGUI.
Since the WebGUI runs as the root user, this will result in a full
compromise of the pfSense instance.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on pfSense version 2.4.1.


pfSense 2.4.2-RELEASE was released that addresses the Clickjacking



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[FD] Xamarin Studio for Mac API documentation update affected by local privilege escalation

2017-08-14 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Xamarin Studio for Mac API documentation update affected by local
privilege escalation

Yorick Koster, April 2017


Xamarin Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to
create iOS, Mac and Android applications. Xamarin Studio supports
developments in C# and F# (by default). The API documentation update
mechanism of Xamarin Studio for Mac is installed as setuid root. This
update mechanism contains several flaws that could be leveraged by a
local attacker to gain elevated (root) privileges.

See also

- CVE-2017-8665

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Xamarin Studio for Mac version
6.2.1 (build 3) and version 6.3 (build 863).


Microsoft released a new version of Xamarin.iOS that addresses this



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[FD] Buffer over-read vulnerability in Virtuozzo Power Panel (VZPP) and Automator

2017-07-05 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

Buffer over-read vulnerability in Virtuozzo Power Panel (VZPP) and

Sipke Mellema, July 2017


Virtuozzo Power Panel is a solution that allows customers of service
providers to manage their virtual environments. Virtuozzo Automator is
an administrative tool for managing the service provider's virtual
infrastructure. Both products are affected by a buffer over-read
vulnerability that allows attackers to read random server memory.

Tested versions

This issue was tested on Virtuozzo Power Panel version 6.1.2.


A fix for this issue is included in the following software versions:
- Virtuozzo Power Panel 6.1.2-hotfix5
- Virtuozzo Automator 6.1.2-hotfix5 and 7.0.2-hotfix1



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[FD] InsomniaX loader allows loading of arbitrary Kernel Extensions

2017-07-02 Thread Securify B.V. via Fulldisclosure

InsomniaX loader allows loading of arbitrary Kernel Extensions

Yorick Koster, April 2017


It was found that the loader application bundled with InsomniaX can be
used to load arbitrary Kernel Extensions (kext). The loader is normally
used to load a kext file that is needed to disable the Lid Sleep. A flaw
has been found in the loader that allows a local attacker to load (or
unload) any arbitrary kext file.

See also

- http://semaja2.net/2017/06/insomniax-security-notice/
- http://semaja2.net/2017/06/thank-you-and-farewell-for-now/

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on InsomniaX version 2.1.8.


There is currently no fix available. The author of InsomniaX reports
that InsomniaX is no longer supported. As a workaround, remove the
setuid bit from the loader file. Doing so will prevent users from
disabling the Lid Sleep.

sudo chmod u-s /Applications/InsomniaX.app/Contents/Resources/loader



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Re: [FD] SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension allows injection of arbitrary Pygments options

2017-05-01 Thread Securify B.V.
MediaWiki version 1.28.2 and version 1.27.3 were release that include a 
fix for this issue.


On 29-04-17 16:41, Securify B.V. wrote:

SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension allows injection of arbitrary
Pygments options

Yorick Koster, February 2017


A vulnerability was found in the SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension.
Using this vulnerability it is possible for an anonymous attacker to
pass arbitrary options to the Pygments library. By specifying specially
crafted options, it is possible for an attacker to trigger a (stored)
Cross-Site Scripting condition. In addition, it allows the creating of
arbitrary files containing user-controllable data. Depending on the
server configuration, this can be used by an anonymous attacker to
execute arbitrary PHP code.

See also

- CVE-2017-0372
- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T158689
(fix not included in this release)

Tested versions

This issue was tested on SyntaxHighlight version 2.0 as bundled with
MediaWiki version 1.28.0.


This issue was supposed to be fixed in MediaWiki version 1.28.1 and
version 1.27.2. It appears that the fix was pushed to the git
repository, but for some reason it was not included in the release
packages. It is advised to apply the patch committed to Github.





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[FD] SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension allows injection of arbitrary Pygments options

2017-04-29 Thread Securify B.V.

SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension allows injection of arbitrary
Pygments options

Yorick Koster, February 2017


A vulnerability was found in the SyntaxHighlight MediaWiki extension.
Using this vulnerability it is possible for an anonymous attacker to
pass arbitrary options to the Pygments library. By specifying specially
crafted options, it is possible for an attacker to trigger a (stored)
Cross-Site Scripting condition. In addition, it allows the creating of
arbitrary files containing user-controllable data. Depending on the
server configuration, this can be used by an anonymous attacker to
execute arbitrary PHP code.

See also

- CVE-2017-0372
- https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T158689
(fix not included in this release)

Tested versions

This issue was tested on SyntaxHighlight version 2.0 as bundled with
MediaWiki version 1.28.0.


This issue was supposed to be fixed in MediaWiki version 1.28.1 and
version 1.27.2. It appears that the fix was pushed to the git
repository, but for some reason it was not included in the release
packages. It is advised to apply the patch committed to Github.




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[FD] Local privilege escalation vulnerability in HideMyAss Pro VPN client v3.x for macOS

2017-04-29 Thread Securify B.V.

Local privilege escalation vulnerability in HideMyAss Pro VPN client
v3.x for macOS

Han Sahin, April 2017


A local privilege escalation vulnerability has been found in the helper
binary com.privax.hmaprovpn.helper that ships with HideMyAss Pro VPN
v3.3.0.3 for macOS. The helper is installed setuid root and uses the
openvpn binary to create VPN profiles and connections. The helper fails
to perform signature check's on the openvpn file, which is owned by the
user that installed the client. This allows malware on the system to
replace the openvpn binary and run arbitrary code as root.

Tested versions

This issue was tested on HideMyAss Pro VPN v3.3.0.3 for macOS.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Multiple local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in HideMyAss Pro VPN client v2.x for OS X

2017-04-29 Thread Securify B.V.

Multiple local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in HideMyAss Pro VPN
client v2.x for OS X

Han Sahin, April 2017


Multiple local privilege escalation vulnerabilities were found in the
helper binary HMAHelper that ships with HideMyAss Pro VPN for OS X. The
helper is installed setuid root and responsible for loading Kernel
Extensions (kext) and managing VPN firewall rules. These issues can be
leveraged by a local attacker to gain elevated (root) privileges.

Tested versions

This issue was tested on HMA Pro VPN version for OS X


HMA Support has reported that this issue will not be fixed. Version is still available for download and was earlier this year also
available in the Mac App Store. It seems that this version is still
available for older versions of OS X (OS X 10.7 - 10.11).

It should be noted the latest version of HMA Pro VPN for OS X (version is vulnerable to a similar local privilege escalation issue
that is also not fixed at the time of writing.



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[FD] Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud allows escalation to admin privileges

2017-04-22 Thread Securify B.V.

Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud allows
escalation to admin privileges

Remco Vermeulen, April 2017


It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is affected by an
authentication bypass vulnerability. An unauthenticated attacker can
exploit this vulnerability to authenticate as an admin user without
needing to provide a password, thereby gaining full control of the My
Cloud device.

Tested versions

This vulnerability was successfully verified on a Western Digital My
Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.21.126. This issue
is not limited to the model that was used to find this vulnerability
since most of the products in the My Cloud series share the same
(vulnerable) code.


This issue was fixed in firmware version 2.30.165.



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[FD] Persistent Cross-Site Scripting in Scriptler Jenkins Plugin

2017-04-14 Thread Securify B.V.

Persistent Cross-Site Scripting in Scriptler Jenkins Plugin

Burak Kelebek, April 2017


A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was found in the Scriptler Jenkins
plugin. This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform a wide variety
of actions, such as stealing Administrators' session tokens, or
performing arbitrary actions on their behalf. In order to exploit this
issue, an authenticated attacker has to inject arbitrary HTML in the
description of a Scriptler script and wait for an admin to visit the
script overview page. By combining this vulnerability with the reported
Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability it is possible for an
unauthenticated attacker to exploit this issue by luring an
authenticated administrator into visiting a specially crafted page.

See also

Jenkins Security Advisory 2017-04-10

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on Scriptler version 2.9.


There is currently no fix available



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[FD] Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 DLL side loading vulnerability

2017-04-11 Thread Securify B.V.

Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in Microsoft Office OneNote
2007. This issue can be exploited by loading the Microsoft Office
OneNote Mobile ActiveSync Provider for Desktop object as an embedded OLE
object. When instantiating the object Windows will try to load the DLL
ceutil.dll from the current working directory. If an attacker convinces
the user to open a specially crafted (Office) document from a directory
also containing the attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute
arbitrary code with the privileges of the target user. This can
potentially result in the attacker taking complete control of the
affected system.

See also

- CVE-2017-0197
- Microsoft OneNote 2007 Service Pack 3 (3191829)
- Microsoft OneNote 2010 Service Pack 2 (64-bit editions) (2589382)
- Microsoft OneNote 2010 Service Pack 2 (32-bit editions) (2589382)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Office 2007 32-bit.


Microsoft released updates for Microsoft OneNote 2007 Service Pack 3 and
Microsoft OneNote 2010 Service Pack 2 that fix this vulnerability:

- Microsoft OneNote 2007 Service Pack 3 (3191829)
- Microsoft OneNote 2010 Service Pack 2 (64-bit editions) (2589382)
- Microsoft OneNote 2010 Service Pack 2 (32-bit editions) (2589382)



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[FD] Multiple local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Proxifier for Mac

2017-04-11 Thread Securify B.V.

Multiple local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Proxifier for Mac

Yorick Koster, April 2017


Multiple local privileges escalation vulnerabilities were found in the
KLoader binary that ships with Proxifier. KLoader is responsible for
loading a Kernel Extension (kext). KLoader is installed setuid root, it
accepts one or two command line arguments that are used in a number of
system commands. These arguments are used in an insecure manner allowing
a local attacker to elevate its privileges. In addition, the environment
is not properly sanitized, which also introduces an possibility to run
arbitrary commands with elevated privileges.

Tested versions

These issues were successfully verified on Proxifier for Mac v2.18.


Proxifier v2.19 was released that addresses these issues.



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[FD] Microsoft Edge Fetch API allows setting of arbitrary request headers

2017-03-14 Thread Securify B.V.

Microsoft Edge Fetch API allows setting of arbitrary request headers

Yorick Koster, January 2017


It was found that the Fetch API in Microsoft Edge allows websites to set
arbitrary HTTP request headers, including the Content-Length, and Host
headers. Amongst others, a malicious website can use this issue to
bypass the same origin policy, read HTTP response headers, or initiate
arbitrary HTTP requests from the victim's browser (HTTP request

See also

- CVE-2017-0140
- MS17-007: Cumulative Security Update for Microsoft Edge (4013071)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on Microsoft Edge version
38.14393.0.0 (EdgeHTML 14.14393).


Microsoft released MS17-007 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] Stack-based buffer overflow in Western Digital My Cloud allows for remote code execution

2017-03-07 Thread Securify B.V.

Stack-based buffer overflow in Western Digital My Cloud allows for
remote code execution

Remco Vermeulen, January 2017


It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is vulnerable to a
stack-based buffer overflow in the authentication mechanism. By
exploiting this vulnerability it is possible for an unauthenticated
attacker to run arbitrary code with root privileges.

Tested versions

This vulnerability was successfully verified on a Western Digital My
Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.21.126. This issue
isn't limited to the model that was used to find this vulnerability
since most of the products in the My Cloud series share the same
(vulnerable) code.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability

2017-03-07 Thread Securify B.V.

Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery

Remco Vermeulen, January 2017


It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is affected by
Cross-Site Request Forgery. This issue can be combined with a command
injection vulnerability (see advisory SFY201703) to gain complete
control (root access) of the affected device.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on a Western Digital My Cloud model
WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.21.126. The issue isn't limited
to the used model since most of the products in the My Cloud series
share the same (vulnerable) code.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to multiple command injection vulnerabilities

2017-03-07 Thread Securify B.V.

Western Digital My Cloud vulnerable to multiple command injection

Remco Vermeulen, January 2017


It was discovered that the Western Digital My Cloud is affected by
multiple command injection vulnerabilities. Some of these issues don't
require authentication and allow an attacker to gain complete control
(root access) of the affected device. Some do require authentication, in
this case an attacker can use Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF, see
advisory SFY20170104) or authentication bypass (see advisory
SFY20170102) and still gain complete control of the vulnerable Western
Digital device.

See also


- https://blog.exploitee.rs/2017/hacking_wd_mycloud/
- https://www.exploitee.rs/index.php/Western_Digital_MyCloud

Tested versions

These vulnerabilities were successfully verified on a Western Digital My
Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware versions 2.21.119 and
2.21.126. These issues aren't limited to the model that was used to find
these vulnerabilities since most of the products in the My Cloud series
share the same (vulnerable) code.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Multiple persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in osTicket

2017-02-28 Thread Securify B.V.

Multiple persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in osTicket

Han Sahin, July 2016


Two persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities have been found in
osTicket. These issues exists due to the lack of output encoding on user
input. These vulnerabilities allow an attacker to inject malicious
JavaScript code into the application. This code will then be executed
within the browser of a user who views the dashboard. The
attacker-supplied code can perform a wide variety of actions, such as
stealing victims' session tokens or login credentials, performing
arbitrary actions on their behalf.

Tested versions

These issues were successfully tested on osTicket version 1.9.12.


osTicket version 1.9.15 and osTicket version 1.10 are released that
address these vulnerabilities.



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[FD] Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud

2017-02-08 Thread Securify B.V.

Authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital My Cloud

Remco Vermeulen, Januari 2017


It was discovered that Western Digital My Cloud is affected by an
authentication bypass vulnerability. By exploiting this vulnerability,
an unauthenticated attacker can bypass the login functionality and gain
full control of the device.

Tested versions

This vulnerability was successfully verified on a Western Digital My
Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.21.119. This issue
isn't limited to the model that was used to find this vulnerability
since most of the products in the My Cloud series share the same
(vulnerable) code.


Western Digital has released firmware version 2.21.126 that resolves
this vulnerability. This updated firmware can be downloaded from the
following location:



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[FD] Internet Explorer iframe sandbox local file name disclosure vulnerability

2016-08-09 Thread Securify B.V.

Internet Explorer iframe sandbox local file name disclosure

Yorick Koster, March 2016


It was found that Internet Explorer allows the disclosure of local file
names. This issue exists due to the fact that Internet Explorer behaves
different for file:// URLs pointing to existing and non-existent files.
When used in combination with HTML5 sandbox iframes it is possible to
use this behavior to find out if a local file exists. This technique
only works on Internet Explorer 10 & 11 since these support the HTML5
sandbox. Also it is not possible to do this from a regular website as
file:// URLs are blocked all together. The attack must be performed
locally (works with Internet zone Mark of the Web) or from a share.

See also

- CVE-2016-3321
- MS16-095: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (3177356)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Internet Explorer 10 and
Internet Explorer 11. The HTML5 sandbox iframes is not available in
older versions of Internet Explorer.


Microsoft released MS16-095 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] DLL side loading vulnerability in VMware Host Guest Client Redirector

2016-08-05 Thread Securify B.V.

DLL side loading vulnerability in VMware Host Guest Client Redirector

Yorick Koster, December 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the VMware Host Guest
Client Redirector, a component of VMware Tools. This issue can be
exploited by luring a victim into opening a document from the attacker's
share. An attacker can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code with
the privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system. If the WebDAV
Mini-Redirector is enabled, it is possible to exploit this issue over
the internet.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on VMware Tools for Windows version
10.0.5 build 3228253.

See also

- CVE-2016-5330
- VMSA-2016-0010 - VMware product updates address multiple important
security issues


This issue has been fixed in VMware Tools for Windows version 10.0.6.



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[FD] Persistent Cross-Site Scripting in WP Live Chat Support plugin

2016-07-11 Thread Securify B.V.

Persistent Cross-Site Scripting in WP Live Chat Support plugin

Han Sahin, July 2016


A persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been found in
the WP Live Chat Support plugin. By using this vulnerability an attacker
can supply malicious code on behalf of a logged on WordPress user in
order to perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing victims'
session tokens or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on
their behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on WP Live Chat Support WordPress
plugin version 6.2.00.


This issue has been fixed in version 6.2.02 of the WP Live Chat Support
plugin. The updated plugin can be downloaded from the following



Summer of Pwnage (https://sumofpwn.nl) is a Dutch community project. Its
goal is to contribute to the security of popular, widely used OSS
projects in a fun and educational way.

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[FD] Craft CMS affected by server side template injection

2016-06-27 Thread Securify B.V.

Craft CMS affected by server side template injection

Nelson Berg & Jurgen Kloosterman, June 2016


It was discovered that Craft CMS is vulnerable to server-side
template injection. An authenticated attacker can exploit this issue
to compromise Craft CMS, for example by retrieving sensitive data from
configuration files.

Tested versions

All versions of Craft CMS prior to build 2791 are affected by this


Pixel & Tonic, Inc. released Craft CMS build 2791 that resolves this
vulnerability. This build can easily be installed through the Control
Panel. After the fix is applied the rendering of templates is globally
limited in TemplatesService.php and TwigEnvironment.php.



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[FD] Microsoft Visio multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

2016-06-15 Thread Securify B.V.

Microsoft Visio multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

Yorick Koster, August 2015


Multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities were found in Microsoft Visio.
These issues can be exploited by loading various Visio COM components as
an embedded OLE object. When instantiating a vulnerable object Windows
will try to load the DLL msoutls.dll from the current working directory.
If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted (Office)
document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL file, it is
possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the target
user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking complete
control of the affected system.

See also

- CVE-2016-3235
- MS16-070: Security Update for Microsoft Office (3163610)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Visio 2010.
Microsoft reports that this issue also affects Microsoft Visio 2007,
Microsoft Visio 2013, and Microsoft Visio 2016.


Microsoft released MS16-070 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] EMC M&R (Watch4net) lacks Cross-Site Request Forgery protection

2016-04-27 Thread Securify B.V.

EMC M&R (Watch4net) lacks Cross-Site Request Forgery protection

Han Sahin, November 2014


It was discovered that EMC M&R (Watch4net) does not protect against
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. A successful CSRF attack can
compromise end user data and may allow an attacker to perform an account
hijack. If the targeted end user is the administrator account, this
results in a full compromise of Watch4net.

Affected versions

Versions of EMC ViPR SRM prior to version 3.7 are affected by these

See also

- http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2016/Apr/att-106/ESA-2016-039.txt
- CVE-2016-0891


EMC released 34247_ViPR-SRM to fix these vulnerabilities. Please
note that this fix is only available for registered EMC Online Support



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[FD] .NET Framework 4.6 allows side loading of Windows API Set DLL

2016-04-12 Thread Securify B.V.

.NET Framework 4.6 allows side loading of Windows API Set DLL

Yorick Koster, February 2016


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the .NET Framework version
4.6 when running on Windows Vista or Windows 7. This issue can be
exploited by luring a victim into opening an Office document from the
attacker's share. An attacker can use this issue to execute arbitrary
code with the privileges of the target user. This can potentially result
in the attacker taking complete control of the affected system. If the
WebDAV Mini-Redirector is enabled, it is possible to exploit this issue
over the internet. This issue can be exploited even if the Office
document is opened in Protected View.

See also

- CVE-2016-0148
- MS16-041 : Security Update for .NET Framework (3148789)
- http://www.greyhathacker.net/docs/OfficeDLLhijacking.zip
- https://twitter.com/matthias_kaiser/status/697163250111291398

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Vista running Office 2010 and
.NET & Windows 7 running Office 2013 and .NET 4.6.1055.0.


Microsoft released MS16-041 that fixes this vulnerability.



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Re: [FD] Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-03-09 Thread Securify B.V.

Hi Stefan,

See below.

On 09-03-16 12:48, Stefan Kanthak wrote:

"Securify B.V." wrote:

Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015

This vulnerability demonstrates Microsoft's terrible SLOPPY coding
horror^Wpractice: it needs two mistakes to create this kind of bug!

"%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll" is (as its name implies)
a resource DLL, which means that it contains no code, but only
(localized) resources, and SHOULD (better: MUST) be loaded via
 LoadLibraryEx("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll", NULL, 
to avoid the call of its DllMain() startup code!
See <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684179.aspx>

JFTR: LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE was introduced in the last millennium!

 LoadLibraryEx("wab32res.dll", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
were sufficient to avoid this vulnerability.


Microsoft released MS16-025 that fixes this vulnerability.

Have you checked how Microsoft fixed it?
Did they exercise all due diligence now, practised defense in depth
and replaced the call to
with a call to
 LoadLibraryEx("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll", NULL, 

They still use LoadLibrary() to load wab32res.dll. Previously, the 
fetched a path from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WAB\DLLPath and appended 
wab32res.dll to the result, which was fed into LoadLibrary().

With MS16-025 they sanitize DLLpath using PathRemoveFileSpec(). By 
default DLLPath is set to %CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32.dll, 
PathRemoveFileSpec() removes wab32.dll from the path. They also call 
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(), but that was also the case previously.

With kind regards,


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[FD] Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-03-08 Thread Securify B.V.

Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the Windows Mail Find
People DLL. This issue can be exploited by loading the "For &People..."
object as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object Windows
will try to load the DLL wab32res.dll from the current working
directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted
(Office) document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL
file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of
the target user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking
complete control of the affected system.

See also

- CVE-2016-0100
- MS16-025: Security Update for Windows Library Loading to Address
Remote Code Execution (3140709)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows Vista + Office 2010


Microsoft released MS16-025 that fixes this vulnerability.



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Re: [FD] OLE DB Provider for Oracle multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

2016-02-10 Thread Securify B.V.


Microsoft released MS16-014 that fixes this vulnerability.

On 16-12-15 19:26, Securify B.V. wrote:

OLE DB Provider for Oracle multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

Yorick Koster, August 2015


Multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities were found in the OLE DB
Provider for Oracle. These issues can be exploited by loading various
OLE components as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLLs oci.dll, and ociw32.dll from the
current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a
specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also containing the
attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Office 2007 32-bit,
Windows Vista + Office 2010 32-bit, Windows 7 + Office 2013 32-bit.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] MapsUpdateTask Task DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-02-10 Thread Securify B.V.

MapsUpdateTask Task DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, November 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the MapsUpdateTask Task
DLL that ships with Windows 10. This issue can be exploited by loading
COM control as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLL phoneinfo.dll from the current working
directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted
(Office) document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL
file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of
the target user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking
complete control of the affected system.

See also

- CVE-2016-0041
- MS16-014: Security Update for Microsoft Windows to Address Remote
Code Execution (3134228)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 10 + Office 2016 64-bit.


Microsoft released MS16-014 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-02-10 Thread Securify B.V.

BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the BDA MPEG2 Transport
Information Filter that ships with Windows Vista. This issue can be
exploited by loading the filter as an embedded OLE object. When
instantiating the object Windows will try to load the DLL ehTrace.dll
from the current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to
open a specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also
containing the attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary
code with the privileges of the target user. This can potentially result
in the attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also

- CVE-2016-0041
- MS16-014: Security Update for Microsoft Windows to Address Remote
Code Execution (3134228)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows Vista + Office 2010


Microsoft released MS16-014 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] NPS Datastore server DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-02-10 Thread Securify B.V.

NPS Datastore server DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the NPS Datastore server
DLL that ships with Windows Vista. This issue can be exploited by
loading the affected DLL as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating
the object Windows will try to load the DLL iasdatastore2.dll from the
current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a
specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also containing the
attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also

- CVE-2016-0041
- MS16-014: Security Update for Microsoft Windows to Address Remote
Code Execution (3134228)

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows Vista + Office 2010


Microsoft released MS16-014 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] HP LaserJet Fax Preview DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-01-23 Thread Securify B.V.

HP LaserJet Fax Preview DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the HP LaserJet Fax
Preview Resource DLL. This issue can be exploited by loading the
FaxPreview Class as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the
object Windows will try to load the DLL MFC80ENU.DLL from the current
working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially
crafted (Office) document from a directory also containing the
attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

Affected versions

This issue was successfully verified on the HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP
drivers version 3.1 (CM2320series-win7-full-solution-AM-EMEA1-v3.1.exe).


There is currently no fix available, HP reports: "Unfortunately, the
driver software for these devices can no longer be updated. The devices
have ended support life and the engineering resources are no longer
available to provide any firmware updates.  We do understand the issue,
and current drivers are no longer vulnerable to the OLE side load



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[FD] HP ToComMsg DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-01-23 Thread Securify B.V.

HP ToComMsg DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, September 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the HP ToComMsg DLL. This
issue can be exploited by loading the TcComMsg.AutoTcComMsg object as an
embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object Windows will try to
load the DLL MFC80ENU.DLL from the current working directory. If an
attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted (Office)
document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL file, it is
possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the target
user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking complete
control of the affected system.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on the HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP
drivers version 3.1 (CM2320series-win7-full-solution-AM-EMEA1-v3.1.exe).


There is currently no fix available, HP reports: "Unfortunately, the
driver software for these devices can no longer be updated. The devices
have ended support life and the engineering resources are no longer
available to provide any firmware updates.  We do understand the issue,
and current drivers are no longer vulnerable to the OLE side load



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[FD] LEADTOOLS ActiveX control multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

2016-01-23 Thread Securify B.V.

LEADTOOLS ActiveX control multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

Yorick Koster, September 2015


Multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities were found in the LEADTOOLS
ActiveX control. These issues can be exploited by loading various COM
components as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLL LTANN11N.DLL from the current working
directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted
(Office) document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL
file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of
the target user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking
complete control of the affected system.

Affected versions

This issue was successfully verified on the HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP
drivers version 3.1 (CM2320series-win7-full-solution-AM-EMEA1-v3.1.exe).


There is currently no fix available, HP reports: "Unfortunately, the
driver software for these devices can no longer be updated. The devices
have ended support life and the engineering resources are no longer
available to provide any firmware updates.  We do understand the issue,
and current drivers are no longer vulnerable to the OLE side load



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[FD] OLE DB Provider for Oracle multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

2015-12-16 Thread Securify B.V.

OLE DB Provider for Oracle multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

Yorick Koster, August 2015


Multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities were found in the OLE DB
Provider for Oracle. These issues can be exploited by loading various
OLE components as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLLs oci.dll, and ociw32.dll from the
current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a
specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also containing the
attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Office 2007 32-bit,
Windows Vista + Office 2010 32-bit, Windows 7 + Office 2013 32-bit.


There is currently no fix available.



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[FD] Shockwave Flash Object DLL side loading vulnerability

2015-12-16 Thread Securify B.V.

Shockwave Flash Object DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, August 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the Flash version that
ships with Windows. This issue can be exploited by loading the Shockwave
Flash object as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLL spframe.dll from the current working
directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted
(Office) document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL
file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of
the target user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking
complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 10 + Office 2013 32-bit.


It appears that this issue has been resolved by the security updates for
Adobe Flash Player of November 2015 (version or later,
APSB15-28 [3]). The initialization code has been changed in this
version. Currently, the DLL spframe.dll is only loaded if Flash is
started from Microsoft Edge. In all other cases, Flash tries to load
ieframe.dll instead of spframe.dll. ieframe.dll is located in System32,
which is searched before the current working directory, preventing side
loading of this DLL.



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[FD] Shutdown UX DLL side loading vulnerability

2015-12-16 Thread Securify B.V.

Shutdown UX DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, November 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the Shutdown UX DLL. This
issue can be exploited by loading the Authentication UI Shutdown Choices
object as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object Windows
will try to load the DLL wuaext.dll from the current working directory.
If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted (Office)
document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL file, it is
possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the target
user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking complete
control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 10 + Office 2016 64-bit.


Microsoft released MS15-132 [4] that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] Windows Authentication UI DLL side loading vulnerability

2015-12-12 Thread Securify B.V.

Windows Authentication UI DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, August 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the Windows Authentication
UI DLL. This issue can be exploited by loading the Slide To Shut Down
Screen object as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating the object
Windows will try to load the DLL wuaext.dll from the current working
directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a specially crafted
(Office) document from a directory also containing the attacker's DLL
file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of
the target user. This can potentially result in the attacker taking
complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 10 + Office 2013 32-bit,
and Windows 10 + Office 2016 64-bit.


Microsoft released MS15-132 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] Event Viewer Snapin multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

2015-12-12 Thread Securify B.V.

Event Viewer Snapin multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities

Yorick Koster, August 2015


Multiple DLL side loading vulnerabilities were found in the Event Viewer
Snapin that ships with Windows. These issues can be exploited by loading
various COM components as an embedded OLE object. When instantiating
vulnerable object Windows will try to load the DLL elsext.dll from the
current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to open a
specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also containing the
attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the target user. This can potentially result in the
attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Office 2007 32-bit,
Windows Vista + Office 2010 32-bit, Windows 7 + Office 2013 32-bit.


Microsoft released MS15-132 that fixes this vulnerability.



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[FD] COM+ Services DLL side loading vulnerability

2015-12-12 Thread Securify B.V.

COM+ Services DLL side loading vulnerability

Yorick Koster, August 2015


A DLL side loading vulnerability was found in the COM+ Services
component that ships with Windows. This issue can be exploited by
loading the QC Queue Administration Class as an embedded OLE object.
When instantiating the object Windows will try to load the DLL mqrt.dll
from the current working directory. If an attacker convinces the user to
open a specially crafted (Office) document from a directory also
containing the attacker's DLL file, it is possible to execute arbitrary
code with the privileges of the target user. This can potentially result
in the attacker taking complete control of the affected system.

See also


Tested versions

This issue was successfully verified on Windows 7 + Office 2007 32-bit,
Windows Vista + Office 2010 32-bit, Windows 7/10 + Office 2013 32-bit,
and Windows 10 + Office 2016 64-bit.


Microsoft released MS15-132 that fixes this vulnerability.



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Re: [FD] Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DMG install script

2015-09-30 Thread Securify B.V.


Cisco customers with active contracts can obtain updates through the
Software Center at https://software.cisco.com/download/navigator.html.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv11947 for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product

On 23-09-15 19:14, Securify B.V. wrote:

Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DMG install script

Yorick Koster, July 2015


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for OS X is affected by a
vulnerability that allows local attackers to mount arbitrary DMG files
at arbitrary mount points. By exploiting this vulnerability is is
possible for the attacker to gain root privileges. Cisco reports that a
similar issue also exists in Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for

See also

- CVE-2015-6306
- http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=41135

Tested version

This issue was successfully verified on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client for OS X version 3.1.08009.


There is currently no fix available. Updates are expected to be released
on September 30, 2015.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv11947 for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product



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Re: [FD] Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DLL side loading

2015-09-30 Thread Securify B.V.


Cisco customers with active contracts can obtain updates through the
Software Center at https://software.cisco.com/download/navigator.html.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv01279 [5] for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product

On 22-09-15 18:18, Securify B.V. wrote:

Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DLL side loading

Yorick Koster, June 2015


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Windows is affected by an
vulnerability that allows local attackers to execute arbitrary DLL files
with elevated privilege. By exploiting this vulnerability is is possible
for the attacker to gain SYSTEM privileges.

See also

- CVE-2015-6305
- http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=41136
- https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=460

Test version

This issue was successfully verified on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client for Windows version 3.1.08009.


There is currently no fix available. Updates are expected to be released
on September 30, 2015.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv01279 for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product



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[FD] Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DMG install script

2015-09-23 Thread Securify B.V.

Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DMG install script

Yorick Koster, July 2015


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for OS X is affected by a
vulnerability that allows local attackers to mount arbitrary DMG files
at arbitrary mount points. By exploiting this vulnerability is is
possible for the attacker to gain root privileges. Cisco reports that a
similar issue also exists in Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for

See also

- CVE-2015-6306
- http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=41135

Tested version

This issue was successfully verified on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client for OS X version 3.1.08009.


There is currently no fix available. Updates are expected to be released
on September 30, 2015.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv11947 for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product



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[FD] Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DLL side loading

2015-09-22 Thread Securify B.V.

Cisco AnyConnect elevation of privileges via DLL side loading

Yorick Koster, June 2015


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Windows is affected by an
vulnerability that allows local attackers to execute arbitrary DLL files
with elevated privilege. By exploiting this vulnerability is is possible
for the attacker to gain SYSTEM privileges.

See also

- CVE-2015-6305
- http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=41136
- https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=460

Test version

This issue was successfully verified on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Client for Windows version 3.1.08009.


There is currently no fix available. Updates are expected to be released
on September 30, 2015.

Cisco has released bug ID CSCuv01279 for registered users, which
contains additional details and an up-to-date list of affected product



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[FD] Multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Synology Download Station

2015-09-09 Thread Securify B.V.

Multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Synology Download

Han Sahin, September 2015


Multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities were found in Synology
Download Station. These issues allow attackers to perform a wide variety
of actions, such as stealing victims' session tokens or login
credentials if available, performing arbitrary actions on their behalf
but also performing arbitrary redirects to potential malicious websites.

Tested version

These issues have been tested on Synology Download Station version
3.5-2956 and version 3.5-2962.


Synology reports that these issue have been resolved in:

- Download Station version 3.5-2962 [Create download task via file
- Download Station version 3.5-2967 [Create download task via URL]



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[FD] Synology Video Station command injection and multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities

2015-09-09 Thread Securify B.V.

Synology Video Station command injection and multiple SQL injection

Han Sahin, September 2015


It was discovered that Synology Video Station is vulnerable to command
injection that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary system commands
with root privileges. In addition, Video Station is affected by multiple
SQL injection vulnerabilities that allows for execution of arbitrary SQL
statements with DBA privileges. As a result it is possible to compromise
the PostgreSQL database server.

Affected versions

These issues affect Synology Video Station version up to and including
version 1.5-0757.


Synology has reported that these issue have been resolved in:

- Video Station version 1.5-0757 [audiotrack.cgi]
- Video Station version 1.5-0763 [watchstatus.cgi]
- Video Station version 1.5-0763 [subtitle.cgi]



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Re: [FD] Integer overflow in .NET Framework System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class

2015-09-08 Thread Securify B.V.

Microsoft released MS15-101 that addresses this issue:

On 25-07-15 09:02, Securify B.V. wrote:

Integer overflow in .NET Framework
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class

Yorick Koster, May 2015


An integer overflow exists in the
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class of the .NET Framework.
Triggering this issue results in an overflown integer that is used to
allocate a buffer on the heap that is too small, resulting in memory
corruption. Exploiting this issues appears to be difficult.
Consequently, Microsoft has decided to not release a security bulletin.

Affected versions

This issue affects .NET Framework version 4.5 and 4.6. Other versions
are not affected as this issue can only be triggered using large arrays
(> 2GB).


There is currently no fix available for this issue. Microsoft will not
release a security bulletin, it may be fixed in future versions of the
.NET Framework.

[...] [we] are going to pursue this as a candidate for improvement in
future versions, [...] On x86, the feasibility of an attack is mitigated
by the maximum process memory and even on amd64, prevailing
configurations preclude this from being a feasible attack.



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[FD] Weak authentication in EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Web Portal

2015-08-17 Thread Securify B.V.

Weak authentication in EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Web

Han Sahin, November 2014


It was discovered that the session tokens in EMC Secure Remote Services
Virtual Edition are Base64 encoded XML tokens that lack any
cryptographic protection. Due to this it is possible for attackers to
create their own session cookies. Attackers with network access
(insiders) to the ESRS Web Portal can exploit this issue to gain
unauthorized access to the management interface.

Affected versions

EMC reports that the following versions are affected by this

- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.02
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.03
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.04

See also

- CVE-2015-0544 [2]
- ESA-2015-097 [3]: EMC Secure Remote Services (ESRS) Virtual Edition
(VE) Multiple Security Vulnerabilities


EMC released EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.06 that
resolves this vulnerability. Registered EMC Online Support customers can
download patches and software from support.emc.com [4] at:

EMC Secure Remote Services -> EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition
-> Downloads



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[FD] Insufficient certificate validation in EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition

2015-08-17 Thread Securify B.V.

Insufficient certificate validation in EMC Secure Remote Services
Virtual Edition

Han Sahin, November 2014


It was discovered that the server certificate validation checks
performed by EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition are insecure.
Weak certificate validation allows attackers to perform a man in the
middle attack against ESRS connections. This allows for eavesdropping
on, and spoofing of provisioned devices in ESRS VE (including but not
limited to home calls to the ESRS portal esrs.emc.com).

Affected versions

EMC reports that the following versions are affected by this

- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.02
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.03
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.04

See also

- CVE-2015-0543 [2]
- ESA-2015-097 [3]: EMC Secure Remote Services (ESRS) Virtual Edition
(VE) Multiple Security Vulnerabilities


EMC released EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.06 that
resolves this vulnerability. Registered EMC Online Support customers can
download patches and software from support.emc.com [4] at:

EMC Secure Remote Services -> EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition
-> Downloads



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[FD] Integer overflow in .NET Framework System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class

2015-07-25 Thread Securify B.V.

Integer overflow in .NET Framework
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class

Yorick Koster, May 2015


An integer overflow exists in the
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.Utility class of the .NET Framework.
Triggering this issue results in an overflown integer that is used to
allocate a buffer on the heap that is too small, resulting in memory
corruption. Exploiting this issues appears to be difficult.
Consequently, Microsoft has decided to not release a security bulletin.

Affected versions

This issue affects .NET Framework version 4.5 and 4.6. Other versions
are not affected as this issue can only be triggered using large arrays
(> 2GB).


There is currently no fix available for this issue. Microsoft will not
release a security bulletin, it may be fixed in future versions of the
.NET Framework.

[...] [we] are going to pursue this as a candidate for improvement in
future versions, [...] On x86, the feasibility of an attack is mitigated
by the maximum process memory and even on amd64, prevailing
configurations preclude this from being a feasible attack.



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[FD] Synology Photo Station multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities

2015-05-25 Thread Securify B.V.

Synology Photo Station multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities

Han Sahin, May 2015


Multiple reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerabilities were found in
Synology Photo Station. These issues allow attackers to perform a wide
variety of actions, such as stealing victims' session tokens or login
credentials if available, performing arbitrary actions on their behalf
but also performing arbitrary redirects to potential malicious websites.

Tested version

This issue was tested on Synology Photo Station version 6.2-2858.


Synology reports that this issue has been resolved in Photo Station
version 6.3-2945.



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[FD] Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in Synology DiskStation Manager

2015-05-25 Thread Securify B.V.

Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in Synology DiskStation Manager

Han Sahin, May 2015


A reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability was found in Synology
DiskStation Manager. This issue allows attackers to perform a wide
variety of actions, such as stealing victims' session tokens or login
credentials if available, performing arbitrary actions on their behalf
but also performing arbitrary redirects to potential malicious websites.

Tested version

This issue was tested on Synology DiskStation Manager version 5.2-5565.


Synology reports that this issue has been resolved in DiskStation
Manager version 5.2-5565 Update 1 (2015/05/21).



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[FD] Command injection vulnerability in Synology Photo Station

2015-05-25 Thread Securify B.V.

Command injection vulnerability in Synology Photo Station

Han Sahin, May 2015


A command injection vulnerability was found in Synology Photo Station,
which allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands with the
privileges of the webserver. An attacker can use this vulnerability to
compromise a Synology DiskStation NAS, including all data stored on the

Tested version

This issue was tested on Synology Photo Station version 6.2-2858.


Synology reports that this issue has been resolved in Photo Station
version 6.3-2945.



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[FD] Reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in asdoc generated documentation

2015-04-07 Thread Securify B.V.

Reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in asdoc generated

Radjnies Bhansingh, March 2014


A reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability was found in Apache
Flex's asdoc generated API documentation. This issue allows attackers to
perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing victims' session
tokens or login credentials if available, performing arbitrary actions
on their behalf but also performing arbitrary redirects to potential
malicious websites.

Affected products

Apache Flex reports that all versions of Apache Flex before 4.14.1 are
affected by this vulnerability.


The Apache Flex team fixed the issue in asdoc in Apache Flex 4.14.1.
Users can also manually apply the following patch to fix this issue

Users should upgrade their version of Apache Flex and regenerate their
current documentation generated with asdoc. Please note that any local
modification to the asdoc index.html will need to be saved as they are
not reapplied by asdoc on the newly generated documentation.



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[FD] Viber for Android exposes insecure Javascript interface

2015-03-20 Thread Securify B.V.

Viber for Android exposes insecure Javascript interface

Yorick Koster, April 2014


It was discovered that Viber's Sticker Market is affected by a remote
code execution vulnerability. This is possible because the Market is
loaded over an insecure connection (HTTP) in a WebView that exposes an
insecure Javascript interface. Exploiting this issue allows for the
execution of arbitrary Java code within the privileges of the Viber app.

Tested versions

This issue was successfully tested on Viber for Android version


As of Viber version (released December 15, 2014) the target
SDK was change from API Level 15 to API Level 19. Due to this, this
issue is no longer exploitable devices running Android 4.2 (API Level
17) and newer.



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[FD] Citrix NetScaler VPX help pages are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting

2015-03-19 Thread Securify B.V.

Citrix NetScaler VPX help pages are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting

Han Sahin, August 2014


It was discovered that the help pages of Citrix VPX are vulnerable to
Cross-Site Scripting. This issue allows attackers to perform a wide
variety of actions, such as stealing the victim's session token or login
credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim's behalf, and
logging their keystrokes.

Tested version

This issue was discovered in Citrix NetScaler VPX NSVPX-ESX-10.5-50.10,
other versions may also be vulnerable.


Citrix reports that this vulnerability is fixed in NetScaler 10.5 build



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[FD] Command injection vulnerability in Citrix NITRO SDK xen_hotfix page

2015-03-19 Thread Securify B.V.

Command injection vulnerability in Citrix NITRO SDK xen_hotfix page

Han Sahin, August 2014


Securify discovered a command injection vulnerability in xen_hotfix page
of the NITRO SDK. The attacker-supplied command is executed with
elevated privileges (nsroot). This issue can be used to compromise of
the entire Citrix SDX appliance and all underling application's and

Tested version

This issue was discovered in Citrix NetScaler SDX svm-10.5-50-1.9, other
versions may also be affected.


Citrix reports that this vulnerability is fixed in NetScaler 10.5 build



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[FD] Citrix NITRO SDK xen_hotfix page is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting

2015-03-19 Thread Securify B.V.

Citrix NITRO SDK xen_hotfix page is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting

Han Sahin, August 2014


A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was found in the xen_hotfix page of
the Citrix NITRO SDK. This issue allows attackers to perform a wide
variety of actions, such as stealing the victim's session token or login
credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim's behalf, and
logging their keystrokes.

Tested version

This issue was discovered in Citrix NetScaler SDX svm-10.5-50-1.9;,
other versions may also be affected.


Citrix reports that this vulnerability is fixed in NetScaler 10.5 build



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[FD] Advent JMX Servlet of Citrx Command Center is accessible to unauthenticated users

2015-03-19 Thread Securify B.V.

Advent JMX Servlet of Citrx Command Center is accessible to
unauthenticated users

Han Sahin, August 2014


It was discovered that the Advent JMX Servlet of Citrix Command Center
is accessible to unauthenticated users. This issue can be abused by
attackers to comprise the entire application.

Tested version

This issue was discovered in Citrix Command Center 5.1 build 33.3
(including patch CC_SP_5.2_40_1.exe), other versions may also be


Citrix reports that this vulnerability is fixed in Command Center 5.2
build 42.7, which can be downloaded from the following location (login

Citrix assigned BUG0494204 to this issue.



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[FD] Citrix Command Center allows downloading of configuration files

2015-03-19 Thread Securify B.V.

Citrix Command Center allows downloading of configuration files

Han Sahin, August 2014


It was discovered that Citrix Command Center stores configuration files
containing credentials of managed devices within a folder accessible
through the web server. Unauthenticated attackers can download any
configuration file stored in this folder, decode passwords stored in
these files, and gain privileged access to devices managed by Command

Tested version

This issue was discovered in Citrix Command Center 5.1 build 33.3
(including patch CC_SP_5.2_40_1.exe), other versions may also be


Citrix reports that this vulnerability is fixed in Command Center 5.2
build 42.7, which can be downloaded from the following location (login

Citrix assigned BUG0493933 to this issue.



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[FD] EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Provisioning component is affected by SQL injection

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Provisioning component is
affected by SQL injection

Han Sahin, November 2014


An SQL injection vulnerability was found in EMC Secure Remote Services
Virtual Edition (ESRS VE) that allows an attacker to retrieve arbitrary
data from the application, interfere with its logic, or execute commands
on the database server itself.

Affected versions

EMC reports that the following versions are affected by this

- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.02
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.03

See also

- CVE-2015-0524
- ESA-2015-040: EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Security
Update for Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.04 that
resolves this vulnerability. Registered EMC Online Support customers can
download patches and software from support.emc.com at:

EMC Secure Remote Services -> EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition
-> Downloads



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[FD] Command injection vulnerability in EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Command injection vulnerability in EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual

Han Sahin, November 2014


A command injection vulnerability was found in EMC Secure Remote
Services Virtual Edition (ESRS VE) that allows an attacker to execute
arbitrary system commands and take full control over ESRS VE.

Affected versions

EMC reports that the following versions are affected by this

- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.02
- EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.03

See also

- CVE-2015-0525
- ESA-2015-040: EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition Security
Update for Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition 3.04 that
resolves this vulnerability. Registered EMC Online Support customers can
download patches and software from support.emc.com at:

EMC Secure Remote Services -> EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition
-> Downloads



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[FD] Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Device Discovery

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Device Discovery

Han Sahin, November 2014


A path traversal vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Device
Discovery. This vulnerability allows an attacker to access sensitive
files containing configuration data, passwords, database records, log
data, source code, and program scripts and binaries.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2016-0516
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB Browser

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB Browser

Han Sahin, November 2014


A path traversal vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB
Browser. This vulnerability allows an attacker to access sensitive files
containing configuration data, passwords, database records, log data,
source code, and program scripts and binaries.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2015-0516
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Alerting Frontend

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Alerting

Han Sahin, November 2014


A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net)
Alerting Frontend. This issue allows attackers to perform a wide
variety of actions, such as stealing victims' session tokens or login
credentials, performing arbitrary actions on their behalf, logging their
keystrokes, or exploit issues in other areas of Watch4net.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2015-0513
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Centralized Management Console

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Centralized
Management Console

Han Sahin, November 2014


A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net)
Centralized Management Console. This issue allows attackers to perform a
wide variety of actions, such as stealing victims' session tokens or
login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on their behalf, logging
their keystrokes, or exploit issues in other areas of Watch4net.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2015-0513
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Web Portal Report Favorites

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) Web Portal
Report Favorites

Han Sahin, November 2014


A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net)
Web Portal. This issue allows attackers to replace the report that is
shown at startup, the attackers payload will be stored in the user's
profile and will be executed  every time the victim logs in. The
attacker-supplied code can perform a wide variety of actions, such as
stealing victims' session tokens or login credentials, performing
arbitrary actions on their behalf, logging their keystrokes, or exploit
issues in other areas of Watch4net.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2015-0513
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] EMC M&R (Watch4net) data storage collector credentials are not properly protected

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

EMC M&R (Watch4net) data storage collector credentials are not properly

Han Sahin, November 2014


It was discovered that EMC M&R (Watch4net) credentials of remote servers
stored in Watch4net are encrypted using a fixed hardcoded password. If
an attacker manages to obtain a copy of the encrypted credentials, it is
trivial to decrypt them.

Affected products

EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also

- CVE-2015-0514
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities


EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.



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[FD] Error messages of Websense Content Gateway are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Error messages of Websense Content Gateway are vulnerable to Cross-Site

Han Sahin, September 2014


It was discovered that the error messages of Websense Content Gateway
process user-controllable data insecurely, rendering these pages
vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. Cross-Site Scripting allows an
attacker to perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the
victim's session token or login credentials, performing arbitrary
actions on the victim's behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Websense Reporting

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Multiple Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Websense Reporting

Han Sahin, September 2014


It has been found that Websense Reporting is affected by multiple
Cross-Site Scripting issues. Cross-Site Scripting allows an attacker to
perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the victim's session
token or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim's
behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


Websense released hotfix 02 for Websense Triton v7.8.4 in which this
issue is fixed. More information about this hotfix can be found at the
following location:

This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Websense Explorer report scheduler

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Websense Explorer report scheduler

Han Sahin, September 2014


It was discovered that the report scheduler of Websense Explorer is
vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. Cross-Site Scripting allows an
attacker to perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the
victim's session token or login credentials, performing arbitrary
actions on the victim's behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


Websense released hotfix 02 for Websense Triton v7.8.4 in which this
issue is fixed. More information about this hotfix can be found at the
following location:

This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Websense Data Security block page

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in Websense Data Security block page

Han Sahin, September 2014


It was discovered that the Websense Data Security block page processes
user-controllable data insecurely, rendering the block page is
vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. Cross-Site Scripting allows an
attacker to perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the
victim's session token or login credentials, performing arbitrary
actions on the victim's behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Missing access control on Websense Explorer web folder

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Missing access control on Websense Explorer web folder

Han Sahin, September 2014


It was discovered that no access control is enforced on the explorer_wse
path, which is exposed through the web server. An attacker can abuse
this issue to download any file exposed by this path, including security
reports and Websense Explorer configuration files.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Source code disclosure of Websense Triton JSP files via double quote character

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Source code disclosure of Websense Triton JSP files via double quote

Han Sahin, September 2014


Websense Triton is affected by a source code disclosure vulnerability.
By appending a double quote character after JSP URLs, Websense will
return the source code of the JSP instead of executing the JSP. An
attacker can use this issue to inspect parts of Websense's source code
in order to gain more knowledge about Websense's internals.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


Websense released hotfix 02 for Websense Triton v7.8.4 in which this
issue is fixed. More information about this hotfix can be found at the
following location:

This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Command injection vulnerability in network diagnostics tool of Websense Appliance Manager

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Command injection vulnerability in network diagnostics tool of Websense
Appliance Manager

Han Sahin, September 2014


A command injection vulnerability was found in Websense Appliance
Manager that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the
appliance. This issue can be combined with other vulnerabilities, like
Cross-Site Scripting, to perform a remote unauthenticated attacks to
compromise the appliance.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


Websense released hotfix 02 for Websense Triton v7.8.4 in which this
issue is fixed. More information about this hotfix can be found at the
following location:

This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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[FD] Websense Email Security vulnerable to persistent Cross-Site Scripting in audit log details view

2015-03-18 Thread Securify B.V.

Websense Email Security vulnerable to persistent Cross-Site Scripting in
audit log details view

Han Sahin, September 2014


Users of Websense Data Security that are reviewing DLP incidents can be
attacked via Cross-Site Scripting. This issue can be exploited using a
specially crafted email, or by sending a specially crafted HTTP request
through the Websense proxy. The attacker-supplied code can perform a
wide variety of attacks, such as stealing session tokens, login
credentials, performing arbitrary actions as victims, or logging
victims' keystrokes.

Tested versions

This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.


This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:



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