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>Southern Africa: Apartheid Debt
>Date distributed (ymd): 980727
>Document reposted by APIC
>+++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++
>Region: Southern Africa
>Issue Areas: +political/rights+ +economy/development+
>Summary Contents:
>This posting contains a briefing "The Debt of Apartheid" and
>excerpts from a report entitled Paying for Apartheid Twice,
>from Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) and the World
>Development Movement (WDM). The documents are in aid of a
>campaign to urge the cancellation of UKP28 billion in
>apartheid-caused debt owed by the countries of southern
>Printed versions of the briefing (50p each; 30p each for 10 or
>more and the report (UKP1 each) are available  from ACTSA, 28
>Penton St., London N1 9SA, UK (Tel: 171-833-3133; fax: 171-
>837-3001; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  The full text of
>both documents will be available on the Africa Policy Web Site
>For additional on-line references on African debt, see
>+++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>Action for Southern Africa
>Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) campaigns for the
>international support vital to fulfil the hopes of change in
>Southern Africa. Formed in 1994, it is the successor to the
>Anti-Apartheid Movement.
>ACTSA lobbies decision-makers in Britain and Europe to win
>better policies for all the countries of Southern Africa. It
>keeps the concerns of the region in the public and political
>spotlight. It builds links between people here and in Southern
>World Development Movement
>The World Development Movement is the UK's leading
>organisation campaigning to improve the lives of the world's
>poorest people. Through our national network of members and
>local groups, WDM tackles issues including multinational
>companies, debt, the arms trade and aid.
>WDM is not a charity. We do not give aid. But our campaigns do
>change the policies of governments and companies which keep
>people poor.
>When Nelson Mandela walked out of prison, rich countries and
>banks handed him and the people of Southern Africa a bill for
>UKP28 billion.
>Apartheid wrought destruction across Southern Africa.  Now it
>is time to rebuild.  But the financial institutions and
>countries which lent during the apartheid war are demanding
>repayment.  The victims of apartheid are being asked to pay
>Paying twice for apartheid
>The apartheid regime not only oppressed its own people, but
>waged a full-scale war against Mozambique and Angola, made
>raids into all the neighbouring states, and imposed an
>economic blockade on Lesotho, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and
>The suffering was immense. This was a war against ordinary
>people, in which schools and health posts were primary targets
>and civilians were massacred on buses and trains. At least two
>million Mozambicans and Angolans died in the war South Africa
>waged against them; millions more had to flee their homes.
>The people of Southern Africa paid a terrible price in blood
>and suffering. A whole generation never went to school because
>of apartheid. Mothers and children died because the apartheid
>state destroyed health centres in Mozambique, or never built
>them in South Africa itself.
>Apartheid is ended,  but the people of the region cannot
>celebrate, because they are being asked to pay again.
>Making Mozambique poor
>Apartheid helped to make Mozambique the poorest country in the
>world. South Africa's apartheid war cost Mozambique more than
>UKP11 billion in damage and lost production. In an attempt to
>smash Mozambique's economy, South Africa, and the Renamo proxy
>army it backed, targeted sugar mills, tea-processing
>factories, sawmills, and mines, which were blown up, burned or
>ransacked. Half of all hospitals and schools were destroyed or
>Faced with a sudden loss of income and the need to protect its
>people, Mozambique had to borrow for projects including
>railways, electricity lines, and a major textile mill. Many of
>these were later destroyed in South African attacks.
>Mozambique borrowed UKP4.5 billion because of apartheid.
>International agencies like the IMF and the World Bank, as
>well as rich countries' governments, have agreed to write off
>some of Mozambique's debt. But they still insist Mozambique
>pays back much of the debt.
>Mozambique has been forced to delay universal primary
>education until 2010 because it has to repay the
>apartheid-caused debt.
>Attacking transport
>The bridge over the Zambezi River is one of the longest in
>Africa and once carried the railway from Malawi to the port of
>Beira in Mozambique. South African-backed forces blew up the
>bridge, as well as many smaller ones and also destroyed 30
>miles of railway line near Inhaminga in Mozambique. Five years
>after the end of the war, this railway is still closed;
>Mozambique has no money to repair it.
>South Africa cut both of Malawi's links to the sea, so that
>goods had to travel an extra thousand miles, via South Africa.
>The cost to Malawi was catastrophic. As well as human
>suffering, Malawi had to borrow more than UKP700 million to
>pay the extra costs of having to feed its people.  One rail
>link to the sea has been reopened.  But Malawi is being forced
>to repay the apartheid-caused debt before it can spend money
>on rebuilding.
>Malawi was not the only country that was blockaded. Angola,
>Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana and Lesotho have all
>suffered at the hand of apartheid. Their apartheid-caused debt
>exceeds UKP11 billion.
>Handing Mandela a bill
>When Nelson Mandela walked out of prison, the international
>banks handed him a bill for UKP11.3 billion.  In 1996, South
>Africa paid an incredible UKP2,300 million in interest and
>debt repayments.   This money was taken away from
>reconstruction. It was enough to give free health care to the
>entire population, build 300,000 new homes, and have money
>left over to build schools.
>According to international law if a loan is "used against the
>interests of the local populace" then it is "odious" and need
>not be repaid.  In 1973 the United Nations began to describe
>apartheid as a crime against humanity. Nevertheless, the
>international financial community continued to make loans. The
>Archbishop of Cape Town has said that South Africa's debt
>"should be declared odious and written off".
>After other wars
>Angola, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia have had some debt
>cancelled under a new initiative called the Highly Indebted
>Poor Country Initiative (HIPC). But in practice the actual
>amount they have to pay is the same as before - at least one
>fifth of what they earn.   After World War I, the victorious
>powers demanded that Germany make reparation payments of less
>than 15% of its earnings.  This was seen as too much and as an
>important cause of World War II.  After World War II Germany
>was asked to pay only 3.5 per cent of its earnings, whilst
>Britain had to pay 4 per cent.
>It was argued that it was better to spend money rebuilding
>rather than on debt payments. But now the international
>community wants Southern Africa to make massive debt
>repayments instead of rebuilding.  Today Mozambique and Malawi
>are being asked to pay 23 per cent of their earnings - five
>times as much as Britain and Germany.
>Break the chains of debt
>The poor of Southern Africa are saddled with UKP28 billion in
>apartheid-caused debt. This is UKP210 for every woman, man and
>child in the region.
>Whilst this seems a lot to cancel, in fact it is only two
>thirds the amount that the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain plan
>to spend on buying new fighter planes.
>Southern Africa's debt burden is taking funds away from
>schools and clinics. It is making it harder for the countries
>of the region to work together to overcome the legacies of
>The people of Southern Africa fought for decades to end
>apartheid; millions died or were made homeless. Apartheid has
>ended and the people of Southern Africa want to rebuild.
>Instead, we are asking the victims to pay again.
>Apartheid Debt  million UKPounds  Debt payments as  % of total
>trade earnings
>Angola          6,432         17
>Botswana          152          5
>Lesotho            91          6
>Malawi            724         21
>Mozambique      4,545         42
>Swaziland           0          3
>Tanzania          492         23
>Zambia          1,905         25
>Zimbabwe        2,273         24
>sub-total      16,614
>South Africa   11,345         12
>Total          27,959
>This report estimates "apartheid-caused debt" at UKP28
>billion. That is the UKP11 billion that South Africa borrowed
>to maintain apartheid, and the UKP17 billion that the
>neighbouring states borrowed because of apartheid
>destabilisation and aggression. This is 74% of the present
>regional debt of UKP38 billion.
>After the Second World War, the United States allowed Britain
>to repay debt at a very low rate so that it could rebuild. In
>1953, the victorious allies met in London to cancel most of
>Germany's debt, so that it could rebuild. Now the nations of
>Southern Africa want to rebuild a post-apartheid society, but
>the creditors of today are not willing to offer them the space
>Britain received from the US and the Allies gave to Germany.
>Instead they are demanding that the states of Southern Africa
>pay three to five times the level that Britain or Germany paid
>after World War II.
>1. What is 'apartheid-caused debt'?
>In this report, we first define "apartheid-caused debt",
>looking separately at South Africa and at the neighbouring
>states, and then we argue the case for cancelling this debt.
>We group two very different kinds of loans into what we define
>as "apartheid-caused debt". This framework forms the basis for
>the estimated figures we set out below.
>The debt of Southern Africa
>The apartheid regime defended itself not only by oppressing
>its own people, but by suppressing the people of the
>neighbouring states as well. It waged a full-scale war against
>Mozambique and Angola, made raids into all the neighbouring
>states, and imposed an economic blockade on Lesotho, Botswana,
>Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
>... the neighbouring states had to take out loans as a result
>of South African destabilisation. These were largely loans
>made by governments and by international financial agencies
>such as the World Bank. They were often "concessional" loans
>with low interest rates; ...
>Nevertheless, the cost of destabilisation was so great that
>loan repayments now account for a substantial expenditure -
>more than is spent on health and education in many of these
>countries. The repayment of these loans is now delaying
>reconstruction after the apartheid war. ...
>The debt of South Africa
>White South Africa took loans from international private banks
>to fund apartheid, because by the 1980s governments and the
>international financial agencies refused to lend. These
>private lenders took a risk in lending to the white regime
>when it was already a pariah state. These are also
>"apartheid-caused debts".
>We argue below that in international law, the new government
>of Nelson Mandela is not liable for these "odious debts" and
>that the international community should say that South Africa
>need not pay them.
>It is not straightforward to define the precise amount of
>"apartheid-caused debt", in part because of what financial
>analysts call "fungibility" - the fact that money lent for one
>purpose, in practice frees up funds for other purposes.
>Thus banks did not lend money to apartheid South Africa
>overtly to allow it to wage war on its neighbours, but money
>loaned to South Africa to build dams and power stations
>released other money which could then be used by the military
>- and the banks that refused to impose financial sanctions
>knowingly colluded in this. Similarly, the World Bank did not
>lend money to Mozambique so it could defend itself against
>apartheid, but those loans were essential to keep Mozambique
>alive under the apartheid onslaught.
>Creditors are not demanding that money be taken away from
>health and education to repay the debts - but they know that
>social services are such a large part of government spending
>that debt service requires cuts in these services.
>This is the essence of "fungibility" of money. Loans are
>labelled in ways that avoid reference to "unacceptable"
>expenditures. We pretend that debt repayments come from a
>different pocket than social spending, and thus do not demand
>health spending cuts. But in reality, it is all money going
>into and out of government budgets.
>In the appendix, we show how we estimated "apartheid-caused
>debt" and the related cost of destabilisation. In summary,
>these costs are:
>Cost of destabilisation million UK Pounds Apartheid Debt
>million UK Pounds
>Angola                  22,727          6,432
>Botswana                   379            152
>Lesotho                    227             91
>Malawi                   1,629            724
>Mozambique              11,364          4,545
>Swaziland                  152              0
>Tanzania                   985            492
>Zambia                   3,788          1,905
>Zimbabwe                 6,061          2,273
>      sub-total         47,311         16,614
>South Africa                           11,345
>Total                   47,311         27,959
>3. South Africa's 'odious debt'
>This concept of "odious debt" has a long history, arising
>initially from the United States' capture of Cuba from Spain
>in 1898. Spain demanded that the US pay Cuba's debts, and the
>US refused on the grounds that the debt had been "imposed upon
>the people of Cuba without their consent and by force of
>arms." Furthermore, the US argued that in such circumstances
>"the creditors, from the beginning, took the chances of the
>investment." The concept of "odious debt" was upheld and
>formally entered international law in the 1923 judgment of US
>Chief Justice Taft in the case of Great Britain vs Costa Rica.
>South Africa is a prime example of a country that has had
>governments that systematically oppressed the majority of its
>people. In 1973 the United Nations began to describe apartheid
>as a crime against humanity. Nevertheless, the international
>financial community, aided and abetted by the National Party
>government, continued to make loans to Pretoria, particularly
>in the 1980s, for which the new government is now held
>responsible. ...
>The Archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Reverend Njongonkulu
>Ndungane, speaking at Southwark Cathedral on 24 April 1997
>noted that "as we approach the new millennium, the time has
>come to invoke the Doctrine of Odious Debt. ... In the case of
>South Africa, its foreign and domestic debt was incurred, by
>and large, under the apartheid regime, and should ... be
>declared odious and written off."
>South Africa's foreign debt
>... The World Bank estimates that when the new government took
>over in 1994, it inherited a debt of UKP11 billion. ... Most
>of the debt is in the form of bonds and other marketable
>foreign debt, particularly syndicated loans denominated in
>dollars or ECUs and issued by European and US banks in the
>early 1980s. There are no outstanding loans to international
>financial agencies (IMF and World Bank) which predate the
>release of Nelson Mandela.
>4. Why debt should be cancelled
>We have argued that the apartheid-caused debt is odious and
>should therefore be cancelled. It should also be cancelled
>because it is siphoning off much needed resources. Nelson
>Mandela has promised that South Africa will pay its debts.
>Mozambique continues to pay its debts, even though debt
>service means that it has been forced to cut its education
>budget. Southern Africa made UKP3.8 billion in debt service
>payments in 1996, which is more than the region spent on
>The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Executive
>Secretary, Kaire Mbuende said recently: "There is no good
>reason why the debt of these states should not be written off.
>... "  Mbuende said repeated debt rescheduling had failed to
>help SADC countries because it: "pushes them even deeper into
>debt ..."
>After other wars
>Under the World Bank/IMF HIPC Initiative, poor countries are
>expected to make debt repayments equivalent to 20% of their
>export earnings. Mozambique will pay 17 per cent in 1998,
>falling to 13 per cent in 2000 under the new agreement. South
>Africa paid 12 per cent in 1996. This is a much higher level
>than was expected of war-torn Europe.
>After World War I, the victorious powers demanded that Germany
>make reparations payments of less than 15% of its exports ,
>and this was considered so excessive that it restricted
>Germany's post-war rebuilding and was seen as an important
>cause of World War II. This view was accepted by the allies
>who negotiated a new debt repayment agreement with the then
>new Federal Germany in London in 1953; this required Germany
>to pay only 3.5% of exports. Similarly, in order to allow
>Britain to rebuild, in 1945 the United States agreed that
>British debt repayments should be limited to 4% of exports.
>In both cases, it was argued that Europeans needed to spend
>money on post-war reconstruction rather than debt repayments.
>Yet now the international community wants Southern Africa to
>make massive debt repayments instead of rebuilding. Why should
>Mozambique, Malawi, or South Africa be asked to pay 12 to 20
>per cent when Britain and Germany only had to pay four per
>cent? ...
>If Southern Africa is to be peaceful and prosperous, and also
>a growing trading partner with Europe, it should spend its
>money to rebuild, and not to pay debt service. As Europe
>learned, this is an investment in preventing war. ...
>This material is being reposted for wider distribution by the
>Africa Policy Information Center (APIC), the educational
>affiliate of the Washington Office on Africa. APIC's primary
>objective is to widen the policy debate in the United States
>around African issues and the U.S. role in Africa, by
>concentrating on providing accessible policy-relevant
>information and analysis usable by a wide range of groups and
>Auto-response addresses for more information (send any e-mail
>message):  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (about the Africa
>Policy Electronic Distribution List); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(about APIC); [EMAIL PROTECTED] (about WOA). Documents
>previously distributed, as well as the auto-response
>information files, are also available on the Web at:
>To be added to or dropped from the distribution list write to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For more information about material cited
>from another source please contact directly the source
>mentioned in the posting rather than APIC.
>For additional information: Africa Policy Information Center,
>110 Maryland Ave. NE, #509, Washington, DC 20002. Phone:
>202-546-7961. Fax: 202-546-1545. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      Lori Pottinger, Director, Southern Africa Program,
        and Editor, World Rivers Review
           International Rivers Network
              1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California 94703, USA
                  Tel. (510) 848 1155   Fax (510) 848 1008

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